Former Saddam Hussein Officers Play Major Role In Islamic State


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, center, chairs a joint meeting of the Revolutionary Command Council and the regional command of the ruling Baath Party on Oct. 31, 1998. (Reuters)

The hidden hand behind the Islamic State militants? Saddam Hussein’s.

CONFRONTING THE ‘CALIPHATE’| This is part of an occasional series about the militant group Islamic State and its violent collision with the United States and others intent on halting the group’s rapid rise.

SANLIURFA, Turkey — When Abu Hamza, a former Syrian rebel, agreed to join the Islamic State, he did so assuming he would become a part of the group’s promised Islamist utopia, which has lured foreign jihadists from around the globe.

Instead, he found himself being supervised by an Iraqi emir and receiving orders from shadowy Iraqis who moved in and out of the battlefield in Syria. When Abu Hamza disagreed with fellow commanders at an Islamic State meeting last year, he said, he was placed under arrest on the orders of a masked Iraqi man who had sat silently through the proceedings, listening and taking notes.

Abu Hamza, who became the group’s ruler in a small community in Syria, never discovered the Iraqis’ real identities, which were cloaked by code names or simply not revealed. All of the men, however, were former Iraqi officers who had served under Saddam Hussein, including the masked man, who had once worked for an Iraqi intelligence agency and now belonged to the Islamic State’s own shadowy security service, he said.

His account, and those of others who have lived with or fought against the Islamic State over the past two years, underscore the pervasive role played by members of Iraq’s former Baathist army in an organization more typically associated with flamboyant foreign jihadists and the gruesome videos in which they star.

Even with the influx of thousands of foreign fighters, almost all of the leaders of the Islamic State are former Iraqi officers, including the members of its shadowy military and security committees, and the majority of its emirs and princes, according to Iraqis, Syrians and analysts who study the group.

They have brought to the organization the military expertise and some of the agendas of the former Baathists, as well as the smuggling networks developed to avoid sanctions in the 1990s and which now facilitate the Islamic State’s illicit oil trading.

Much More: The hidden hand behind the Islamic State militants? Saddam Hussein's. - The Washington Post

I think this is a fine article that further demonstrates the disaster of removing Saddam from power. We have the Bushes to thank for that misguided foreign policy atrocity.
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Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41 lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

Good grief! This is old news to anyone who has been tracking ISIS. Baghdadi recruited them right away. He also did prison time with a batch of them.

And don't play holier than freaking thou Lakhota. Your team took out Gaddafi and ignored ISIS in Syria because the asshole in the White House and other western leaders don't like freaking Assad.

Oh and don't forget that little hiccup that gave ISIS the timeline to strike Iraq. You know. The removal of the troops by Obama?

What was already a bad situation in the ME was made way worse by Obama's insane foreign policies. And the bullshit Arab Spring which was just a cover for regime change that the west wanted.
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Good grief! This is old news to anyone who has been tracking ISIS. Baghdadi recruited them right away. He also did prison time with a batch of them.

And don't play holier that freaking thou Lakhota. Your team took out Gaddafi and ignored ISIS in Syria because the asshole in the White House and other western leaders don't like freaking Assad.

Oh and don't forget that little hiccup that gave ISIS the timeline to strike Iraq. You know. The removal of the troops by Obama?


^^Chief Shits-His-Pants^^​
the significant lesson here is actually quite simple >>>

remember that lesson whenever anyone tries to sell
Baathists are CALIPHATISTS (caliphate = reich in
the allahukabaar style)

Examples of recent Baathists are "grand mufti" Al
Husseini, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Sadaam Hussein,
Papa and baby Assad
Good grief! This is old news to anyone who has been tracking ISIS. Baghdadi recruited them right away. He also did prison time with a batch of them.

And don't play holier that freaking thou Lakhota. Your team took out Gaddafi and ignored ISIS in Syria because the asshole in the White House and other western leaders don't like freaking Assad.

Oh and don't forget that little hiccup that gave ISIS the timeline to strike Iraq. You know. The removal of the troops by Obama?

What was already a bad situation in the ME was made way worse by Obama's insane foreign policies. And the bullshit Arab Spring which was just a cover for regime change that the west wanted.

Lakhota believes Syria and Libya are "good wars".
the significant lesson here is actually quite simple >>>

remember that lesson whenever anyone tries to sell
Baathists are CALIPHATISTS (caliphate = reich in
the allahukabaar style)

Examples of recent Baathists are "grand mufti" Al
Husseini, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Sadaam Hussein,
Papa and baby Assad

Ba'athists are most closely related to National Socialists.... Hitler's old party. The one he, himself personally named. Change it from "German Workers Party" to "National SOCIALIST German Workers Party" around 1920.

They're all interconnected in one sick, twisted form or another. ALL the anti-capitalist movements are related. They're all inbred, diseased offspring of the whore called the French Revolution but with many different, diseased, psychopathic fathers.

