Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Says Eric Garner Didn't Deserve To Die

Garner was held down forcefully even after he was unconscious. Garner's offense did NOT call for the amount of force they used on him once he was cuffed. The cops were wrong and their action directly contributed/caused his death. They didn't even uncuff him when he was laying on the ground unconscious!

“It was pretty obvious this patient was in distress,” a source said. “His body was limp and lifeless.”

Yet none of the workers — nor the eight cops on hand — can be seen in the video administering any aid to Garner. One medic at Garner’s side doesn’t even have any of the required equipment on her, such as an oxygen bag or a defibrillator, the source said.

“You can [only] hear her say, ‘Oh, he can’t walk to the bus?’ ” the source said.

Garner should have been immediately placed on a stretcher, and his airway, breathing and circulation checked, sources said. Instead, EMT Nicole Palmeri can be seen only checking for a pulse. She never uses a stethoscope to check his lungs for air movement, a source said, nor does she connect him to an oxygen mask.

“Maybe the EMT felt a pulse, but it was obvious this male was in serious distress and needed to be assisted with his breathing,” the source said.

Undercover Officer Daniel Pantaleo was caught on video putting him in a chokehold — a violation of NYPD procedure.

Pantaleo has been named in two civil-rights lawsuits, one of which was settled by the city for $30,000, the Staten Island Advance reported Sunday. Pantaleo and three other officers unlawfully stopped a vehicle and strip-searched two men."

4 EMS workers barred from duty after chokehold death New York Post

7 min vid of no one giving Garner medical assistance, not cops, not ems (other than checking his pulse).

Cops didn 8217 t give medical assistance after chokehold New York Post
Garner failed to comply with a sensible and reasonable arrest by a officer of the law half his size, I am nor feeling the pain here. Why did he resist arrest? WHY? His health issues were not the primary concern of the NYPD. Selling ciggys illegally was not worth dying for. Garner was a like an Elephant and the cops were like ants. His health issues and his obesity seem secondary to his RACE.
Why were taxes raised so high that a black market was created? Who passed the laws against selling untaxed cigarettes and created the cigarette task force? Who told the police to effect an arrest?
Why were taxes raised so high that a black market was created? Who passed the laws against selling untaxed cigarettes and created the cigarette task force? Who told the police to effect an arrest?
Ironic about M. Brown shoplifted a handful of cheap cigars, was fingered walking down the middle of a street strutting around too? Wow. Maybe the tobacco industry is at fault here? Or maybe people should just follow the laws and be more respectful.
Yeah blame the cops, not the authorities that told them to crack down on these guys stealing customers from legitimate tax paying businesses and taxes from the city.

Here's the bottom line:

The crime rate has dropped drastically in New York City over the last 20 years. I mean it fell harder and faster than George Bush's economic fiasco in 2008.
Today, in an astonishing twist, New York is one of the safest cities in the country. Its current homicide rate is 18 percent of its 1990 total — its auto theft rate is 6 percent. The drop exceeded the wildest dreams of crime experts of the 1990s, and it’s a testament to this transformation that New Yorkers now seem more likely to complain about the city’s dullness than about its criminality....." What really cleaned up New York -

But the city still maintains an active plus retired police force of 50,000.

(The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association of the City of New York (NYC PBA), the largest municipal police union in the United States, represents over 50,000 active and retired NYC police officers.)

So you have a lot of bored cops with nothing to do except bust small-time misdemeanors like Eric Garner. And just like any pack mentality, and the cops are full of that, things go bad quickly.

The answer is: reduce the police force, lay a bunch of them off. But the police unions in this country are too powerful, so that ain't gonna happen.

Make them wear cop-cams? Ha. Eric Garner's death proved that doesn't mean shit.

255,000 other misdemeanor arrests did not result in deaths of the perp, so wholesale changes such as you suggest would be over reacting.

Republicans we need to stop defending the police on this. Whose next on the cross hair?

I am defending the institution of Law Enforcement and those who do it honorably while also stating that Garner said I can't breathe 11 times before he died.

At what point would any of us have relaxed that choke hold?

After the 3rd time?

Or the sixth?

Or the eighth, ninth or tenth time the man cried out for his life?

