Fox is FOS of course on Arctic ice...duped AGAIN lol....

What Bolling and the graphic failed to mention was that 2012 was a record-breaking year for Arctic sea ice lows, reaching the lowest level measured since record keeping began in 1979. The increase in 2013 from such an anomaly was to be expected. Furthermore, the decades leading up to 2012 showed an extreme decline in Arctic ice. Had Fox aired an accurate graphic with full context, it would have looked more like this, which illustrates the fallacy of using a single year's data to discredit a long-term trend:

Sea ice is only 1.2 what it was 30 years ago...see graphs (someone please copy-thanks...)
The only solution to Global whatever is for all human activity to immediately cease and for everyone to die.

Oh, wait, that's gonna happen anyway. It's only a small matter of timing. Damn small matter for those understand about the millions of years it took to get this far.
Global warming is a sham. I mean really, Harry Reid thinks the Koch Brothers cause it. For pete's sake, give it up.
ACTUALLY, Reid believes the Kochs bankroll most GW denial, and he's right...
What Bolling and the graphic failed to mention was that 2012 was a record-breaking year for Arctic sea ice lows, reaching the lowest level measured since record keeping began in 1979. The increase in 2013 from such an anomaly was to be expected. Furthermore, the decades leading up to 2012 showed an extreme decline in Arctic ice. Had Fox aired an accurate graphic with full context, it would have looked more like this, which illustrates the fallacy of using a single year's data to discredit a long-term trend:

Sea ice is only 1.2 what it was 30 years ago...see graphs (someone please copy-thanks...)

hey Frankie?.....what happened to that Ice Age they were talking about in the 70's?.....just askin....
Do we know for a fact this is all man made?
The lefties make it sound like only the US is responsible for this...

Maybe this is just normal.
It's too hot it's a problem
It's too cold it's a problem.
It milder then the year before it's a problem...
In the 70's they predicted an Ice Age...........

No, they predicted we'd be under water...................


BUILD A ARK......................

Bunch of loons.
We have more Nuclear plants,solar panels,Wind turbines,hybrid cars then 100 years ago.
We have less manufacturing plants,cars with lower emissions....

And still the earth is dying according to the Libs....


I'm going back to watching House on Netflix....

Will that contribute to global whatever?.... Too bad if it does.
I don't know squat about what is going on with the climate, and I doubt that anyone on this board knows anything either.

We have to rely on "Experts"---people who know more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing.

The Socialists/Loons have declared the discussion over, because 93% of the experts who have weighed in on the matter say we have "Global Warming"...make that "Climate case its gets cold...which it has.

But, I think 93% of the experts in this very ambiguous field have a financial interest in there being a problems else they would have nothing to fix, and more importantly, no big ole federal grants and shit to fix it with. And oil peple who are mostly from the Heartland, and are mostly Republicans can't be shut down.

Here is irony. Socialist /Loons, who live mostly in the rotting cities of the North, loathe the oil & gas business, because it produces rich Republicans and gives power to the Heartland folks...but they have to have oil & gas to keep from freezing to death.

A decade ago Al Gore said the polar ice caps would melt by 2013, but they are still there, in spite of the massive Carbon Footprint this turd has left with his mansions and jets and all the money he has made off Global Warming...make that "Climate Change" the a scam can go on...even if it gets cold...which it has.

Why are us ole Heartland boys to be deemed "Nutters" for not believing people like Al Gore, who is distinctly a turd, a money whore, and a liar?
ACTUALLY, Reid believes the Kochs bankroll most GW denial, and he's right...


You're just dumb enough to believe that, aren't you?


Frankie would never question anything the Democrats tell him....right Frankie?....

Their track record is brilliant compared to Pub bs for the dupes...

och Industries - SourceWatch
They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest ... originally published in "Koch Industries Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine," 2010. ..... Actions during and before the GW Bush administration.
"Dark Money" Funds Climate Change Denial Effort - Scientific ...
"Dark Money" Funds Climate Change Denial Effort - Scientific American
Dec 23, 2013 ... The largest, most-consistent money fueling the climate denial ... Another key finding: From 2003 to 2007, Koch Affiliated Foundations and the .... Paid shills are nothing new and the polluters have learned a lot from the tobacco ...
Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine ...
THE KOCH BROTHERS: FUNDING $67,042,064 TO GROUPS DENYING ... Billionaire oilman David Koch used to joke that Koch Industries was "the biggest .... Smithsonian Institute Astrophysical Observatory (Willie Soon payments) - ...
Not Just the Koch Brothers: New Drexel Study Reveals Funders ...
Not Just the Koch Brothers: New Drexel Study Reveals Funders Behind the Climate Change Denial Effort | Now | Drexel University
Dec 20, 2013 ... The data also indicates that Koch Industries and ExxonMobil, two of the largest supporters of ... Conservative foundations have bank-rolled denial. ... He received a doctorate in sociology from George Washington University, ...
Not just the Koch brothers: New study reveals funders behind the ...
Not just the Koch brothers: New study reveals funders behind the climate change denial effort
Dec 20, 2013 ... The data also indicates that Koch Industries and ExxonMobil, two of the largest supporters of ... Conservative foundations have bank-rolled denial. ..... Energy companies pay more taxes to the governments than any other industry. ... Looking at their "funding priorities," GW skepticism is NOT one of them.
I know the Scientific American is nothing compared to Heritage lol...

