Former House speaker Newt Gingrich breaks down his biggest takeaways from the Mueller report.

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
This is the one of the better videos I've ever seen. A former Speaker of the House just tells it like it is about the Muller investigation and how the Dems are in a panic these days.

This is the one of the better videos I've ever seen. A former Speaker of the House just tells it like it is about the Muller investigation and how the Dems are in a panic these days.


Let's try to make it easy now for the thickheaded Left to actually comprehend the Mueller report:
  • PART ONE: No evidence found of Russian collusion or conspiracy to rig an election.
  • PART TWO: Some evidence that aggressive businessman CEO Trump acted aggressively and committed some political malfeasance in asking his handlers to do some things that when told by his handlers he couldn't do under the law, HE LISTENED TO THEM, OBEYED THEM AND THE LAW.
  • As a result, Mueller found no grounds to charge Trump with a SINGLE THING.
GAME OVER. From now on in as they keep pushing and especially if they force Mueller before the mic, the more clear it's going to become to the public and the world what batty loons the Democrats are in not giving up their baseless witch-hunt out of desperation.
What trump was discouraged from doing was not illegal. It just would have been politically damaging.
Imagine if you were in charge of an operation an an underling was trying to sabotage you with false information.
  • PART ONE: No evidence found of Russian collusion or conspiracy to rig an election.
You obviously did not read Mueller's Report :rolleyes:

PART TWO: Some evidence that aggressive businessman CEO Trump acted aggressively and committed some political malfeasance in asking his handlers to do some things that when told by his handlers he couldn't do under the law, HE LISTENED TO THEM, OBEYED THEM AND THE LAW.
:rofl: Nope! He followed the saying, ''If you don't succeed, you try, try, again!''

As a result, Mueller found no grounds to charge Trump with a SINGLE THING.
Nope Again! Justice department rules state that a sitting president can not be charged with a crime by the Justice department, and that all that can be done, is document the alleged crime while things are still fresh, as he did, and charge them after they leave office or to hand the gathered facts over to Congress to charge him, via impeachment. Also, Mueller stated that, NO ONE is above the law, not even the President.

GAME OVER. From now on in as they keep pushing and especially if they force Mueller before the mic, the more clear it's going to become to the public and the world what batty loons the Democrats are in not giving up their baseless witch-hunt out of desperation.
It's the end of the beginning. Nowhere close to game over, especially since it appears the loggerheads on both sides are holding their ground, not budging... thus a long court battle for the facts and transparency for Congress to see all.

Truth always finds it's way out....
  • PART ONE: No evidence found of Russian collusion or conspiracy to rig an election.
You obviously did not read Mueller's Report :rolleyes:

PART TWO: Some evidence that aggressive businessman CEO Trump acted aggressively and committed some political malfeasance in asking his handlers to do some things that when told by his handlers he couldn't do under the law, HE LISTENED TO THEM, OBEYED THEM AND THE LAW.
:rofl: Nope! He followed the saying, ''If you don't succeed, you try, try, again!''

As a result, Mueller found no grounds to charge Trump with a SINGLE THING.
Nope Again! Justice department rules state that a sitting president can not be charged with a crime by the Justice department, and that all that can be done, is document the alleged crime while things are still fresh, as he did, and charge them after they leave office or to hand the gathered facts over to Congress to charge him, via impeachment. Also, Mueller stated that, NO ONE is above the law, not even the President.

GAME OVER. From now on in as they keep pushing and especially if they force Mueller before the mic, the more clear it's going to become to the public and the world what batty loons the Democrats are in not giving up their baseless witch-hunt out of desperation.
It's the end of the beginning. Nowhere close to game over, especially since it appears the loggerheads on both sides are holding their ground, not budging... thus a long court battle for the facts and transparency for Congress to see all.

Truth always finds it's way out....
Change the channel.
It’s done except for left wing democrat idiots.
The only thing left is to see how guilty the Obama admin is.
<snip>You obviously did not read Mueller's Report. It's the end of the beginning.

