Former Top DOJ Official Hints IG Report Might Be A Doozy For Hillary Clinton


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

We can only hope. Problem with me is I'm not all that confident in the results to be accurate and fair.

Thanks to the soon to be released Justice Inspector General report, Hillary Clinton may find herself in MORE hot water if political bias is found to have played a role in the email investigation’s findings, says former Justice Department official Michael Bromwich.

Story w/lots of links @ 'I Don't Think A Lot Of People Will Be Happy': Former Top DOJ Official Hints IG Report Might Be A Doozy For Hillary Clinton

Clinton is not in office now. Time to take a good, hard look at the people who are, something that those who continually scream about "Hillary!" don't seem to be intelligent enough to do.
I find it sort of funny, in an ironic sort of way, that you speak of fair and accurate and then link to the GWP!

Just saying
I find it sort of funny, in an ironic sort of way, that you speak of fair and accurate and then link to the GWP!

Just saying

This ^

I find it sort of funny, in an ironic sort of way, that you speak of fair and accurate and then link to the GWP!
Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive.
-- Walter Scott, Marmion
Yes Crooked Hillary butthurt folks, the video you just saw is not a representation of reality. Go back to the comfort of transgender qu33rs at MSNBC quickly. :p
Hillary was corrupt when she was a senator's aide, a governor's wife, a first lady, a senator, a secretary of state and as a candidate for president.
What is it about Hillary that the Troglocrats don’t get?
Hillary is totally nefarious.
Obama's incredible abuse of power will also have to be investigated.
The Democratic Party's corruption and mass voter fraud are a threat to our democracy.

We can only hope. Problem with me is I'm not all that confident in the results to be accurate and fair.

That's the problem. All you guys have is "hope".

Here's why the FBI soft-sold the email bullshit. Because only Republicans really think it's a big deal. Any jury seated to hear the case would be predominately democrats from DC.

You don't file cases you can't win.
Hillary was corrupt when she was a senator's aide, a governor's wife, a first lady, a senator, a secretary of state and as a candidate for president.
What is it about Hillary that the Troglocrats don’t get?
Hillary is totally nefarious.
hogwash....complete hogwash!
Clinton is not in office now. Time to take a good, hard look at the people who are, something that those who continually scream about "Hillary!" don't seem to be intelligent enough to do.

For the O/Poster, ANY deflection from the tsunami that will soon hit Trump, is welcomed news.......

Just more echoes of the :lock her up" chanting morons.....LOL..
Crooked Hillary told the FBI investigators 39 times, "I can't remember, I have a brain injury".
She even refused to to be questioned under oath.
What is it about Hillary's corruption and lying that the Wackocrats don't get?
Clinton is not in office now. Time to take a good, hard look at the people who are, something that those who continually scream about "Hillary!" don't seem to be intelligent enough to do.
and she hasn't been in office for 5 years!!!
Crooked Hillary told the FBI investigators 39 times, "I can't remember, I have a brain injury".
She even refused to to be questioned under oath.
What is it about Hillary's corruption and lying that the Wackocrats don't get?
They didn't ask her to testify under oath because it is already a crime to lie to the FBI dufas!

ding dong.... Papadopoulus plead guilty to lying to the FBI, Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI, and neither were under oath.

And it is an absolute LIE she said I don't recall, 39 times before the FBI when question.

Thanks to the soon to be released Justice Inspector General report, Hillary Clinton may find herself in MORE hot water if political bias is found to have played a role in the email investigation’s findings, says former Justice Department official Michael Bromwich.


At the height of the Russian Bribery scandal (part of their plan to acquire Uranium One), when they were successfully 'BUYING' politicians, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who also sat on the Board responsible for approving or denying the sale of Uranium One to the Russians, received $100+ Million from the KGB Bank - the leading investor in the Russians' attempt to buy Uranium One. Every other government official or agency official who received money from the Russians / KGB Bank 'accepted BRIBE money from the Russians'...except for Hillary. The millions SHE received from them was a 'donation' to the Clinton Foundation.

Obama US AG Lynch unethically met with Bill Clinton, the husband of the criminal being investigated by Lynch's teams. Once the media reported the meeting they tried to keep secret, both Lynch and Clinton LIED about the meeting being a 'chance encounter' to discuss grandchildren. Evidence later revealed their meeting had been scheduled.

