Fox Braintrust: Mandatory Vaccinations Could Lead To 'Forced Abortion'

He's right. Government can kiss my ass if they ever try to vaccinate me or my wife and kids.
The government also says that if you drink a fifth of bourbon, you should've climb behind the wheel of your car for the public good. Is that also as reason for the government to kiss your ass, or are you just that selfish?

What possible rationale could anyone give to refuse to care for their children and the public's health?
I don't drink so that's not a problem. I am willfully putting people in harms way if I do that. Unvaccinated people are healthier in the long run because they have real immune systems instead of creating a fake one by injecting tons of medicines into your body.

He's right. Government can kiss my ass if they ever try to vaccinate me or my wife and kids.
Government will not show up on your door.

If you are so ignorant not to vaccinate, be prepared eventually for your children to not be allowed in public schools or for you and your family to be denied re-entry into the country.
Its not ignorance its research and realizing how dangerous these things are...its realizing big pharma will do ANYTHING to hide the fact these vaccines are dangerous and that ALL diseases these vaccines are supposed to protect against were already in STEEP decline BEFORE they were ever made. Its all about profits to hell if a few thousand people die in the process eh? On top of that vaccines create weakened immune systems instead of letting our immune systems fight off sickness. My 2 oldest are in school and have been for 2-4 years depending on which kid we are talking about,next year my 3rd child will be going. I have never left the country but might soon...Maybe vacation to Canada....who knows...
Nonsense. Your argument is to listen to Jenny McCarthy and other non-scientists misdiagnose this whole issue. Sooner or later all states (not just Mississippi, which has a 99.6 vaccination rate) will require them for kids to go to school or people re-enter the country. It's only a matter of time.
Mississippi and West Virginia are run like dictator states and even there people's voices are being heard...I guess it only matters once a child dies THEN they can get a medical exemption...Go ahead try and pass a law forcing everyone to get vaccinated...I will just home school.My argument is facts and truth,yours is to believe propaganda and the media.
But unvaccinated people are NOT healthier! Look at the efficacy of the vaccine! If our natural immunity systems were able to handle infectious disease, there would NOT BE INFECTIOUS DISEASES!

A little more common sense, if you please.
National health is a vital national interest. We can draft men to fight wars, we should be able to require kids to get vaccines.
Nothing wrong with having a discussion about the issue. So kudos to Fox News. I mean it could be worse, it could be NBC 'News.'
If our natural immunity systems were able to handle infectious disease, there would NOT BE INFECTIOUS DISEASES!

If what you were saying were true, there would be no humans. We would have become extinct during the millions of years that preceded modern medicine.

You are making a chicken-little argument, and seem to be highly ignorant of the subject. Yes, humans have an immune system. Yes, that immune system can handle the vast majority of infecting agents. Sickness is not the inherent result of an infecting agent. Sickness is the body's way of handling especially difficult infectious agents.

Little know fact is that the average human body is confronted with countless infectious agents every year, but a comparatively small instances result in sickness. Our bodies have immune systems to fend them off. For example, it is estimated that approximately 90% of all sexually active women contract a new HPV infection every year. However, the vast majority of these are successfully fended off by the body's immune system and results in no illness whatsoever. Instances of sickness result in a fractional number of infections.

And yes, it is true that immune systems can be weakened by "babying" the immune system. Of course, that does not mean that people should avoid medical treatment when they are sick. But your flagrant ignorance of the matter makes you a poor candidate to form rational opinions about the issue.
He's right. Government can kiss my ass if they ever try to vaccinate me or my wife and kids.
The government also says that if you drink a fifth of bourbon, you should've climb behind the wheel of your car for the public good. Is that also as reason for the government to kiss your ass, or are you just that selfish?

What possible rationale could anyone give to refuse to care for their children and the public's health?
I don't drink so that's not a problem. I am willfully putting people in harms way if I do that. Unvaccinated people are healthier in the long run because they have real immune systems instead of creating a fake one by injecting tons of medicines into your body.

He's right. Government can kiss my ass if they ever try to vaccinate me or my wife and kids.
Government will not show up on your door.

