Fox Braintrust: Mandatory Vaccinations Could Lead To 'Forced Abortion'

Now when you have your flu vaccine being produced in a third world country that has fucking crazy idiots who had no problem putting melamine into my cat food or baby formula get back to me when you trust them and I'll smack you up side the head.
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I would like to remind everyone where the vaccines are being produced. I went to hell and back over melamine in pet food. You bet I get twitchy over a medical product produced over there. Hells bells they put melamine in baby formula and killed and mutated thousands of children for heaven's sake.

Granted they killed the sons of bitches but hells bells how many were killed or damaged first?

Ditto the melamine in all our best pet foods.

Some one wants to tell me I have to take a vaccination produced in China they're going down before this old broad will.
Not vaccinating is willful child endangerment and should be criminally treated as such if the kids get diseases there are vaccines for. It's no different than refusing to buckle them in the car because you heard seat belts cause homosexuality or something.

How would you like to give me the awesome rate of this years flue vaccine?

Yep. I wonder if more people died from the vaccine, or the flu this year.

This is so crazy for me. I fought a really really big fight against mercury poisoning. Grassy Narrows.

And now I have actually had young people tell me the "little bit" of mercury and that "little bit" of formaldyhyde in your shot is nothing to worry about.

Aye carumba!
Just to remind everyone. They fuck with the protein levels.They do it for the cash.

For all you guys who like to mock me when I say I live with a science guy. Screw you. He explained it 101. The chinese dudes go for a false positive. Melamine is cheap. So the mother truckers add melamine to products to up the protein level.Poisoned wheat gluten in 2007. melamine in 2008. sorries I'm crying I lost my jimdandy in the 2007 debacle.

That's how they did baby formula. Can you imagine that? They fucked with baby formula over there?

And someone wants to reassure me that I'm taking a vaccine produced in the land of people who mess regularly with everything? That I know contain mercury and formaldyhyde from the get go?

Over my dead body baby.
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Not vaccinating is willful child endangerment and should be criminally treated as such if the kids get diseases there are vaccines for. It's no different than refusing to buckle them in the car because you heard seat belts cause homosexuality or something.

How would you like to give me the awesome rate of this years flue vaccine?

Yep. I wonder if more people died from the vaccine, or the flu this year.

This is so crazy for me. I fought a really really big fight against mercury poisoning. Grassy Narrows.

And now I have actually had young people tell me the "little bit" of mercury and that "little bit" of formaldyhyde in your shot is nothing to worry about.

Aye carumba!
A little bit of measles is pretty horrible, I sincerely hope your children never get it because you are criminally, stupidly negligent.
He's right. Government can kiss my ass if they ever try to vaccinate me or my wife and kids.
The government also says that if you drink a fifth of bourbon, you should've climb behind the wheel of your car for the public good. Is that also as reason for the government to kiss your ass, or are you just that selfish?

What possible rationale could anyone give to refuse to care for their children and the public's health?
Not vaccinating is willful child endangerment and should be criminally treated as such if the kids get diseases there are vaccines for. It's no different than refusing to buckle them in the car because you heard seat belts cause homosexuality or something.

How would you like to give me the awesome rate of this years flue vaccine?

Yep. I wonder if more people died from the vaccine, or the flu this year.

This is so crazy for me. I fought a really really big fight against mercury poisoning. Grassy Narrows.

And now I have actually had young people tell me the "little bit" of mercury and that "little bit" of formaldyhyde in your shot is nothing to worry about.

Aye carumba!
A little bit of measles is pretty horrible, I sincerely hope your children never get it because you are criminally, stupidly negligent.

Prove the vaccine was produced in America. Under our laws Or fuck off. It is truly an issue.
What's funny. I got the mumps and the measles and I was vaccinated for both.

Whoopsies. They fucked up even back then in the "old days"
Not vaccinating is willful child endangerment and should be criminally treated as such if the kids get diseases there are vaccines for. It's no different than refusing to buckle them in the car because you heard seat belts cause homosexuality or something.