I stand with the Police and support them 100% unless they do wrong.

Then I call them on it but always I try to understand the situation as best I can before coming to a conclusion.

Usually that means after the legal system has done it's work.

Eric Garner should be alive today.
I'm sorry there was nothing honorable about this.Police when they are in the wrong should never be defended.

Take a deep breath. Re-read my post.

Then all will be well.
What humor? I was giving you instruction in line with your lower level of understanding, Vigilante.

Unrestrained police violence like that will escalate if not controlled.
Why were taxes raised so high that a black market was created? Who passed the laws against selling untaxed cigarettes and created the cigarette task force? Who told the police to effect an arrest?

The liberals who love to tax and spend.

New York Cigarette Taxes Killed Eric Garner
December 04, 2014
RUSH: We have a guy who died over a tax collection issue, but nobody will say that out loud... Did you see the number of cops that descended on this guy? Five or six cops on a guy selling loosies? On a guy selling cigarettes? What kind of orders must these cops be under?... New York state imposes a tax of $4.35 a pack. That's the highest of any state. That's on top of the local New York City tax of a buck sixty, which is also the highest of any city. The mayor, de Blasio, had just ordered the police to crack down on illegal cigarettes a few weeks before the Garner incident.

New York Cigarette Taxes Killed Eric Garner - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Why were taxes raised so high that a black market was created? Who passed the laws against selling untaxed cigarettes and created the cigarette task force? Who told the police to effect an arrest?
Ironic about M. Brown shoplifted a handful of cheap cigars, was fingered walking down the middle of a street strutting around too? Wow. Maybe the tobacco industry is at fault here? Or maybe people should just follow the laws and be more respectful.

Brown was an undoubted threat to seriously injure of kill Officer Wilson.

The victim in NYC's miscarriage of justice was nothing of the sort. An extended baton blow to the back of the knee would have brought him down, where when being told the remainder would be to his head would have led to him willingly rolling over on his fat tummy.
If cigarettes were sold in packs of 2 or 3 this business would not exist. Simple as that.

If a regular sized pack of 20 costs $13.00 in NYC, it just might behoove some little guy to start a repackaging business.

Or for that matter, it might behoove the large companies to do it.

That is a hell of a mark up.
Garner was held down forcefully even after he was unconscious. Garner's offense did NOT call for the amount of force they used on him once he was cuffed. The cops were wrong and their action directly contributed/caused his death. They didn't even uncuff him when he was laying on the ground unconscious!

“It was pretty obvious this patient was in distress,” a source said. “His body was limp and lifeless.”

Yet none of the workers — nor the eight cops on hand — can be seen in the video administering any aid to Garner. One medic at Garner’s side doesn’t even have any of the required equipment on her, such as an oxygen bag or a defibrillator, the source said.

“You can [only] hear her say, ‘Oh, he can’t walk to the bus?’ ” the source said.

Garner should have been immediately placed on a stretcher, and his airway, breathing and circulation checked, sources said. Instead, EMT Nicole Palmeri can be seen only checking for a pulse. She never uses a stethoscope to check his lungs for air movement, a source said, nor does she connect him to an oxygen mask.

“Maybe the EMT felt a pulse, but it was obvious this male was in serious distress and needed to be assisted with his breathing,” the source said.

Undercover Officer Daniel Pantaleo was caught on video putting him in a chokehold — a violation of NYPD procedure.

Pantaleo has been named in two civil-rights lawsuits, one of which was settled by the city for $30,000, the Staten Island Advance reported Sunday. Pantaleo and three other officers unlawfully stopped a vehicle and strip-searched two men."

4 EMS workers barred from duty after chokehold death New York Post

7 min vid of no one giving Garner medical assistance, not cops, not ems (other than checking his pulse).

Cops didn 8217 t give medical assistance after chokehold New York Post
Garner failed to comply with a sensible and reasonable arrest by a officer of the law half his size, I am nor feeling the pain here. Why did he resist arrest? WHY? His health issues were not the primary concern of the NYPD. Selling ciggys illegally was not worth dying for. Garner was a like an Elephant and the cops were like ants. His health issues and his obesity seem secondary to his RACE.

