Founder of Anti-GM movement wakes up


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Feb 28, 2011
Mark Lynas: Farmers should be free to grow GMs

Jane King

Thursday 03 January 2013 13:30

Environmental campaigner and award-winning author Mark Lynas has called for farmers to be free to choose what kind of technologies they want to adopt and demanded anti-GM protestors stop hijacking future food production.
In a passionate and courageous speech at the Oxford Farming Conference, Mr Lynas admitted that after studying the science he had completely changed his position on GM, from being a sceptic to favouring it.
He claimed "there is rock solid scientific consensus around the world backed by science academies" in support of GM yet this is ignored because it conflicts with the vested interests of non-governmental organisations (NGOs)...
(read rest of very good article at Farmer's Weekly: Mark Lynas: Farmers should be free to grow GMs - 1/3/2013 - Farmers Weekly )
The anti-GMO crowd isn't trying to "highjack" future food production.

It's Big Agra and Monsanto that are trying to highjack it and mandate it.
Given the changes that we are seeing in our climate, we may find ourselves having to create GMOs that will survive harsh conditions.
The anti-GMO crowd isn't trying to "highjack" future food production.

It's Big Agra and Monsanto that are trying to highjack it and mandate it.

This isn't about "big Agra" or any other real or imagined monied conspiracy. This is about the reality of the science on GMO foods. You want to fight against a perceived injustice, great! All this thread is about is acknowledging that GMO crops are not harmful to grow, feed to livestock or for human consumption. That is what the OP is about, it is about one of the founders of the anti-GM movement in the 1990s, who argued that GM foods were dangerous and unsafe, now that former founder has corrected his former position and statements saying the GM foods are not only safe to grow and consume, he encourages farmers to grow them.

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