Former Kentucky Clerk In Gay Marriage Case Must Pay Additonal $260K.

The consequences should fit the crime

In this case there was no crime

Just the failure of a government employee to do her job

But this case is what ambulance chasers and fat ass judges call precedent

And any game your side can invent others can learn to play
The civil injury in this case was a violation of their civil rights. That's a pretty big deal. Whether or not the penalty changes your feelings on the matter is besides the point because it will almost certainly change the way most of you comport yourselves, which is more important.
The civil injury in this case was a violation of their civil rights. That's a pretty big deal. Whether or not the penalty changes your feelings on the matter is besides the point because it will almost certainly change the way most of you comport yourselves, which is more important.
Thats bullshit

The remedy is to remove the clerk, not bury her under the courthouse
Thats bullshit
These are your feelings. I don't care.
The remedy is to remove the clerk, not bury her under the courthouse
And to prevent future bigots from seeking these positions. Places of authority and power aren't for you bigots. This is to educate you on where your place is. Like I said, I gives no fucks how you feel about it so long as you learn it.
The law requires something to be done that is a nullity in the eyes of people who believe in God. Her protest may have been illegal, but many acts of conscience become illegal when a tyranny is imposed.
Fuck her. She should have quit.
On the bright side, this sets the stage to get gay marriage back to the Supreme Court. Then the marriage issue can be properly returned to the states, as they are the sole authority on issuing marriage licenses.
You think who you can marry is a state issue? The Constitution ass rapes you.
No, losing her job would be paying for her stupidity…having to pay $240,000 because someone got mad is injustice.
You MAGATards act like having wear a mask is the greatest human rights violation in history, but this ok?

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