You didn't read what I wrote: Garner's offense did NOT call for the amount of force they used on him once he was cuffed. Once he was cuffed they should have gotten off of him and put him into a squad car. Instead, they continued to sit/push down on him, even his head, even while he was rendered unconscious, they offered zero medical assistance (they're cops, they're suppose to help). They directly contributed to Garner's death.

You're right, selling cigs isn't worth dying for ... so why did the cops use such drastic force for such a minor offense?
$6 a pack in taxes? Jesus Christ, that is ridiculous. I mean I don't smoke, but god damn that's just stealing from people.

And the cop who put this guy in the unauthorized choke hold should be charged with a crime .
$6 a pack in taxes? Jesus Christ, that is ridiculous. I mean I don't smoke, but god damn that's just stealing from people.

And the cop who put this guy in the unauthorized choke hold should be charged with a crime .
It was not an illegal choke hold.

It violated NYPD protocols; it did not violate NY law.

The guy had been arrested thirty times.

He knew the procedure.

Don't want to die, don't resist arrest.

Very simple.
$6 a pack in taxes? Jesus Christ, that is ridiculous. I mean I don't smoke, but god damn that's just stealing from people.

And the cop who put this guy in the unauthorized choke hold should be charged with a crime .
It was not an illegal choke hold.

It violated NYPD protocols; it did not violate NY law.

The guy had been arrested thirty times.

He knew the procedure.

Don't want to die, don't resist arrest.

Very simple.

Yes, I edited my post after you quoted but before you posted. It was no illegal, just against NYPD procedure.
A choke hold should only be used serious crimes; selling cigarettes is not serious.
Great idea! The cop should have a notebook with a list of all possible situations to refer to before taking any aggressive action. He could simply say..".don't move, sir while I check how I can fuck you up and not be held liable.".
common sense would book necessary.
That's what the jury you're back to square one.
My mother and father both died from lung cancer from smoking. Should THEY have died? I am over the hurt, my father also received a purple heart in WWII after being wounded in the war, its most probable his death was hastened by the industrial pollution he had to deal with after the war. Boo hoo. Nobody lives forever, that is a fact, we all have slings and arrows to deal with. Don't blame the NYPD.
$6 a pack in taxes? Jesus Christ, that is ridiculous. I mean I don't smoke, but god damn that's just stealing from people.

And the cop who put this guy in the unauthorized choke hold should be charged with a crime .
It was not an illegal choke hold.

It violated NYPD protocols; it did not violate NY law.

The guy had been arrested thirty times.

He knew the procedure.

Don't want to die, don't resist arrest.

Very simple.

Yes, I edited my post after you quoted but before you posted. It was no illegal, just against NYPD procedure.

It only took me one arrest for smarting off to a cop to cure me for life.

I didn't need 30 lessons to get the routing down.
My mother and father both died from lung cancer from smoking. Should THEY have died? I am over the hurt, my father also received a purple heart in WWII after being wounded in the war, its most probable his death was hastened by the industrial pollution he had to deal with after the war. Boo Ho for me. Nobody lives forever, that is a fact, we all have slings and arrows to deal with. Don't blame the NYPD.
Both of my parents died from smoking and drinking.

I wonder why I can't buy life insurance on their pre-existingly dead asses?

Works for Obamacare, and I could use the money.
$6 a pack in taxes? Jesus Christ, that is ridiculous. I mean I don't smoke, but god damn that's just stealing from people.

And the cop who put this guy in the unauthorized choke hold should be charged with a crime .
It was not an illegal choke hold.

It violated NYPD protocols; it did not violate NY law.

The guy had been arrested thirty times.

He knew the procedure.

Don't want to die, don't resist arrest.

Very simple.

Yes, I edited my post after you quoted but before you posted. It was no illegal, just against NYPD procedure.

It only took me one arrest for smarting off to a cop to cure me for life.

I didn't need 30 lessons to get the routing down.

Hey, I'd have no problem with the cops beating the shit out of little turds and no one saying a word

BUT, a beating for being a turd shouldn't result in death.

You don't think MPs slap people around when the situation calls for it? Of course we did, but there is a line.

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