Fort Hood shooting suspect: US at war with Islam


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
FORT HOOD, Texas (AP) -- The Army psychiatrist charged in the 2009 Fort Hood mass shooting says the U.S. government is at war with Islam. Maj. Nidal Hasan released a lengthy statement to Fox News (Accused Fort Hood shooter releases statement to Fox News | Fox News ) on Saturday in which he says he regrets serving in the Army and "participating in the illegal and immoral aggression against Muslims, their religion and their lands." Hasan is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder in the November 2009 attack at the Central Texas Army post. His trial is scheduled to start Aug. 6. Hasan is serving as his own attorney and hasn't spoken much in pre-trial hearings or jury selection. He faces the death penalty if convicted. Fox News reports that Hasan didn't directly address the shooting in the statement.

Read More at: Texas News - KFOX14 KFOX-TV El Paso
The thing that irks me about the whole trial is just how the government is treating this suspect differently than any other. I'm a fan of dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's, and I get wanting to get everything right the first time to avoid any grounds for appeal, but it still comes off as handling this guy with kid gloves. Any PV2 who said he wasn't going to shave would have been held down by MPs and shaved regardless of his objections, but that's just no happening here.
FORT HOOD, Texas (AP) -- The Army psychiatrist charged in the 2009 Fort Hood mass shooting says the U.S. government is at war with Islam. Maj. Nidal Hasan released a lengthy statement to Fox News (Accused Fort Hood shooter releases statement to Fox News | Fox News ) on Saturday in which he says he regrets serving in the Army and "participating in the illegal and immoral aggression against Muslims, their religion and their lands." Hasan is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder in the November 2009 attack at the Central Texas Army post. His trial is scheduled to start Aug. 6. Hasan is serving as his own attorney and hasn't spoken much in pre-trial hearings or jury selection. He faces the death penalty if convicted. Fox News reports that Hasan didn't directly address the shooting in the statement.

Read More at: Texas News - KFOX14 KFOX-TV El Paso

:clap2: right from the horses mouth. Yes we are at war with Islam. You can't seperate the war on terror from Isalm if you are attacking Muslims. American's are clueless. Muslim loyalty ALWAYS begins and ends with Allah. American's aren't very religious so this is a hard concept to grasp when you've spent you whole life hearing about the seperation of church and state. This is a foreign concept in Islam as Islam is a theocracy. If you attack Muslims and invade muslim countries you attack Isalm, even if those you attack are terrorists or dictators. The minute collateral Damage occurs you've go major problems.
This trial is going to be nothing but a circus. And the government is allowing this terrorist to lead it.

This should have been over and done with years ago.
Why is there a trial? There should never have been a trial. The government isn't trying to prove him guilty. He's confessed. Like Ariel Castro, all that needs to be done is a sentencing hearing.
He's digging his own grave.

Also, his own words belie the administration's claim of it being "workplace violence!" The more he opens his big mouth, the more will be a legal basis of calling it an act of terror.

No matter what he says, he's gonna be seeing those 72 virgins sooner or later.
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Or, we could just split the nation up. Those who want a free country can have one, those that want to live in a dictatorship can have theirs.
Well, today's news is that his beard is in question again.

The judge may rule he must be forceably shaved - which an appeals court will immediately overturn!
The thing that irks me about the whole trial is just how the government is treating this suspect differently than any other. I'm a fan of dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's, and I get wanting to get everything right the first time to avoid any grounds for appeal, but it still comes off as handling this guy with kid gloves. Any PV2 who said he wasn't going to shave would have been held down by MPs and shaved regardless of his objections, but that's just no happening here.

Thats a very good point.
Why is there a trial? Hasan did just what Ariel Castro did. He admitted his guilt. The Judge threw out his defense of others defense. If he doesn't have any other defenses, this should just be a sentencing hearing.
Why is there a trial? Hasan did just what Ariel Castro did. He admitted his guilt. The Judge threw out his defense of others defense. If he doesn't have any other defenses, this should just be a sentencing hearing.

Katzs thats a good point, the guy admitted his guilt plus everyone saw him do it so why is there a trial? this makes no sense.

There is a thing called unlawful command influence, or UCI. It can take many forms, here, its subtle but oh so powerful, like an odor , no one can say or point ot who exactly laid it but the investigating officer sure did smell it..……they knew what they were going to do the day after it happened.

They had whats called a article 32 investigation, sorta like a grand jury-preliminary investigation. That officer conducting it is supposed to be outside ( haha) the command structure, a non partisan non advocate, just the facts mam…;)

They have no part in what happens there after, a trial or not, they turn in their report and walk away…....though not binding it is rare that it is shitcanned, their recommendation is what counts; they can recommend almost anything, including no court martial and a recommendation of peremptory sentencing based on the accused testimony.

This will be scripted and faked if it has to be....there was NO way that officer was NOT going to forward a recommendation for a formal courts martial....period...because, well, I told you....the stench of UCI.

I have to say I have never seen the military lay down like I have seen that weasel Dempsey…or Odierno…

The show must and will go on.
Why is there a trial? Hasan did just what Ariel Castro did. He admitted his guilt. The Judge threw out his defense of others defense. If he doesn't have any other defenses, this should just be a sentencing hearing.

Because, as allowed under the UCMJ, he demanded a trial by his peers.

The whole thing's a sham where he can rise in public and continue his rant about the holiness of The Religion of Peace.


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