FOX news banner: Pence comes out swinging at trump following J6 indictment

One really can't feel bad for Pence and the abuse he takes from Trump. He knew all along who he was and said nothing for years when this was directed at others.

AND, he would have done donny's bidding if he could get away with it. he asked dan quail of all people if there was any way it happen, but ol' dan said nope.
I ask again, can you ever answer a question. you never do:

The evidence against trump is overwhelming, credible, and corroborated. Can you admit he is guilty?

He's caught red handed.
banker i have given you many answers to your just dont like it because i dont say what YOU want me to say.....banker i am not like you.....i question what i am told....
banker i have given you many answers to your just dont like it because i dont say what YOU want me to say.....banker i am not like you.....i question what i am told....
too scared to answer yet again.

you never answer anything I ask at all ever.

Finally! The man whose life was on the line on J6, when the trump faithful attempted to find and hang him has finally come out and told the truth. trump should never, NEVER, be placed in a position of power again. Murdoch wants to turn the page. Pence wants to turn the page. But the MAGA faithful are not there yet. Will they ever be?

What does Pence have to lose? He's an 'also ran' in the GOP primary. His campaign is dead. He sacrified his integrity and political viability for Trump.

Why not a little truth for a change?
if i can prove you are wrong,will you ban yourself from here for 30 days?.... how about it lets see you back up what you say....
ahahaha !
you still have not answered the question
i can't remember 1 single time you ever manned the fuck up and answered any question I have ever asked you.

Finally! The man whose life was on the line on J6, when the trump faithful attempted to find and hang him has finally come out and told the truth. trump should never, NEVER, be placed in a position of power again. Murdoch wants to turn the page. Pence wants to turn the page. But the MAGA faithful are not there yet. Will they ever be?
Pence has 0 chance. He is just there to drag Trump down and no one except Trump haters are listening. Non story. Thread closed. :mm:
You Democrats

i am not a (D)

were big Dan Quayle fans when he tried to spell "potato" right?

auCONtraire - howverrrrrrrrrrr i found it oh so amusing when he was railing against murphy brown for having a kid outa wedlock.

a TV character.

AND the fact candice bergan's character chose to stay pregnat & become a mother .... AND not an abortion ... was quite the dichotomy AND hypocrisy.

what a hoot!

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