Fox confirms that group of persons associated with The Late Show Stephen Colbert were arrested last night and charged with illegal entry to House ...

A group of people 'associated' with 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert' were arrested Thursday night on charges of illegal entry to congressional offices in Washington DC.
Among them is Robert Smigel, best known for his character Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. Smigel is a frequent guest on Colbert's CBS show.
According to Fox News' Chad Pergram, the group was attempting to film and take pictures around the offices House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Lauren Boebert.

Now that is funny.
They should be put in solitary confinement.
Lauren Boebert makes liberal men wet their pants.
There will have to hearings on this attack on the US Capital.
The reason why Colbert is not funny is because hate is not funny.
What bunch of dumb liberal knuttjobs lol >

According to a statement from capitol police: 'On June 16, 2022, at approximately 8:30 p.m., U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) received a call for a disturbance in the Longworth House Office Building.'

'Responding officers observed seven individuals, unescorted and without Congressional ID, in a sixth-floor hallway.'

The statement continued: 'The building was closed to visitors, and these individuals were determined to be a part of a group that had been directed by the USCP to leave the building earlier in the day.'

'They were charged with Unlawful Entry. This is an active criminal investigation, and may result in additional criminal charges after consultation with the U.S. Attorney.'
Colbert has dedicated his life to hating about 2/3 of his fellow Americans.

That's ok. I've always hated him 2/3 times more than I hate many others. he can go anally-please himself with a rusty AIDS-infected garden rake.
A group of people 'associated' with 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert' were arrested Thursday night on charges of illegal entry to congressional offices in Washington DC.
Among them is Robert Smigel, best known for his character Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. Smigel is a frequent guest on Colbert's CBS show.
According to Fox News' Chad Pergram, the group was attempting to film and take pictures around the offices House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Lauren Boebert.

Now that is funny.
They should be put in solitary confinement.
Lauren Boebert makes liberal men wet their pants.
There will have to hearings on this attack on the US Capital.
The reason why Colbert is not funny is because hate is not funny.
Liberal men don't fuck stupid sex workers like boobert.
Is this a “which gender pronoun” thing?

Ok then: Rules for us that them don't have to follow.

If I was a crackhead and lied on the BATF Form 4473 to buy a pistol like Hunter Biden did, I'd be sharing a cell with a burly guy named "Bubba" right now.
Ok then: Rules for us that them don't have to follow.

If I was a crackhead and lied on the BATF Form 4473 to buy a pistol like Hunter Biden did, I'd be sharing a cell with a burly guy named "Bubba" right now.
Aaaand loving it!

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