Fox confirms that group of persons associated with The Late Show Stephen Colbert were arrested last night and charged with illegal entry to House ...

Again, Liberal men don't fuck stupid sex workers like lauren boobert or for that matter sarah palin.

She's divorced again right?
This is 2022 not 1922. All alive have been indoctrinated to when the Prog agendas went hyperbolic from the Boomers teenage years on.
Nine staffers and producers for the Stephen Colbert Show were arrested at the U.S. Capitol for attempting to breaking into a House building after-hours. Fox News’ Chad Pergram confirmed the news on Friday.

“Fox confirms that group of persons associated with The Late Show Stephen Colbert were arrested last night and charged with illegal entry to House office buildings after hours,” Pergram wrote on Twitter. “Fox is told the people were arrested in the Longworth House Office Building.”

“The group was in the Cannon House Office Building earlier in the day trying to get interviews around the time of the 1/6 committee hearing,” Pergram continued. “However, USCP shooed them away because they did not have proper press credentials.

“However, the group surfaced later that night after the Capitol complex was closed to the public Fox is told they took pictures and video around the offices of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Lauren Boebert (R-CO),” the report added. “They were unescorted and arrested and charged with illegal entry. They were arrested near Boebert’s office. They were released overnight. Fox has confirmed the arrests of these nine persons through a senior House source.”

The following were arrested, per the report. (This updates the list to nine total.)

Jake Plunkett
Allison Martinez
Tyrone Dean
Stephen Romond
Nicoletta Green
Brendan Hurley
Robert Smigel
Josh Comers
David Feldman
“Robert Smigel is known for being the voice of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog,” Pergram noted. “He also produced short cartoons for Saturday Night Live’s ‘TV Funhouse’.”

The report added the following notes.

USCP have issued the following statement: “On June 16, 2022, at approximately 8:30 p.m., U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) received a call for a disturbance in the Longworth House Office Building.”

USCP: “Responding officers observed seven individuals, unescorted and without Congressional ID, in a sixth-floor hallway.”

USCP: “The building was closed to visitors, and these individuals were determined to be a part of a group that had been directed by the USCP to leave the building earlier in the day.”

USCP: “They were charged with Unlawful Entry. This is an active criminal investigation, and may result in additional criminal charges after consultation with the U.S. Attorney.”

Fox News reported more information, per legal analyst Jonathan Turley.

“Jesse Watters just aired a report that a crew with Stephen Colbert were arrested last night at the Capitol and charged with unlawful entry,” Turley noted. “Two members were mentioned as allowing them into the building, including House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff. Rep. Rodney Davis seemed to confirm the basic facts in the segment. While much still have to be confirmed on the details, the charge would be the same as most of those who were arrested in connection to the Jan. 6th riot.”

“The segment suggested that they were banging on doors as part of the skit with a comedian who has appeared on the show,” Turley added.

As Chuck Callesto noted on Twitter, the staffers included high-level producers. If this were Fox News, you could only imagine the media meltdown. Since it is Stephen Colbert illegally attempting to harass Republican House members, it will be interesting to see how widely this attempted “insurrection” is reported.
A group of people 'associated' with 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert' were arrested Thursday night on charges of illegal entry to congressional offices in Washington DC.
Among them is Robert Smigel, best known for his character Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. Smigel is a frequent guest on Colbert's CBS show.
According to Fox News' Chad Pergram, the group was attempting to film and take pictures around the offices House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Lauren Boebert.

Now that is funny.
They should be put in solitary confinement.
Lauren Boebert makes liberal men wet their pants.
There will have to hearings on this attack on the US Capital.
The reason why Colbert is not funny is because hate is not funny.
I read several article on this subject and it doesn't say anything about Adam Schiff letting them it.
Has anyone been charged with murder? The cop who shot Babbit should be charged.
Agreed. They refused to charge him. I’ve read that he and at least two other officers where behind the door Babbit was trying to enter. All had their guns drawn. Lt. Byrd claimed he gave verbal warnings, but the other officers claimed no verbal warnings were heard.

What I’ve not been able to confirm is did the protesters open that door after Babbit was shot. Might be a meaningless point, but why kill someone if you intend to retreat your position?
I read several article on this subject and it doesn't say anything about Adam Schiff letting them it.
Of course it doesn't.

What have we been telling you about lies of omission?

The media lies. ALL THE TIME.

They're not reporting it because they don't know how Adam's going to play it yet.
When will the 6/17 committee be formed to look into the recording of various sensitive congressional documents by these spies who intended to sell the info to Russians ?
Did Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd kill anyone?
Effectively, YES!

He complied with Nancy Pelosi's wishes by reducing the number of officers available and not taking advantage of the thousands of National Guard troops made available by President Trump days before the demonstration.

In addition, he had Michael Byrd on duty inside the capitol building. An officer with a lousy reputation and careless with firearms.

Nope, but the J6 insurrectionists murdered 6.
Supposedly they were found in "an area off limits to the public". (Not sure what that might be exactly). Effectively, trespassing.

Additionally, they were caught in the Building after working hours.
They were arrested under the same unlawful entry law as pretty much all the people arrested on 1/6. How many of them will be held in solitary for months? And, Adam Schiff is right in the middle of this incident.
What this clearly demonstrates is how supremely confident PM/Dem Leftists are that they can break the law with impunity, without any concern for consequences. Just think about that for a moment. Would anyone on the right feel safe and secure in doing what they did?
With that being said, it's very strange that Colbert's sheep were arrested. Perhaps they got on the wrong side of someone due to their earlier behavior. I'm surprised that the Capitol Police didn't lead them to more Republican offices.
BTW. they have all been released.

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