FOX is running from Hillary even when she had nothing to do with something!

About as scared as GOP nominee will be of the Marxist Sheeple National Broadcasting Company.
Just what this country needs...Another 4 years of dead lock and hatred.

Why not Huntsman??? Someone both sides could partly agree with and work together towards a better country.

Please god, not another 4 years of this shit.
Just what this country needs...Another 4 years of dead lock and hatred.

Why not Huntsman??? Someone both sides could partly agree with and work together towards a better country.

Please god, not another 4 years of this shit.

Republicans don't agree with Huntsman. Huntsman thought he could get some to agree with him, just not very many.
Can Hillary duck Taliban deal on campaign trail? | Fox News

Funny! The GOP is so afraid of Hillary that they are already wondering if she can overcome the "Taliban deal" which of course she had nothing to do with.

Do these people sleep, eat, and crap Hillary Clinton...or what? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

It's like, just grab the popcorn and watch Republicans shoot themselves in the foot the next 2 years!

First they told us Benghazi was all about getting Obama re-elected, but since he got re-elected, that didn't work for them anymore so then they pivoted and investigated it 7 times in order to try to make something stick. And since that hasn't worked, they're investigating it an 8th time and telling us now that it's really all about Hillary Clinton.

Republicans are shitting their pants because they don't have anybody in league with her in their own party. Jeb Bush has the unfortunate burden of the legacy of his younger brother and Chris Christie's hopes have stalled with his Bridgegate.

That leaves Rand Paul and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, all of whom are from the clown-car wing of the party.

Whatever gains Republicans make in November, it'll totally be upended come November 2016. They were supposed to pick off a number of Democrats this fall, like Mark Pryor from Arkansas, though he's seen a double digit swing in his favor in the last 2 months.
What is so amusing is how the left jumps to protect Hillary from any and all questions that any possible Presidential candidate would be ask.
really? someone "outed" me by lying?

only in rightwingnuthackworld.

btw, negged, moron.

Yup. Your reaction shows it's true. You are nothing but wannabe attorney. A partisan hack who lies about being one to create the faux illusion of knowing more about the law than anyone else.

Me? I've studied the law since 2009, and that's without going to college. And if you want to debate me on law, then I would be happy to show you up for what you really are.

Go ahead, neg me. It just makes my point.

no. my reaction is appropriate given the wingnut lies.

neg you? when I feel like. right now, you're just mindlessly spouting off.

he, however, is supposed to know better, despite him being a disingenuous, pompous twit.

that the point. I DO know better. I have read many of your posts and realize all you know about law is pretty much what any executive assistant to an attorney would know.

When it comes to deeper stuff? You toss out some anger and hatred, neg rep and then disappear.

No dear. You are not an attorney. That we all know for sure.
really? someone "outed" me by lying?

only in rightwingnuthackworld.

btw, negged, moron.

Yup. Your reaction shows it's true. You are nothing but wannabe attorney. A partisan hack who lies about being one to create the faux illusion of knowing more about the law than anyone else.

Me? I've studied the law since 2009, and that's without going to college. And if you want to debate me on law, then I would be happy to show you up for what you really are.

Go ahead, neg me. It just makes my point.

no. my reaction is appropriate given the wingnut lies.

neg you? when I feel like. right now, you're just mindlessly spouting off.

he, however, is supposed to know better, despite him being a disingenuous, pompous twit.

Hah! You make my point with each word you type and post in response to me! I know a couple of attorneys in real life that would pounce on you for being a hostile witness during examination or cross examination.

You felt the need to neg Jarhead for his calling you out for being a fake attorney, so why not me? Afraid? I am the last person you want to be getting into a debate with on the law, trust me.

Sure, I'd love to see you spouting that nonsense you post in an actual courtroom. Would make for great entertainment.
really? someone "outed" me by lying?

only in rightwingnuthackworld.

btw, negged, moron.

Yup. Your reaction shows it's true. You are nothing but wannabe attorney. A partisan hack who lies about being one to create the faux illusion of knowing more about the law than anyone else.

Me? I've studied the law since 2009, and that's without going to college. And if you want to debate me on law, then I would be happy to show you up for what you really are.

Go ahead, neg me. It just makes my point.

no. my reaction is appropriate given the wingnut lies.

neg you? when I feel like. right now, you're just mindlessly spouting off.

he, however, is supposed to know better, despite him being a disingenuous, pompous twit.
Seems to me that you don't like being OUTED for the phony you are.
WOW! I am reading some crazy stuff! We will call your disease from now on the dreaded H Factor.

You guys fess up now. How many of you are taking sleeping pills in an attempt to ward off the H Factor nightmares? :badgrin::D
WOW! I am reading some crazy stuff! We will call your disease from now on the dreaded H Factor.

You guys fess up now. How many of you are taking sleeping pills in an attempt to ward off the H Factor nightmares? :badgrin::D

Well, I know what the primary cause for the stupid factor is....
I just checked...Hillary has had nothing to do with anything...period..
Last edited:

The headline alone betrays bias. Can you all see it?

The word "duck" implies the deal is a scandal.

If a headline read "Can Cruz overcome Bergdahl's rescue on the campaign trail?", I bet you would instantly grasp the bias behind the question. And you would be whining that Cruz has not declared his candidacy.

"Fair and balanced", eh?
No, actually it doesn't. It would have been clearer if you had read the article to figure out what they were talking about.
HRC owns the brain of the far right wingnuts.

it's awesome

makes the wingers crazy... female...... democrat..... AND a Clinton... hehehehehehe

Whatever it is you're on, please stop smoking it.


You're going to have to do better than that. She's right. The right wingnuts are terrified of her. If she were not a force to be reckoned with they would not be obsessing so.

If Hillary really had any liability in Benghazi that they could pin on her, they would have done so by now. So that leaves us with two possibilities:

1. Hillary is not to blame for Benghazi.
2. The Republicans are so fucking inept they cannot bring the facts to the table and accomplish their goal of discrediting her.

Take your pick.

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