Former Louisiana House Rep. David Duke: "Congress Alien To American Peoples Interests

He would make this nation a better place and rid the negro of scamming the working taxpayer by ending generational welfare when they are clearly able to work. And he would clamp down on illegal immigration and end tax credits for illegal aliens children.

my first response is to tell you to fuck off.

but, i will give your racist rant a chance.

how is the "negro" bad for america?

be specific you racist POS
They are a sub-human with limited intelligence. They act on impulse in stressful situations since they are incapable of rational reason and common sense. They are a burden on the American taxpayer since most are lazy and refuse to work. They feel they should be entitled. They are dangerous to society in general. They are prone to commit rapes on white women, murders and theft while being a small percentage of the general population. There's more but this should be suffice.

Kindly shove a piranha up your peehole.
What proof do you have the site I linked is wrong? What specifically is inaccurate about the information on the website?

You didn't prove anything. You said "the Jews own the majority of the media" then linked a page of executives who are Jewish. That's laughable bullshit. It means you know little about corporate ownership and the motives of corporations, and rely on garbage web sites that also don't know anything about ownership.

Do Jews a disproportionate share of the media? Yes. That's because they are 2% of the population but own significantly more than 2% of the media. But the vast majority of owners of the media in this country are White non-Jews. Go bitch about White non-Jews if you have a problem with the media. But I doubt you will.

I know the difference corporate executives and shareholders.

What info is incorrect on the website I linked?

What media companies does Fidelity or the Johnson family own?

Which "white non-jews" own the majority of the media?

You said the largest shareholders of the media companies were Jewish. I used Fidelity as an example. Media companies are owned by many large pools of capital that are comprised of the savings of tens of millions of Americans, the vast majority who are "white non-Jews." The stuff that isn't owned by the funds are owned by rich people. The majority of the richest people who own most of the wealth in this country are "white non-Jews."

Your site listed Bob Iger as an example. Bob Iger owns 1,159,675 shares of Disney. The largest shareholder of Disney is Vanguard, one of the largest mutual funds in the world, which owns 78,030,824 shares of Disney. After Vanguard, the largest owners of Disney stock are State Street, MFS, FMR (Fidelity), Black Rock, State Farm, Capital World, BONY Mellon, Northern Trust and Wellington. These are all institutional corporations. The combined ownership of those companies is ~450,000,000 shares.

Yet, according to you, Bob Iger - the CEO of Disney - is part of a Jewish cabal that "owns" the media, even though he owns 1.2 million shares compared to the 450 million shares owned by the big funds.

DIS Major Holders | Walt Disney Company (The) Commo Stock - Yahoo! Finance
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You didn't prove anything. You said "the Jews own the majority of the media" then linked a page of executives who are Jewish. That's laughable bullshit. It means you know little about corporate ownership and the motives of corporations, and rely on garbage web sites that also don't know anything about ownership.

Do Jews a disproportionate share of the media? Yes. That's because they are 2% of the population but own significantly more than 2% of the media. But the vast majority of owners of the media in this country are White non-Jews. Go bitch about White non-Jews if you have a problem with the media. But I doubt you will.

I know the difference corporate executives and shareholders.

What info is incorrect on the website I linked?

What media companies does Fidelity or the Johnson family own?

Which "white non-jews" own the majority of the media?

You said the largest shareholders of the media companies were Jewish. I used Fidelity as an example. Media companies are owned by many large pools of capital that are comprised of the savings of tens of millions of Americans, the vast majority who are "white non-Jews." The stuff that isn't owned by the funds are owned by rich people. The majority of the richest people who own most of the wealth in this country are "white non-Jews."

Your site listed Bob Iger as an example. Bob Iger owns 1,159,675 shares of Disney. The largest shareholder of Disney is Vanguard, one of the largest mutual funds in the world, which owns 78,030,824 shares of Disney. After Vanguard, the largest owners of Disney stock are State Street, MFS, FMR (Fidelity), Black Rock, State Farm, Capital World, BONY Mellon, Northern Trust and Wellington. These are all institutional corporations. The combined ownership of those companies is ~450,000,000 shares.

Yet, according to you, Bob Iger - the CEO of Disney - is part of a Jewish cabal that "owns" the media, even though he owns 1.2 million shares compared to the 450 million shares owned by the big funds.

DIS Major Holders | Walt Disney Company (The) Commo Stock - Yahoo! Finance

Bob Iger is the majority shareholder in Disney, the largest individual shareholder.

Earlier you attacked me for being ignorant on finance but you don't know the first thing about ownership. Vanguard is an institutional shareholder. They as a company don't own stocks. They buy stocks for their individual investors, who are the shareholders.

Only an idiot would say Vanguard owns Disney.

