Fox hits a new low, for now, and their fans won't care

And here you have it folks..........

This is okay...


Posting up an obvious faked photo of a person eating oreos and drinking whiskey is outrageous.
Any news company that reports anything that is false should own up to it and be held accountable. Agreed?
Exactly. But few do.
Another posted a part of Fox acknowledging that it was a photoshopped photo.
Kilmeade is one of the dumbest people in “news”. He didn’t know that was fake. He is basically a run of the mill Trumper with TV access. Hanity is a wretch but not stupid and pointed it out to the retard.
Very passively pointed it out. “I think it’s fake, I don’t know”… meanwhile let’s keep attacking the judge to distract from the negative news about Trump. Bunch of morons
Did anyone claim the photo was real?
No... they laughed and joked about it... only an idiot would think they were serious.
It was presented as real by Brian. He’s a moron though. And he has morons following him.
Exactly. But few do.
Another posted a part of Fox acknowledging that it was a photoshopped photo.
I posted the conversation with Hannity where he said he thinks it’s fake but doesn’t know. Then they carry on to attack the judge to distract from Trump. They always need a deep state enemy to distract from what’s actually happening. I guess pretending that the judge is an Epstein pedophile works for this news cycle boys. Let’s run with it. What a joke.
Did anyone claim the photo was real?
No... they laughed and joked about it... only an idiot would think they were serious.
Hahaha. So I guess now if a news company doesn’t explicitly say that what they are reporting is real it’s all good if it’s not? Is that your brilliant point?
Hahaha. So I guess now if a news company doesn’t explicitly say that what they are reporting is real it’s all good if it’s not? Is that your brilliant point?
So I guess if a news company edits a video and doesn't explicity say they edited it out... it's all good? Is that your brilliant point?
So I guess if a news company edits a video and doesn't explicity say they edited it out... it's all good? Is that your brilliant point?
If a news company edits a video and it changes the context of the video then it is absolutely wrong and should be called out for it
No appropriate adjectives come to mind.

But the rubes will be fine with this. And STILL probably believe it.

Not even knowing who that is on the Left, he says "He likes Orientals and whiskey. Sean?"

The actual photo:

These people have lost their fucking minds.

Pathetic spin, deflection and attacks in 3, 2, 1...

Riight, like the MSM never gets duped by troll memes.
You would have to have seen Kilmeade on late night shows like Gutfield.
He has this coy kind of humor... this would not be unusual for him
Seriously…I don’t see the humor and how it meets Fox’s agenda

Fox is trying to paint the Judge as partisan and an unworthy judge to delegitimize the Warrant.

A photoshopped image showing the Judge with a convicted sex trafficker makes Fox‘s coverage look illegitimate

I have little doubt that this is well orchestrated attempt to destroy Trump, by the FBI, DOJ, and authorites who have come to understand that he has to be stopped to save American democracy.

Political scholars are now claiming that America is ripe for fascist picking. This isn't the first time in America that fascism gained wide spread popularity.
Too late, The Democrats have already implemented the foundations for Fascist dictatorship.
Too late, The Democrats have already implemented the foundations for Fascist dictatorship.
If Trump can still get through this, he can likely gain momentum and most of the opposition to Trump will evaporate away.
As I suggested, few but the truly patriotic educated will oppose the rise of fascism.

The rise of fascism has telltale markers that are consistent throughout the history of democracies failing. The Dems, being as simpleminded as the R's, won't understand that the attraction that fascism brings must be resisted.

Can you be honest like some of the others in extolling the virtues of fascism. For one instance, the elimination of government civil servants?
A ban on abortion?
The combining of church with state?
A politically biased supreme court that caters to the priorities of a dictator?

Are those all desirable changes in your opinion?
If Trump can still get through this, he can likely gain momentum and most of the opposition to Trump will evaporate away.
As I suggested, few but the truly patriotic educated will oppose the rise of fascism.

The rise of fascism has telltale markers that are consistent throughout the history of democracies failing. The Dems, being as simpleminded as the R's, won't understand that the attraction that fascism brings must be resisted.

Can you be honest like some of the others in extolling the virtues of fascism. For one instance, the elimination of government civil servants?
A ban on abortion?
The combining of church with state?
A politically biased supreme court that caters to the priorities of a dictator?

Are those all desirable changes in your opinion?
The case against Trump seems to be building

More of his key staff members are testifying against him
The Mara Lago documents are a whole new scandal
Looks like he will lose his Civil case

When are Republicans going to say enough of the nonstop Trump drama?
I posted the conversation with Hannity where he said he thinks it’s fake but doesn’t know. Then they carry on to attack the judge to distract from Trump. They always need a deep state enemy to distract from what’s actually happening. I guess pretending that the judge is an Epstein pedophile works for this news cycle boys. Let’s run with it. What a joke.
And yet CNN and others are even worse but it seems they get a pass because they fit some peoples narrative.
That is why I prefer to read the news.

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