Former Marine arrested by FBI for facebook posts

As far as I'm aware, one doesn't get arrested because your former boss thinks you might be a 'violent nutter'. If that were the case, half this board would be in jail.

Only half?

What's wrong with the quote? If you pull together a financial plan to build a candy store, when you open your doors do CUSTOMERS come in and "BUY" from you? Or is business some other way around.

No idea what you're rambling on about. I was commenting on CG's comment that half the people in here would be in jail. Thanks for playing though.
This quote idiot "If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." Barack Obama
This quote idiot "If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." Barack Obama

I see. You were commenting on my signature, not the substance of the post you replied to. You might want to actually SAY that's what you're doing next time. You'll look less like an idiot.
I know i'm gonna catch hell from the usual suspects, but sometimes i really do think these social network sites are just CIA/FBI fronts for domestic spying. It's clear, they do work very closely with each other. Google seems to work very closely with the Government as well. And i don't think my assessment is farfetched either. It has been proven that major Telecoms like AT&T do spy for the U.S. Government. But oh well, i guess the People have decided thay want their Police State. It is what it is.

Now you know why I don't facebook or twitter or any of that other inane shit

I do. I'm not going to give up my freedom out of fear, they're going to have to take it from me by force.

Personally I have no interest in the minutiae of others' lives.

If I want to communicate with someone I'll actually talk to them rather than reading about what they ate for breakfast and what time they take their morning dump on facebook
I look like an idiot? Didn't a bell go off in your head you ACTUALLY could not see at first glance what I was saying? And I look like an idiot.
Chesterfield Police’s Col. Thierry Dupuis issued the following statement Monday afternoon after receiving numerous media inquiries:

Chesterfield Police assisted federal authorities in their efforts to interview Brandon J. Raub on Thursday, Aug. 16. After speaking to Raub, officers believed him to be in need of further evaluation.

Chesterfield officers at the scene contacted Chesterfield Mental Health Crisis Intervention. Crisis workers recommended that police take Raub into custody and bring him in for evaluation.

Chesterfield police took Raub into custody for evaluation in accordance with Virginia State Code § 37.2-808 Emergency custody.

Raub was placed in handcuffs after he resisted officers’ attempts to take him into custody.

Raub was evaluated by a Chesterfield mental health official, who determined that he should be held under a temporary dention order and transported to John Randolph Medical Center for additional evaluation.

Raub was not arrested and he faces no criminal charges in Chesterfield. As this is not a criminal matter, Chesterfield police have no further comment.

Chesterfield police: Raub resisted officers, was taken for evaluation |

FBI didn't arrest him. FBI didn't detain him. The police made the call because he resisted arrest.

This has been another episode of USMB conspiracy theorists on drugs.
Chesterfield Police’s Col. Thierry Dupuis issued the following statement Monday afternoon after receiving numerous media inquiries:

Chesterfield Police assisted federal authorities in their efforts to interview Brandon J. Raub on Thursday, Aug. 16. After speaking to Raub, officers believed him to be in need of further evaluation.

Chesterfield officers at the scene contacted Chesterfield Mental Health Crisis Intervention. Crisis workers recommended that police take Raub into custody and bring him in for evaluation.

Chesterfield police took Raub into custody for evaluation in accordance with Virginia State Code § 37.2-808 Emergency custody.

Raub was placed in handcuffs after he resisted officers’ attempts to take him into custody.

Raub was evaluated by a Chesterfield mental health official, who determined that he should be held under a temporary dention order and transported to John Randolph Medical Center for additional evaluation.

Raub was not arrested and he faces no criminal charges in Chesterfield. As this is not a criminal matter, Chesterfield police have no further comment.

Chesterfield police: Raub resisted officers, was taken for evaluation |

FBI didn't arrest him. FBI didn't detain him. The police made the call because he resisted arrest.

This has been another episode of USMB conspiracy theorists on drugs.
I still do not automatically buy police accounts of people 'resisting' arrest. I've seen people slammed to the ground for asking a question.
Chesterfield Police’s Col. Thierry Dupuis issued the following statement Monday afternoon after receiving numerous media inquiries:

Chesterfield Police assisted federal authorities in their efforts to interview Brandon J. Raub on Thursday, Aug. 16. After speaking to Raub, officers believed him to be in need of further evaluation.