If you are so ignorant not to vaccinate, be prepared eventually for your children to not be allowed in public schools or for you and your family to be denied re-entry into the country.
Its not ignorance its research and realizing how dangerous these things are...its realizing big pharma will do ANYTHING to hide the fact these vaccines are dangerous and that ALL diseases these vaccines are supposed to protect against were already in STEEP decline BEFORE they were ever made. Its all about profits to hell if a few thousand people die in the process eh? On top of that vaccines create weakened immune systems instead of letting our immune systems fight off sickness. My 2 oldest are in school and have been for 2-4 years depending on which kid we are talking about,next year my 3rd child will be going. I have never left the country but might soon...Maybe vacation to Canada....who knows...
Nonsense. Your argument is to listen to Jenny McCarthy and other non-scientists misdiagnose this whole issue. Sooner or later all states (not just Mississippi, which has a 99.6 vaccination rate) will require them for kids to go to school or people re-enter the country. It's only a matter of time.
Mississippi and West Virginia are run like dictator states and even there people's voices are being heard...I guess it only matters once a child dies THEN they can get a medical exemption...Go ahead try and pass a law forcing everyone to get vaccinated...I will just home school.My argument is facts and truth,yours is to believe propaganda and the media.
But unvaccinated people are NOT healthier! Look at the efficacy of the vaccine! If our natural immunity systems were able to handle infectious disease, there would NOT BE INFECTIOUS DISEASES!

A little more common sense, if you please.

It's about natural antibody build up or imitation of the infection to produce antibodies for immunity. People can still get the illness even after they get the vaccines.
It seems natural was and is better. It's about choice and having respect for each persons ideology.
Some think that natural is better, some think that artificial is better.
25 years ago before we had the bigger push of the flu vaccine there was about 3,000 people who died of the flu.
Now that a majority are getting the flu vaccine we have 49,000 who die of the flu in the U.S.A.
It should always be a choice for Americans and should not be forced for all of us.
He's right. Government can kiss my ass if they ever try to vaccinate me or my wife and kids.
The government also says that if you drink a fifth of bourbon, you should've climb behind the wheel of your car for the public good. Is that also as reason for the government to kiss your ass, or are you just that selfish?

What possible rationale could anyone give to refuse to care for their children and the public's health?
I don't drink so that's not a problem. I am willfully putting people in harms way if I do that. Unvaccinated people are healthier in the long run because they have real immune systems instead of creating a fake one by injecting tons of medicines into your body.

Government will not show up on your door.

If you are so ignorant not to vaccinate, be prepared eventually for your children to not be allowed in public schools or for you and your family to be denied re-entry into the country.
Its not ignorance its research and realizing how dangerous these things are...its realizing big pharma will do ANYTHING to hide the fact these vaccines are dangerous and that ALL diseases these vaccines are supposed to protect against were already in STEEP decline BEFORE they were ever made. Its all about profits to hell if a few thousand people die in the process eh? On top of that vaccines create weakened immune systems instead of letting our immune systems fight off sickness. My 2 oldest are in school and have been for 2-4 years depending on which kid we are talking about,next year my 3rd child will be going. I have never left the country but might soon...Maybe vacation to Canada....who knows...
Nonsense. Your argument is to listen to Jenny McCarthy and other non-scientists misdiagnose this whole issue. Sooner or later all states (not just Mississippi, which has a 99.6 vaccination rate) will require them for kids to go to school or people re-enter the country. It's only a matter of time.
Mississippi and West Virginia are run like dictator states and even there people's voices are being heard...I guess it only matters once a child dies THEN they can get a medical exemption...Go ahead try and pass a law forcing everyone to get vaccinated...I will just home school.My argument is facts and truth,yours is to believe propaganda and the media.
But unvaccinated people are NOT healthier! Look at the efficacy of the vaccine! If our natural immunity systems were able to handle infectious disease, there would NOT BE INFECTIOUS DISEASES!

A little more common sense, if you please.

It's about natural antibody build up or imitation of the infection to produce antibodies for immunity. People can still get the illness even after they get the vaccines.
It seems natural was and is better. It's about choice and having respect for each persons ideology.
Some think that natural is better, some think that artificial is better.
25 years ago before we had the bigger push of the flu vaccine there was about 3,000 people who died of the flu.
Now that a majority are getting the flu vaccine we have 49,000 who die of the flu in the U.S.A.
It should always be a choice for Americans and should not be forced for all of us.
If we had not eradicated polio and small pox by way of vaccine, if we had not practically eradicated measles by way of vaccine, if we had not protected children from whopping cough by way of vaccine, you might have a point.

