Fox Isn't Paying Attention To Its Own Lies

I hear that there are USA ground troops there now C.Clayton and more are going to be going in the future if the talking heads are correct . Its not conservatives . It was mr. Obama that already sent some ground troops and if more go it'll be mr. Obama that sends them !!
aww 30,000 enemies said to be in the cities , sure !! Bombing of Dresden wasn't an invasion , it was bombing to destroy and Dresden burned . Easier to visualize is one bomb on Nagasaki .
“On the September 15 edition of America's Newsroom, Fox News contributor Pete Hegseth pushed for American ground troops to be sent to the Middle East to combat Islamic State forces there.”

ISIS has clearly succeeded in frightening conservatives into advocating doing something stupid.

Some are even saying its WWIII!

Some have even compared it to Nagasaki and apparently want to drop an atomic bomb on -

Well, they don't really know where to drop it but by damn, we should.
no one said Atomic bomb Luddely , the thinking is that conventional bombing is good enough [Dresden style] !! As to ww3 , been going on for awhile now , watch and see . So , do you think that mr. Obama will send MORE ground troops Luddely ??
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Faux made a really big deal about the number of bullets that Homeland Security buys, but failed to mentioned that The United States Coast Guard, and the United States Border Patrol Service are part of Homeland Security. Of course the uni-brow/paste-eaters ran with it.
links to what , I have no links but bombing the cities makes sense to many people . Its just common sense that you go after the enemy where he is like was done in Dresden , Nagasaki , Hiroshima Luddley .


ISIS is a small number of fanatics. Wiping out entire cities of innocent civilian women and children is beyond stupidity, it is utterly moronic!
peter king , repub on telly now . He says he wants isis destroyed . He doesn't want to wait for arabs to be trained for fighting . He sounds like he wants some American troops on the ground . He wants isis destroyed , killed .

Nothing stopping the republicans in Congress from declaring war on ISIS. Why don't they have the cojones to pass a bill telling Obama to wage full out war with ground troops against ISIS?

All talk and no action from the Lazyboy RW'ers in congress?
No way the RWs can lie about this.

Fox News Acknowledges 160 Airstrikes Against Islamic State Still Claims Obama Hasn t Taken Action Blog Media Matters for America

Fox News' months-long effort to criticize President Obama's response to the Islamic State extremist group while ignoring the steps he's taken to combat the group culminated in a confused segment claiming that the U.S. has both taken and not taken military action against ISIS.

On the September 15 edition of America's Newsroom, Fox News contributor Pete Hegseth pushed for American ground troops to be sent to the Middle East to combat Islamic State forces there. Hegseth criticized Obama's response thus far, saying that allies are seeing "American ambivalence."

A more striking ambiguity took place on screen, where Fox News' text suggested simultaneously that:

  • Obama has not taken any military action against the Islamic State
  • U.S. has conducted over 160 airstrikes against the Islamic State

Yeah...I saw that....I was laughing pretty hard over that one.
31,000 fanatics and yep , they are fanatic . Some people want to wipe them out and get every last fanatic , sorta like Dresden , Nagasaki , Hiroshima as example . So yeah , its been done before Derideo !!
peter king , repub on telly now . He says he wants isis destroyed . He doesn't want to wait for arabs to be trained for fighting . He sounds like he wants some American troops on the ground . He wants isis destroyed , killed .

Nothing stopping the republicans in Congress from declaring war on ISIS. Why don't they have the cojones to pass a bill telling Obama to wage full out war with ground troops against ISIS?

All talk and no action from the Lazyboy RW'ers in congress?
In an election year? Not going to happen.

The safer – and cowardly – thing for House republicans to do is snipe at the president while contributing nothing of their own.

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