So yes, Jews, through ownership and control of executive boards, own and control the majority of American media companies.
Bob Iger is the majority shareholder in Disney, the largest individual shareholder.

Earlier you attacked me for being ignorant on finance but you don't know the first thing about ownership. Vanguard is an institutional shareholder. They as a company don't own stocks. They buy stocks for their individual investors, who are the shareholders.

Only an idiot would say Vanguard owns Disney.

So yes, Jews, through ownership and control of executive boards, own and control the majority of American media companies.

Vanguard is the legal owner of the shares, not the individuals who give the money to Vanguard to manage. Vanguard votes the shares, not the individuals. Vanguard votes on the directors who then chose the executives, not the individuals. Vanguard is the largest share owner in Disney, not da Joos. They, and all the other large mutual funds, are the share owners, not just of media companies, but of corporate America in general. So when the vote for the directors of the board occurs, the 10 largest mutual funds have 450,000,000 votes. Bob Iger has 1.1 million votes.
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Bob Iger is the majority shareholder in Disney, the largest individual shareholder.

Earlier you attacked me for being ignorant on finance but you don't know the first thing about ownership. Vanguard is an institutional shareholder. They as a company don't own stocks. They buy stocks for their individual investors, who are the shareholders.

Only an idiot would say Vanguard owns Disney.

So yes, Jews, through ownership and control of executive boards, own and control the majority of American media companies.

Vanguard is the legal owner of the shares, not the individuals who give the money to Vanguard to manage. Vanguard votes the shares, not the individuals. Vanguard votes on the directors who then chose the executives, not the individuals. Vanguard is the largest share owner in Disney, not da Joos. They, and all the other large mutual funds, are the share owners, not just of media companies, but of corporate America in general. So when the vote for the directors of the board occurs, the 10 largest mutual funds have 450,000,000 votes. Bob Iger has 1.1 million votes.

You are right, an individual Jew does not have the most shares in Disney, multiple interests own Disney. Vanguard does individually wield the most shareholder votes(from what I can find, though I have read The Steve Jobs estate and George Lucas are the 1st and 2nd Largest Shareholders), however they alone do not dictate votes. These multiple shareholder interests have given day to day control of Disney to Jews through the executive board. Jews run Disney day to day even if they don't own the majority of shares in the company.

And it doesn't change the fact that Jews own and control the majority of American media outlets. Disney is not the only media outlet. For example

Aviv Nevo is the largest shareholder of Time Warner, a Jew.

Brian Roberts(Chairman and CEO) is the largest voting interest of Comcast(33% of voting control), a Jew.
Comcast vision paying off -

Sumner Redstone(Chairman of National Amusements, which owns CBS and Viacom) and his family are the Majority Owners of CBS and Viacom, they are Jews.
Sumner Redstone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So through ownership and day to day control through the executive board of media companies, Jews own and control the majority of major media outlets.

Stops obfuscating and distracting people from the truth.
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It's a pleasure to hear when David Duke is called on by the press to enlighten the sheeple from time to time. Like Sarah Palin, he would make a good president that would benefit this nation. It's awesome that a Christian gentlemen like David Duke is standing his ground against Israel and calling Congress out.

PressTV - US Congress alien to American people interest: David Duke

Conservatives are embarrassed by you.

All normal peeps are embarrassed to be of the same species as the OP.
There is no connection between American conservatives and Nazi scum.
It's a pleasure to hear when David Duke is called on by the press to enlighten the sheeple from time to time. Like Sarah Palin, he would make a good president that would benefit this nation. It's awesome that a Christian gentlemen like David Duke is standing his ground against Israel and calling Congress out.

PressTV - US Congress alien to American people interest: David Duke

Conservatives are embarrassed by you.

All normal peeps are embarrassed to be of the same species as the OP.
There is no connection between American conservatives and Nazi scum.

American "Conservatism" is dead. It will be relegated to the ash bin of political irrelevancy it deserves in elections to come. The Democrat Party will become the ruling party in a one party state like the PRI in Mexico.
Bob Iger is the majority shareholder in Disney, the largest individual shareholder.

Earlier you attacked me for being ignorant on finance but you don't know the first thing about ownership. Vanguard is an institutional shareholder. They as a company don't own stocks. They buy stocks for their individual investors, who are the shareholders.

Only an idiot would say Vanguard owns Disney.

So yes, Jews, through ownership and control of executive boards, own and control the majority of American media companies.

Vanguard is the legal owner of the shares, not the individuals who give the money to Vanguard to manage. Vanguard votes the shares, not the individuals. Vanguard votes on the directors who then chose the executives, not the individuals. Vanguard is the largest share owner in Disney, not da Joos. They, and all the other large mutual funds, are the share owners, not just of media companies, but of corporate America in general. So when the vote for the directors of the board occurs, the 10 largest mutual funds have 450,000,000 votes. Bob Iger has 1.1 million votes.