Many folks still believe the lie that vaccines are responsible for autism.

The 'study' that tried to show that has been peer reviewed and dismissed as sloppy science and the 'doctor' who ran the study has lost his license.

Mark Twin said a lie can travel all around the world while the truth is still putting its shoes on. People hung the safety of their children on this lie about autism.

Today, people are searching the internet, believing anything they wish to dismiss public health or leaning on hyper-isolationist politics to avoid vaccinating their children. All these rationales are both irresponsible and ultimately dangerous to the health and safety of others.
The public health laws are and will continue to change and tighten on the Jenny McCarthys of the world. Sux to be them..
He's right. Government can kiss my ass if they ever try to vaccinate me or my wife and kids.
The government also says that if you drink a fifth of bourbon, you should've climb behind the wheel of your car for the public good. Is that also as reason for the government to kiss your ass, or are you just that selfish?

What possible rationale could anyone give to refuse to care for their children and the public's health?
I don't drink so that's not a problem. I am willfully putting people in harms way if I do that. Unvaccinated people are healthier in the long run because they have real immune systems instead of creating a fake one by injecting tons of medicines into your body.

Government will not show up on your door.

If you are so ignorant not to vaccinate, be prepared eventually for your children to not be allowed in public schools or for you and your family to be denied re-entry into the country.
Its not ignorance its research and realizing how dangerous these things are...its realizing big pharma will do ANYTHING to hide the fact these vaccines are dangerous and that ALL diseases these vaccines are supposed to protect against were already in STEEP decline BEFORE they were ever made. Its all about profits to hell if a few thousand people die in the process eh? On top of that vaccines create weakened immune systems instead of letting our immune systems fight off sickness. My 2 oldest are in school and have been for 2-4 years depending on which kid we are talking about,next year my 3rd child will be going. I have never left the country but might soon...Maybe vacation to Canada....who knows...
Nonsense. Your argument is to listen to Jenny McCarthy and other non-scientists misdiagnose this whole issue. Sooner or later all states (not just Mississippi, which has a 99.6 vaccination rate) will require them for kids to go to school or people re-enter the country. It's only a matter of time.
Mississippi and West Virginia are run like dictator states and even there people's voices are being heard...I guess it only matters once a child dies THEN they can get a medical exemption...Go ahead try and pass a law forcing everyone to get vaccinated...I will just home school.My argument is facts and truth,yours is to believe propaganda and the media.
But unvaccinated people are NOT healthier! Look at the efficacy of the vaccine! If our natural immunity systems were able to handle infectious disease, there would NOT BE INFECTIOUS DISEASES!

A little more common sense, if you please.

It's about natural antibody build up or imitation of the infection to produce antibodies for immunity. People can still get the illness even after they get the vaccines.
It seems natural was and is better. It's about choice and having respect for each persons ideology.
Some think that natural is better, some think that artificial is better.
25 years ago before we had the bigger push of the flu vaccine there was about 3,000 people who died of the flu.
Now that a majority are getting the flu vaccine we have 49,000 who die of the flu in the U.S.A.
It should always be a choice for Americans and should not be forced for all of us.

Your comparisons to the flu and MMR vaccines makes me fear your lucidity, not just in terms of what vaccines are and can do, but in terms of your finding some biological similarity between the flue and MMR, or polio or smallpox. Whatever you're baseline for information is, it is contrary to the same science and facts accepted by rational people. And I don't mean that as a flame. Rather, something's gone wrong in your head.

While getting and surviving small pox will cause one to be immune, it's not advisable. The vaccine is advisable.
If we had not eradicated polio and small pox by way of vaccine, if we had not practically eradicated measles by way of vaccine, if we had not protected children from whopping cough by way of vaccine, you might have a point.

Where was force used?