How would you like to give me the awesome rate of this years flue vaccine?

Yep. I wonder if more people died from the vaccine, or the flu this year.

This is so crazy for me. I fought a really really big fight against mercury poisoning. Grassy Narrows.

And now I have actually had young people tell me the "little bit" of mercury and that "little bit" of formaldyhyde in your shot is nothing to worry about.

Aye carumba!
A little bit of measles is pretty horrible, I sincerely hope your children never get it because you are criminally, stupidly negligent.

Its just bumps on your skin for crying out loud. Like a mega case of pimples.

It's no big smurf
OK why is everyone freaking out? Measles are like pimples with a high fever.
He's right. Government can kiss my ass if they ever try to vaccinate me or my wife and kids.
Government will not show up on your door.

If you are so ignorant not to vaccinate, be prepared eventually for your children to not be allowed in public schools or for you and your family to be denied re-entry into the country.
Its not ignorance its research and realizing how dangerous these things are...its realizing big pharma will do ANYTHING to hide the fact these vaccines are dangerous and that ALL diseases these vaccines are supposed to protect against were already in STEEP decline BEFORE they were ever made. Its all about profits to hell if a few thousand people die in the process eh? On top of that vaccines create weakened immune systems instead of letting our immune systems fight off sickness. My 2 oldest are in school and have been for 2-4 years depending on which kid we are talking about,next year my 3rd child will be going. I have never left the country but might soon...Maybe vacation to Canada....who knows...
Nonsense. Your argument is to listen to Jenny McCarthy and other non-scientists misdiagnose this whole issue. Sooner or later all states (not just Mississippi, which has a 99.6 vaccination rate) will require them for kids to go to school or people re-enter the country. It's only a matter of time.
TD is right about making sure the vaccines are produced here and vetted by FDA.

But that would be Big Government, right, Frank?
Not vaccinating is willful child endangerment and should be criminally treated as such if the kids get diseases there are vaccines for. It's no different than refusing to buckle them in the car because you heard seat belts cause homosexuality or something.
He's right. Government can kiss my ass if they ever try to vaccinate me or my wife and kids.
The government also says that if you drink a fifth of bourbon, you should've climb behind the wheel of your car for the public good. Is that also as reason for the government to kiss your ass, or are you just that selfish?

What possible rationale could anyone give to refuse to care for their children and the public's health?
I don't drink so that's not a problem. I am willfully putting people in harms way if I do that. Unvaccinated people are healthier in the long run because they have real immune systems instead of creating a fake one by injecting tons of medicines into your body.

He's right. Government can kiss my ass if they ever try to vaccinate me or my wife and kids.
Government will not show up on your door.

If you are so ignorant not to vaccinate, be prepared eventually for your children to not be allowed in public schools or for you and your family to be denied re-entry into the country.
Its not ignorance its research and realizing how dangerous these things are...its realizing big pharma will do ANYTHING to hide the fact these vaccines are dangerous and that ALL diseases these vaccines are supposed to protect against were already in STEEP decline BEFORE they were ever made. Its all about profits to hell if a few thousand people die in the process eh? On top of that vaccines create weakened immune systems instead of letting our immune systems fight off sickness. My 2 oldest are in school and have been for 2-4 years depending on which kid we are talking about,next year my 3rd child will be going. I have never left the country but might soon...Maybe vacation to Canada....who knows...
Nonsense. Your argument is to listen to Jenny McCarthy and other non-scientists misdiagnose this whole issue. Sooner or later all states (not just Mississippi, which has a 99.6 vaccination rate) will require them for kids to go to school or people re-enter the country. It's only a matter of time.
Mississippi and West Virginia are run like dictator states and even there people's voices are being heard...I guess it only matters once a child dies THEN they can get a medical exemption...Go ahead try and pass a law forcing everyone to get vaccinated...I will just home school.My argument is facts and truth,yours is to believe propaganda and the media.

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