"The climate change countermovement has had a real political and ecological impact on the failure of the world to act on global warming," Brulle said in a statement. "Like a play on Broadway, the countermovement has stars in the spotlight – often prominent contrarian scientists or conservative politicians – but behind the stars is an organizational structure of directors, script writers and producers."

"If you want to understand what's driving this movement, you have to look at what's going on behind the scenes."

Consistent funders
To uncover that, Brulle developed a list of 118 influential climate denial organizations in the United States. He then coded data on philanthropic funding for each organization, combining information from the Foundation Center, a database of global philanthropy, with financial data submitted by organizations to the Internal Revenue Service.

According to Brulle, the largest and most consistent funders where a number of conservative foundations promoting "ultra-free-market ideas" in many realms, among them the Searle Freedom Trust, the John Williams Pope Foundation, the Howard Charitable Foundation and the Sarah Scaife Foundation.

Another key finding: From 2003 to 2007, Koch Affiliated Foundations and the ExxonMobil Foundation were "heavily involved" in funding climate change denial efforts. But Exxon hasn't made a publically traceable contribution since 2008, and Koch's efforts dramatically declined, Brulle said.
Last edited:
You know, we all have a part to play in saving the global ecosystem which is why I think it's very important for all commies ^^ to kill themselves in the interest of the planet, the polar bears, and tasty animals that I'd like to eat. Fewer people = better environment. Just ask Bill Gates, Oprah, and Ted Turner.
What Bolling and the graphic failed to mention was that 2012 was a record-breaking year for Arctic sea ice lows, reaching the lowest level measured since record keeping began in 1979. The increase in 2013 from such an anomaly was to be expected. Furthermore, the decades leading up to 2012 showed an extreme decline in Arctic ice. Had Fox aired an accurate graphic with full context, it would have looked more like this, which illustrates the fallacy of using a single year's data to discredit a long-term trend:

Sea ice is only 1.2 what it was 30 years ago...see graphs (someone please copy-thanks...)

hey Frankie?.....what happened to that Ice Age they were talking about in the 70's?.....just askin....

Which goes to show just how long the deniers have been wrong!!!

You're just dumb enough to believe that, aren't you?


Frankie would never question anything the Democrats tell him....right Frankie?....

Their track record is brilliant compared to Pub bs for the dupes...

och Industries - SourceWatch
They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest ... originally published in "Koch Industries Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine," 2010. ..... Actions during and before the GW Bush administration.
"Dark Money" Funds Climate Change Denial Effort - Scientific ...
"Dark Money" Funds Climate Change Denial Effort - Scientific American
Dec 23, 2013 ... The largest, most-consistent money fueling the climate denial ... Another key finding: From 2003 to 2007, Koch Affiliated Foundations and the .... Paid shills are nothing new and the polluters have learned a lot from the tobacco ...
Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine ...
THE KOCH BROTHERS: FUNDING $67,042,064 TO GROUPS DENYING ... Billionaire oilman David Koch used to joke that Koch Industries was "the biggest .... Smithsonian Institute Astrophysical Observatory (Willie Soon payments) - ...
Not Just the Koch Brothers: New Drexel Study Reveals Funders ...
Not Just the Koch Brothers: New Drexel Study Reveals Funders Behind the Climate Change Denial Effort | Now | Drexel University
Dec 20, 2013 ... The data also indicates that Koch Industries and ExxonMobil, two of the largest supporters of ... Conservative foundations have bank-rolled denial. ... He received a doctorate in sociology from George Washington University, ...
Not just the Koch brothers: New study reveals funders behind the ...
Not just the Koch brothers: New study reveals funders behind the climate change denial effort
Dec 20, 2013 ... The data also indicates that Koch Industries and ExxonMobil, two of the largest supporters of ... Conservative foundations have bank-rolled denial. ..... Energy companies pay more taxes to the governments than any other industry. ... Looking at their "funding priorities," GW skepticism is NOT one of them.

so? putting all this shit up here is supposed to mean what?.....let me ask you again you ever question what the Democrats tell you?....

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