During the MULTIPLE FBI Investigations going on simultaneously in the DAYS before the 2016 election, FBI Deputy Director Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe took over part of the investigation. It was bad enough that Comey had not recused himself from any part of the Hillary investigation due to the fact that his wife had been given a large sum of money from Hillary. Making matters worse was the fact that McCabe took over part of the Hillary investigation when he, too, should have recused himself due to the fact that HIS WIFE had also accepted a large sum of money from Hillary. (While still on the topic of 'incestuous relationships / Bribes - Inside the DOJ, Ohr's wife was on the Fusion GPS payroll...)

During the Hillary investigation, FBI Agent Strzok interviewed Hillary's aides, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills. After committing Felony Perjury / being found to have LIED TO THE FBI, Strzok PROTECTED THEM FROM INDICTMENT, refusing to charge them with their crimes. (As part of Mueller's Witch Hunt, Strzok would later interview Flynn and be partly responsible for his indictment for ... Lying To The FBI. (Gee, why did Abedin and Mills get 'special' [counsel] treatment?

During the Hillary investigation, none other than extreme Anti-Trump Hillary Worshipping FBI Agent Strzok 'struck again', changing the language written by the FBI which pointed out Hillary Clinton had been guilty of the CRIME of 'Gross Negligence' in the handling of classified information, a crime covered by a very specific law. Eliminating that wording in the Final Report changed the very meaning / act of what she did and prevented her from being Indicted for the crime the report initially declared she had perpetrated.

During the investigation, before witnesses had even been interviewed, FBI Director Comey wrote Hillary's 'exoneration', clearing her of all her crimes.

At the end of the investigation FBI Director Comey stated Hillary had committed crimes but argued she had been TOO STUPID to know what she was doing, declaring, therefore, she would not be indicted.

-- IGNORANCE has legally been decided, in the courts, as NOT a legally accepted defense for breaking the law. 1st year law students know this.

-- Comey LIED to the American people by saying Hillary had been too stupid to know she was breaking the law. The United States Government / State Department had / has in their possession every document, every training document signed by Hillary Clinton declaring she was fully aware of EVERY LAW pertaining to possession of, access to, handling of, destruction of, etc classified information. She had received her initial Security Classification Indoctrination / Training, was required by law to receive refresher training, and was read-into and read-out-of every TOP SECRET SPECIAL COMPARTMENTALIZED INTEL program she had access to....and she signed the paperwork every time acknowledging she had received the training. HILLARY CLINTON WAS FULLY AWARE OF THE LAWS SHE WAS BREAKING! Hillary even sent out memos to the State Department personnel warning THEM against using their own servers / e-mails so as not to BREAK THE LAW LIKE SHE HAD DONE.

-- Are snowflakes so damn stupid as to believe or try to get the rest of us to believe that Hillary was so clueless / stupid regarding the handling of classified information that she thought it was OK / legal to give her MAID her username/password, let her MAID access her TS/SCI computer and files, and print items off for her?! ARE YOU F*ING KIDDING ME?!

- -- Are snowflakes so damn stupid as to believe or try to get the rest of us to believe that Hillary was so clueless / stupid regarding the handling of classified information that she thought it was OK / legal to ALLOW A SMALL COMPANY THAT DID NOT HAVE SECURITY CLEARANCES STORE HER SERVER CONTAINING 'INFORMATION SO SECRET IT CAN NOT BE RELEASED IN ANY FORMAT BECAUSE IT WOULD CAUSE GRAVE DANGER TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY (according to Obama) IN THEIR BATHROOM?! Again ...

Hillary should not JUST have already been indicted by now - SHE SHOULD BE IN FRIGGIN' GITMO!
Clinton is not in office now. Time to take a good, hard look at the people who are, something that those who continually scream about "Hillary!" don't seem to be intelligent enough to do.
and she hasn't been in office for 5 years!!!
She just became a 2 (TWO) Time LOSER, and she continues to try to remain relevant as she keeps her eye on 2020.

5 years? Bush has been out of office for almost a DECADE, and you hypocritical snowflakes CONTINUE to bitch, whine, and point fingers at him.
Clinton is not in office now. Time to take a good, hard look at the people who are, something that those who continually scream about "Hillary!" don't seem to be intelligent enough to do.
She committed treason with her emails. She should be in prison. Oh and Obama knew about it, so he should go also.

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