Newt Gingrich Shares Terrifying Secret About Obama

I'm not trying to defend Republicans. I'm flabbergasted at what the Democrats allow their leaders get away with.
Like what ? Wearing tan suits ?
Making a false equivalency is far from being neutral.
Overall, there is no comparison between 317 and 2…..
You really think it's some sort of 'leap' to know what you parrots promote on any issue??? lol that's cute. We know why you gimps bring up Trump, no matter what the thread is about, sicko.
Probably because Trump is still the de facto leader of your party. He’s the leading candidate with over 50% support in a party with 29% of the registered voters. 17% of the public are borderline batshit crazy which pretty much matches gop trump supporters, who keep claiming they’re right on every made up issue while over 80% of the deciders are wrong…..sounds like fascism or at least apartheid gov in the making.
Probably because Trump is still the de facto leader of your party. He’s the leading candidate with over 50% support in a party with 29% of the registered voters. 17% of the public are borderline batshit crazy which pretty much matches gop trump supporters, who keep claiming they’re right on every made up issue while over 80% of the deciders are wrong…..sounds like fascism or at least apartheid gov in the making.
Just give us our money. You pay for it. 20% inflation since joe came into office promising unity and love. As you know, Progressives told us they knew better. For four years of Trump. You knew better. He was destroyed every day from those pundits of integrity.
Just give us our money. You pay for it. 20% inflation since joe came into office promising unity and love. As you know, Progressives told us they knew better. For four years of Trump. You knew better. He was destroyed every day from those pundits of integrity.
Hilarious. You actually think that the gov support of people not losing their homes, not letting people lose their jobs and employer based healthcare, not allowing people to be kicked out of their rentals wasn’t goung to cost in the long run ? Boy are you naive. We have an inflation to prevent a massive recession so small business can recover their profits. You conservatives know shit about economics.
6-7% interest rates are MORE the sign of a growing and stable economy, not your fking 0-1% where no one saves and everyone lives off borrowed money.
Conservatives are the party of free stuff…you want to pay no taxes, no interest with no savings…. You want everything for free.
You left out FDR, JFK, LBJ and the rest of the democratic alphabet.
and non
e of them come close to the incompetence and criminality of the gop. The gop had one near competent president….Bush Sr. and they hated him…he actually signed a tax increase that cost him his political career just to piss off his donors who got him elected.
and none of them come close to the incompetence and criminality of the gop. The gop had one near competent president….Bush Sr. and they hated him…he actually signed a tax increase that cost him his political career just to piss off his donors who got him elected.
Bush Sr was able to get the entire world behind repelling the invasion of Kuwait.

But I do blame him for putting Dan Quayle a heartbeat from the presidency. It gave people the illusion that you don't need to be smart to run the country, which gave "Dubya" his shot at the oval office.
You gotta be amazed by a gop party that supports and lauds criminalty, fraud and incompetence in govt.
That would be Biden with his payoff with China, Ukraine, and Russia. His open border and his jobs reports that are inaccurate every month.
You guys really needed Durham to come through and find the dirt on Obama. What do you think happened to the Obamagate investigation that was going to expose all the corruption of the Obama-Clinton-Biden Syndicate. Was he bought off? Was the threatened by Hillary with a swift Seth Rich treatment. Inquiring Neo-GOP minds want to know which lie to go with?
I guess when one has an inability to comprehend even basic words one should just move on and not even bother as it will do no good.

I can not speak for Democrats but I have done nothing but condemn Obama's actions. You pile on until I note that Trump did it also.

Blind partisanship that you so display here is what is wrong with this country.

Trump signs surveillance extension into law
I appreciate your consistency and have noticed that you call out both. On this specific topic of surveillance, both parties like to get political out of concern for Americans privacy.
Like what ? Wearing tan suits ?
Making a false equivalency is far from being neutral.
Overall, there is no comparison between 317 and 2…..

I posted "like what". Read it, understand it.
I appreciate your consistency and have noticed that you call out both. On this specific topic of surveillance, both parties like to get political out of concern for Americans privacy.

Both are full of sleaze balls only concerned with holding on to power, screw the people's rights.
Bush Sr was able to get the entire world behind repelling the invasion of Kuwait.

But I do blame him for putting Dan Quayle a heartbeat from the presidency. It gave people the illusion that you don't need to be smart to run the country, which gave "Dubya" his shot at the oval office.
yup….but Dan Quayle was a genius compared to Trump. At least like George Bush sr, he had a modicum of integrity.

Really, the most important thing is to know what you don’t know and surround yourself with knowledgeable people who will use science, fill in the gaps and give you the information regardless.

I guess we have to blame McCaine too for Sarah Palin. That move could have cost him an election.

Its no illusion now we you can have a compatible dumb ass get elected president.
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That would be Biden with his payoff with China, Ukraine, and Russia. His open border and his jobs reports that are inaccurate every month.
You have proof ? Otherwise your just making up shit…as usual.
You have proof ? Otherwise your just making up shit…as usual.
Biden let's China fly a spy Ballon over the United States. After Hunter got money from them. Russian gives hunter a couple million and Putin gets his pipeline.
The last 5 months the jobs report has come out string then a week later revised to about half of the original report.
Ask new york about illegals flooding our country.
Biden let's China fly a spy Ballon over the United States. After Hunter got money from them. Russian gives hunter a couple million and Putin gets his pipeline.
The last 5 months the jobs report has come out string then a week later revised to about half of the original report.
Ask new york about illegals flooding our country.
Right, the gop controlled congress has all your facts now. You sent them in right ? Otherwise, you’re blowing smoke up your ass.

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