You are right, an individual Jew does not have the most shares in Disney, multiple interests own Disney. Vanguard does individually wield the most shareholder votes(from what I can find, though I have read The Steve Jobs estate and George Lucas are the 1st and 2nd Largest Shareholders), however they alone do not dictate votes. These multiple shareholder interests have given day to day control of Disney to Jews through the executive board. Jews run Disney day to day even if they don't own the majority of shares in the company.

And it doesn't change the fact that Jews own and control the majority of American media outlets. Disney is not the only media outlet. For example

Aviv Nevo is the largest shareholder of Time Warner, a Jew.

Brian Roberts(Chairman and CEO) is the largest voting interest of Comcast(33% of voting control), a Jew.
Comcast vision paying off -

Sumner Redstone(Chairman of National Amusements, which owns CBS and Viacom) and his family are the Majority Owners of CBS and Viacom, they are Jews.
Sumner Redstone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So through ownership and day to day control through the executive board of media companies, Jews own and control the majority of major media outlets.

Stops obfuscating and distracting people from the truth.

Perhaps you should stop lying. Your bogus story about Iger having blown up in your face, you simply roll out the rest of your Nazi website BS. You offer nothing to prove your contention that America's Jews are anything but American. Reading Robert's (Comcast) bio reveals what has to date been some very successful corporate leadership:

Brian L. Roberts is Chairman and CEO of Comcast Corporation. Under his leadership, Comcast has grown into a Fortune 50 company and is the nation’s largest video, high-speed Internet and phone provider to residential customers under the XFINITY brand and also provides these services to businesses.
Vanguard is the legal owner of the shares, not the individuals who give the money to Vanguard to manage. Vanguard votes the shares, not the individuals. Vanguard votes on the directors who then chose the executives, not the individuals. Vanguard is the largest share owner in Disney, not da Joos. They, and all the other large mutual funds, are the share owners, not just of media companies, but of corporate America in general. So when the vote for the directors of the board occurs, the 10 largest mutual funds have 450,000,000 votes. Bob Iger has 1.1 million votes.

You are right, an individual Jew does not have the most shares in Disney, multiple interests own Disney. Vanguard does individually wield the most shareholder votes(from what I can find, though I have read The Steve Jobs estate and George Lucas are the 1st and 2nd Largest Shareholders), however they alone do not dictate votes. These multiple shareholder interests have given day to day control of Disney to Jews through the executive board. Jews run Disney day to day even if they don't own the majority of shares in the company.

And it doesn't change the fact that Jews own and control the majority of American media outlets. Disney is not the only media outlet. For example

Aviv Nevo is the largest shareholder of Time Warner, a Jew.

Brian Roberts(Chairman and CEO) is the largest voting interest of Comcast(33% of voting control), a Jew.
Comcast vision paying off -

Sumner Redstone(Chairman of National Amusements, which owns CBS and Viacom) and his family are the Majority Owners of CBS and Viacom, they are Jews.
Sumner Redstone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So through ownership and day to day control through the executive board of media companies, Jews own and control the majority of major media outlets.

Stops obfuscating and distracting people from the truth.

Perhaps you should stop lying. Your bogus story about Iger having blown up in your face, you simply roll out the rest of your Nazi website BS. You offer nothing to prove your contention that America's Jews are anything but American. Reading Robert's (Comcast) bio reveals what has to date been some very successful corporate leadership:

Brian L. Roberts is Chairman and CEO of Comcast Corporation. Under his leadership, Comcast has grown into a Fortune 50 company and is the nation’s largest video, high-speed Internet and phone provider to residential customers under the XFINITY brand and also provides these services to businesses.

I never lied about Iger, I made a mistake, I thought he was the largest shareholder and I was wrong, I admitted it. All I am interested in is in the truth. The fact is, though Disney is owned by multiple interests, the Chairman/CEO is Jewish(Iger), as is the Executive Senior Vice President/General Counsel/Secretary(Braverman). The day to day operations are run by Jews

As for the rest of your post, about Brian Roberts, the Jew who is the Chairman and CEO of Comcast and the largest voting interest in the company, you are just reposting info I posted.

What nazi website did I post, the NY Times, you mean the NY Times that is owned by the NY Times Company, whose Chairman is a Jew, Arthur Sulzberger(who is also the publisher of the NY Times)? LOL

Yea, that "nazi" website. Fucking moron.

Stick to talking about tax cuts or duck dynasty, dipshit.
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Maybe racists should be expelled from the United States instead. Most of them are uneducated losers who try to make up for their inadequacies by enhancing their self-esteem through race.

Jews, on the other hand, are hard-working, productive and successful members of society.

Our country would be better if we had more Jews and less racists.
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