Oh, Honey, you are getting so old. You look at it ANY WAY YOU WANT, but Mueller found NO TRUTH to the claims you've made for two years that Trump was in Putin's back pocket, had colluded in any way, and at worst, had taken some actions of political malfeasance that none of it rises to the level of impeachment. You can't even be original enough to not steal Nadler's weary "end of the beginning" BS. There will be no impeachment hearings, at worst, a slap on the wrist to make it look good, and Trump will be reelected in 2020.

But no doubt the Dimiwits of Washington will continue this political farce for as long as they can in the hopes that it will either uncover /something/ they can hold against Trump going into the next election cycle or just to appease their base as the rest of the country continues to slide into ruin with many important issues facing us the taxpayers need, want and demand resolved far more important to our lives. Like the border.

WE'RE TIRED OF THE MANUFACTURED POLITICAL THEATER at our taxpayer's expense which only serves the bobbleheads in Washington sustain their own political careers so they can live to do it again and again with the slings and arrows back and forth while nothing actually gets done for the citizen's of this country!

In the end, those calling for impeachment now are simply burning their own political bridges behind them and come November next year, this is all going to come back in the faces of the Democrats, because whatever any of this they try to throw in Trump's face, they are only guilty of themselves 10X worse.
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  • PART ONE: No evidence found of Russian collusion or conspiracy to rig an election.
You obviously did not read Mueller's Report :rolleyes:

PART TWO: Some evidence that aggressive businessman CEO Trump acted aggressively and committed some political malfeasance in asking his handlers to do some things that when told by his handlers he couldn't do under the law, HE LISTENED TO THEM, OBEYED THEM AND THE LAW.
:rofl: Nope! He followed the saying, ''If you don't succeed, you try, try, again!''

As a result, Mueller found no grounds to charge Trump with a SINGLE THING.
Nope Again! Justice department rules state that a sitting president can not be charged with a crime by the Justice department, and that all that can be done, is document the alleged crime while things are still fresh, as he did, and charge them after they leave office or to hand the gathered facts over to Congress to charge him, via impeachment. Also, Mueller stated that, NO ONE is above the law, not even the President.

GAME OVER. From now on in as they keep pushing and especially if they force Mueller before the mic, the more clear it's going to become to the public and the world what batty loons the Democrats are in not giving up their baseless witch-hunt out of desperation.
It's the end of the beginning. Nowhere close to game over, especially since it appears the loggerheads on both sides are holding their ground, not budging... thus a long court battle for the facts and transparency for Congress to see all.

Truth always finds it's way out....

Another Flat Earther speaks out.
  • PART ONE: No evidence found of Russian collusion or conspiracy to rig an election.
You obviously did not read Mueller's Report :rolleyes:

PART TWO: Some evidence that aggressive businessman CEO Trump acted aggressively and committed some political malfeasance in asking his handlers to do some things that when told by his handlers he couldn't do under the law, HE LISTENED TO THEM, OBEYED THEM AND THE LAW.
:rofl: Nope! He followed the saying, ''If you don't succeed, you try, try, again!''

As a result, Mueller found no grounds to charge Trump with a SINGLE THING.
Nope Again! Justice department rules state that a sitting president can not be charged with a crime by the Justice department, and that all that can be done, is document the alleged crime while things are still fresh, as he did, and charge them after they leave office or to hand the gathered facts over to Congress to charge him, via impeachment. Also, Mueller stated that, NO ONE is above the law, not even the President.

GAME OVER. From now on in as they keep pushing and especially if they force Mueller before the mic, the more clear it's going to become to the public and the world what batty loons the Democrats are in not giving up their baseless witch-hunt out of desperation.
It's the end of the beginning. Nowhere close to game over, especially since it appears the loggerheads on both sides are holding their ground, not budging... thus a long court battle for the facts and transparency for Congress to see all.

Truth always finds it's way out....
Change the channel.
It’s done except for left wing democrat idiots.
The only thing left is to see how guilty the Obama admin is.
Lol, I know. The more they look into Trump, the more Obama corruption is being proven. They keep it up, Obama could land in jail!

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