It's all really very simple. If you want to protect your kid, get them vaccinated. Presto! Your kid is protected. If someone else wants to be stupid enough to buy into the Jenny McCartney bullshit, let evolution handle it.
If we had not eradicated polio and small pox by way of vaccine, if we had not practically eradicated measles by way of vaccine, if we had not protected children from whopping cough by way of vaccine, you might have a point.

Where was force used?

It's all really very simple. If you want to protect your kid, get them vaccinated. Presto! Your kid is protected. If someone else wants to be stupid enough to buy into the Jenny McCartney bullshit, let evolution handle it.
Controlling disease is a national priority. No one should believe they have a right to be infectious. That concept is not a right at all. Protecting our citizens from something as both infectious and preventable disease as measles is a public health mandate.

What about the kid suffering from Leukemia? They cannot take the vaccine. Do you believe that someone should not vaccinate their child and then let that kid infect kids without a chance?

I was born in 1957 and the Salk Sabin vaccine meant parents would no longer dread the summertime when Polio was as its most infectious. Inoculations were a requirement to enter school. They saved a generation and more with the vaccine, but eradicating disease only works when vaccines are universal.
He's right. Government can kiss my ass if they ever try to vaccinate me or my wife and kids.
The government also says that if you drink a fifth of bourbon, you should've climb behind the wheel of your car for the public good. Is that also as reason for the government to kiss your ass, or are you just that selfish?

What possible rationale could anyone give to refuse to care for their children and the public's health?
I don't drink so that's not a problem. I am willfully putting people in harms way if I do that. Unvaccinated people are healthier in the long run because they have real immune systems instead of creating a fake one by injecting tons of medicines into your body.

He's right. Government can kiss my ass if they ever try to vaccinate me or my wife and kids.
Government will not show up on your door.

If you are so ignorant not to vaccinate, be prepared eventually for your children to not be allowed in public schools or for you and your family to be denied re-entry into the country.
Its not ignorance its research and realizing how dangerous these things are...its realizing big pharma will do ANYTHING to hide the fact these vaccines are dangerous and that ALL diseases these vaccines are supposed to protect against were already in STEEP decline BEFORE they were ever made. Its all about profits to hell if a few thousand people die in the process eh? On top of that vaccines create weakened immune systems instead of letting our immune systems fight off sickness. My 2 oldest are in school and have been for 2-4 years depending on which kid we are talking about,next year my 3rd child will be going. I have never left the country but might soon...Maybe vacation to Canada....who knows...
Nonsense. Your argument is to listen to Jenny McCarthy and other non-scientists misdiagnose this whole issue. Sooner or later all states (not just Mississippi, which has a 99.6 vaccination rate) will require them for kids to go to school or people re-enter the country. It's only a matter of time.
Mississippi and West Virginia are run like dictator states and even there people's voices are being heard...I guess it only matters once a child dies THEN they can get a medical exemption...Go ahead try and pass a law forcing everyone to get vaccinated...I will just home school.My argument is facts and truth,yours is to believe propaganda and the media.
But unvaccinated people are NOT healthier! Look at the efficacy of the vaccine! If our natural immunity systems were able to handle infectious disease, there would NOT BE INFECTIOUS DISEASES!

A little more common sense, if you please.

You are the one who is confused, maybe you should learn the differences between state and federal law, and also how those laws can and can't be applied. Let me say this again. If it is in their state constitution, it would need to be voted on to ratify. A judge cannot override constitutional law. In your liberal dream world where hopes and wishes overrule reality that works. In the real world there are checks and balances.

And again, it is only unconstitutional if it violates the constitution. And when it is concerning state law, and state authorities the state constitution applies. When dealing with federal entities, the federal constitution applies.
You apparently do not know how our government works. State constitutions cannot override Federal Constitutional guarantees. For example, a state cannot ignore the 2nd amendment any more than it can ignore the 14th amendment.

And yet states around the country continue to pass laws violating the 2nd amendment...I guess they missed the part that said SHALL NOT INFRINGE...aka pass no laws against it...your argument holds no water.

Deflection and fallacy of false comparison.
AKA I can't defeat your argument so I just act like it means nothing...