Chesterfield officers at the scene contacted Chesterfield Mental Health Crisis Intervention. Crisis workers recommended that police take Raub into custody and bring him in for evaluation.

Chesterfield police took Raub into custody for evaluation in accordance with Virginia State Code § 37.2-808 Emergency custody.

Raub was placed in handcuffs after he resisted officers’ attempts to take him into custody.

Raub was evaluated by a Chesterfield mental health official, who determined that he should be held under a temporary dention order and transported to John Randolph Medical Center for additional evaluation.

Raub was not arrested and he faces no criminal charges in Chesterfield. As this is not a criminal matter, Chesterfield police have no further comment.

Chesterfield police: Raub resisted officers, was taken for evaluation |

FBI didn't arrest him. FBI didn't detain him. The police made the call because he resisted arrest.

This has been another episode of USMB conspiracy theorists on drugs.
I still do not automatically buy police accounts of people 'resisting' arrest. I've seen people slammed to the ground for asking a question.

I agree. It's very possible his rights have been violated. But not by the US Government.
Chesterfield Police’s Col. Thierry Dupuis issued the following statement Monday afternoon after receiving numerous media inquiries:

Chesterfield Police assisted federal authorities in their efforts to interview Brandon J. Raub on Thursday, Aug. 16. After speaking to Raub, officers believed him to be in need of further evaluation.

Chesterfield officers at the scene contacted Chesterfield Mental Health Crisis Intervention. Crisis workers recommended that police take Raub into custody and bring him in for evaluation.

Chesterfield police took Raub into custody for evaluation in accordance with Virginia State Code § 37.2-808 Emergency custody.

Raub was placed in handcuffs after he resisted officers’ attempts to take him into custody.

Raub was evaluated by a Chesterfield mental health official, who determined that he should be held under a temporary dention order and transported to John Randolph Medical Center for additional evaluation.

Raub was not arrested and he faces no criminal charges in Chesterfield. As this is not a criminal matter, Chesterfield police have no further comment.

Chesterfield police: Raub resisted officers, was taken for evaluation |

FBI didn't arrest him. FBI didn't detain him. The police made the call because he resisted arrest.

This has been another episode of USMB conspiracy theorists on drugs.

Boy oh boy there will be some rationalizations from the right wingers now.
They cannot be wrong it must be Obama's fault!
if you read his posts, it does sound like he needs mental help so putting him under observation doesn't sound like a bad idea.

in an internet posting, sean lawlor, a marine corps veteran who says he was raub's platoon commander in iraq, described raub as "an excellent marine" but added that he had been alarmed by his recent behavior.

Lawlor said that after seeing raub's posts, he contacted raub to check on him and was disturbed by his fixation with government conspiracies, adding that his politics had become "extreme and violent."

"knowing the man that he is, i believe that he fully intended to act on the threats he was posting," lawlor wrote. "we may never know, but the fact that law enforcement intervened may have kept brandon from doing something extremely destructive."

veteran in facebook flap has hearing today, mother says | richmond times-dispatch

you are such a lunatic..
Violent who is violent, mental patients, are not violent, for the largest part.
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Man oh about back peddling and washing their hands of this. Now FBI(federal bureau of idiots) is claiming they have nothing to do with this despite the mother talking to a fed stormtrooper and her telling the mother he was being held because his posts on FB, and the cops had no record of him being arrested or processed..lie more scumbags we have very good memories. Cops had no warrant therefore had no right on his property and local pigs don't harass you over something like things you said on FB that were directed at the fed gov. Wonder why the video shows feds directing the pigs to take him away but now all of a sudden NO ONE has anything to do with it...guess we put that video everywhere and anywhere we could and they can't lock him away under NDAA so gotta come up with some other bullshit to charge him with. Next time I guess they will just shoot the person with the camera and claim he resisted or tried to harm them to justify it.

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