ALL of them.

There have only been two (2) major People's Revolutions in the history of this Planet -- Ours and the French.

Everything else copies one of the two.... Mostly the diseased, syphilitic French one.
the significant lesson here is actually quite simple >>>

remember that lesson whenever anyone tries to sell
Baathists are CALIPHATISTS (caliphate = reich in
the allahukabaar style)

Examples of recent Baathists are "grand mufti" Al
Husseini, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Sadaam Hussein,
Papa and baby Assad

Ba'athists are most closely related to National Socialists.... Hitler's old party. The one he, himself personally named. Change it from "German Workers Party" to "National SOCIALIST German Workers Party" around 1920.

They're all interconnected in one sick, twisted form or another. ALL the anti-capitalist movements are related. They're all inbred, diseased offspring of the whore called the French Revolution but with many different, diseased, psychopathic fathers.

ALL of them.

There have only been two (2) major People's Revolutions in the history of this Planet -- Ours and the French.

Everything else copies one of the two.... Mostly the diseased, syphilitic French one.

sorta-------I do not need the French lump------for me----
baathism is simply muslim Nazism. Nazism actually
comes from the romans-----who really took it from
Alexander the great . Read plato's "republic" Don't blame the French------they have enough problems
the significant lesson here is actually quite simple >>>

remember that lesson whenever anyone tries to sell
Baathists are CALIPHATISTS (caliphate = reich in
the allahukabaar style)

Examples of recent Baathists are "grand mufti" Al
Husseini, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Sadaam Hussein,
Papa and baby Assad

Ba'athists are most closely related to National Socialists.... Hitler's old party. The one he, himself personally named. Change it from "German Workers Party" to "National SOCIALIST German Workers Party" around 1920.

They're all interconnected in one sick, twisted form or another. ALL the anti-capitalist movements are related. They're all inbred, diseased offspring of the whore called the French Revolution but with many different, diseased, psychopathic fathers.

ALL of them.

There have only been two (2) major People's Revolutions in the history of this Planet -- Ours and the French.

Everything else copies one of the two.... Mostly the diseased, syphilitic French one.

Edgetho, Boy do I like the way you express things, Not yes, but hell yes! Keep bringing it. You hold nothing back, keep it up!!
How much terrority did ISIS control in Syria, and Iraq when Bush left office? The answer will point you to the one who had the misguided forigen policy.

not really-------the whole problem relates to the fact that
NO ONE ASKED ME-----over the past 35 years........
Carter did it

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, center, chairs a joint meeting of the Revolutionary Command Council and the regional command of the ruling Baath Party on Oct. 31, 1998. (Reuters)

The hidden hand behind the Islamic State militants? Saddam Hussein’s.

CONFRONTING THE ‘CALIPHATE’| This is part of an occasional series about the militant group Islamic State and its violent collision with the United States and others intent on halting the group’s rapid rise.

SANLIURFA, Turkey — When Abu Hamza, a former Syrian rebel, agreed to join the Islamic State, he did so assuming he would become a part of the group’s promised Islamist utopia, which has lured foreign jihadists from around the globe.

Instead, he found himself being supervised by an Iraqi emir and receiving orders from shadowy Iraqis who moved in and out of the battlefield in Syria. When Abu Hamza disagreed with fellow commanders at an Islamic State meeting last year, he said, he was placed under arrest on the orders of a masked Iraqi man who had sat silently through the proceedings, listening and taking notes.

Abu Hamza, who became the group’s ruler in a small community in Syria, never discovered the Iraqis’ real identities, which were cloaked by code names or simply not revealed. All of the men, however, were former Iraqi officers who had served under Saddam Hussein, including the masked man, who had once worked for an Iraqi intelligence agency and now belonged to the Islamic State’s own shadowy security service, he said.

His account, and those of others who have lived with or fought against the Islamic State over the past two years, underscore the pervasive role played by members of Iraq’s former Baathist army in an organization more typically associated with flamboyant foreign jihadists and the gruesome videos in which they star.

Even with the influx of thousands of foreign fighters, almost all of the leaders of the Islamic State are former Iraqi officers, including the members of its shadowy military and security committees, and the majority of its emirs and princes, according to Iraqis, Syrians and analysts who study the group.

They have brought to the organization the military expertise and some of the agendas of the former Baathists, as well as the smuggling networks developed to avoid sanctions in the 1990s and which now facilitate the Islamic State’s illicit oil trading.

Much More: The hidden hand behind the Islamic State militants? Saddam Hussein's. - The Washington Post

I think this is a fine article that further demonstrates the disaster of removing Saddam from power. We have the Bushes to thank for that misguided foreign policy atrocity.
We would expect you to draw no other conclusion than that, you feckin zombie.

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