You are the one who is confused, maybe you should learn the differences between state and federal law, and also how those laws can and can't be applied. Let me say this again. If it is in their state constitution, it would need to be voted on to ratify. A judge cannot override constitutional law. In your liberal dream world where hopes and wishes overrule reality that works. In the real world there are checks and balances.
He's right. Government can kiss my ass if they ever try to vaccinate me or my wife and kids.
The government also says that if you drink a fifth of bourbon, you should've climb behind the wheel of your car for the public good. Is that also as reason for the government to kiss your ass, or are you just that selfish?

What possible rationale could anyone give to refuse to care for their children and the public's health?
I don't drink so that's not a problem. I am willfully putting people in harms way if I do that. Unvaccinated people are healthier in the long run because they have real immune systems instead of creating a fake one by injecting tons of medicines into your body.

He's right. Government can kiss my ass if they ever try to vaccinate me or my wife and kids.
Government will not show up on your door.

If you are so ignorant not to vaccinate, be prepared eventually for your children to not be allowed in public schools or for you and your family to be denied re-entry into the country.
Its not ignorance its research and realizing how dangerous these things are...its realizing big pharma will do ANYTHING to hide the fact these vaccines are dangerous and that ALL diseases these vaccines are supposed to protect against were already in STEEP decline BEFORE they were ever made. Its all about profits to hell if a few thousand people die in the process eh? On top of that vaccines create weakened immune systems instead of letting our immune systems fight off sickness. My 2 oldest are in school and have been for 2-4 years depending on which kid we are talking about,next year my 3rd child will be going. I have never left the country but might soon...Maybe vacation to Canada....who knows...
Nonsense. Your argument is to listen to Jenny McCarthy and other non-scientists misdiagnose this whole issue. Sooner or later all states (not just Mississippi, which has a 99.6 vaccination rate) will require them for kids to go to school or people re-enter the country. It's only a matter of time.
Mississippi and West Virginia are run like dictator states and even there people's voices are being heard...I guess it only matters once a child dies THEN they can get a medical exemption...Go ahead try and pass a law forcing everyone to get vaccinated...I will just home school.My argument is facts and truth,yours is to believe propaganda and the media.
But unvaccinated people are NOT healthier! Look at the efficacy of the vaccine! If our natural immunity systems were able to handle infectious disease, there would NOT BE INFECTIOUS DISEASES!

A little more common sense, if you please.
Yes they are.

Studies Prove Without Doubt That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier Than Their Vaccinated Peers

Sources are ALL at the bottom for you to verify it.
A blog site using a non-supervised and non-referred survey 23 years ago in New Zeland? Really??

Go get yourself vaccinated against stupidity.
If we had not eradicated polio and small pox by way of vaccine, if we had not practically eradicated measles by way of vaccine, if we had not protected children from whopping cough by way of vaccine, you might have a point.

Where was force used?

It's all really very simple. If you want to protect your kid, get them vaccinated. Presto! Your kid is protected. If someone else wants to be stupid enough to buy into the Jenny McCartney bullshit, let evolution handle it.

I don't understand why everyone doesn't get this.

Babies aren't born vaccinated nor are they born immune to all diseases. They can't start to get vaccinated for several months after birth. Some vaccines can't be administered until after they're a year old.

So it's not a matter of letting fools leave themselves and their kids open to death from diseases, it's a matter of killing other people's babies who aren't old enough to be vaccinated.

There are 5 babies from a day care who have been diagnosed with the measles. All of them are under a year old and too young to be vaccinated for the measles. A disease that can kill a baby or leave it with life long problems. Babies immune systems aren't well established and they're very, very susceptible to diseases that will kill them.

Some idiot didn't vaccinate their child. That child got the measles and was around at least one of those babies if not all of them. That's the only way those babies could have been infected with the measles.

People who do this should be held liable for all medical expenses and any funeral expenses then they should be prosecuted for killing someone else's baby. It's involuntary manslaughter at the least.

I don't understand why anyone would want to go through their life knowing that they needlessly killed someone else's baby.
I believe that parents who do not vaccinate their children on schedule who should be liable if their children communicate diseases for which they should have been vaccinated.

PS: I don't believe in an eye for an eye, but I am worried that some parents may be willing to consider a child for a child
Fox Guest: Mandatory Vaccinations Could Lead To 'Forced Abortion'

Fox News guest Jonathan Hoenig said on Saturday that those advocating mandatory vaccinations for the "so-called public good" could be ushering in "forced abortions" and "forced pills."

After host Eric Bolling noted a bill in California proposing mandatory vaccinations regardless of religious belief, Hoenig breathlessly condemned forced immunization by government.

"Think about where this could lead if government gets involved in science and medicine— forced sterilizations, forced abortion, forced pills, forced treatments," he exclaimed.

It would be for your own good Eric, and the good of mankind if we sterilized you before you have a chance to spawn.

Ultimately they are correct. The best argument for the continued legalization of abortion is the fact that the government that says you may not have an abortion has likewise given itself the power to say you must have one, as in China. The same holds true for vaccinations. Anytime the government takes control of what you can do with your body, it has given itself the power to dictate ANYTHING they choose.

First of all, the Measles Medical Study 15 years ago in Britain has been debunked. The Shot does NOT cause autism. And that was the claim by the British Doctor. Right after that report was generated many British Parents refused to have their children inoculated. What resulted was an upswing of measles cases in Britain. Here we are 15 years later and some parents are refusing the inoculation of their children. What is happening? Measles, thought to be all but wiped out, is making a comeback.

If they were to make it mandatory like Polio, then it has nothing to do with abortions one way or another. Here, let's look at another way. II wear my seat belts. It's mandatory and has been proven to save lives (mine included). One could argue that seat belt laws will lead to mandatory roll cages. It hasn't. While the roll cage is a great idea, it's a bit much. But to prevent having to install chromealloy roll cages, we should all drive without seat belts. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, does it.

The ONLY report that has anything negative about the measles inoculations was either debunked or warned to have your child tested to see if they are allergic to it before receiving it. Peanuts comes to mind. A small percentage of the populace will be allergic to Peanuts and a small percentage will be allergic to the Measles serum. Those that have children that can't take it should be pushing the hardest to make it universal since their children would be asseptable to the disease with nothing to block it.
Fox Guest: Mandatory Vaccinations Could Lead To 'Forced Abortion'

Fox News guest Jonathan Hoenig said on Saturday that those advocating mandatory vaccinations for the "so-called public good" could be ushering in "forced abortions" and "forced pills."

After host Eric Bolling noted a bill in California proposing mandatory vaccinations regardless of religious belief, Hoenig breathlessly condemned forced immunization by government.

"Think about where this could lead if government gets involved in science and medicine— forced sterilizations, forced abortion, forced pills, forced treatments," he exclaimed.

It would be for your own good Eric, and the good of mankind if we sterilized you before you have a chance to spawn.

Ultimately they are correct. The best argument for the continued legalization of abortion is the fact that the government that says you may not have an abortion has likewise given itself the power to say you must have one, as in China. The same holds true for vaccinations. Anytime the government takes control of what you can do with your body, it has given itself the power to dictate ANYTHING they choose.

First of all, the Measles Medical Study 15 years ago in Britain has been debunked. The Shot does NOT cause autism. And that was the claim by the British Doctor. Right after that report was generated many British Parents refused to have their children inoculated. What resulted was an upswing of measles cases in Britain. Here we are 15 years later and some parents are refusing the inoculation of their children. What is happening? Measles, thought to be all but wiped out, is making a comeback.

If they were to make it mandatory like Polio, then it has nothing to do with abortions one way or another. Here, let's look at another way. II wear my seat belts. It's mandatory and has been proven to save lives (mine included). One could argue that seat belt laws will lead to mandatory roll cages. It hasn't. While the roll cage is a great idea, it's a bit much. But to prevent having to install chromealloy roll cages, we should all drive without seat belts. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, does it.

The ONLY report that has anything negative about the measles inoculations was either debunked or warned to have your child tested to see if they are allergic to it before receiving it. Peanuts comes to mind. A small percentage of the populace will be allergic to Peanuts and a small percentage will be allergic to the Measles serum. Those that have children that can't take it should be pushing the hardest to make it universal since their children would be asseptable to the disease with nothing to block it.

Did you hear me saying otherwise? I am merely stating the obvious. If a government has the power to say you must do something, it also has the power to say you can't. That's all I am addressing. Pay attention.

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