Fox News Bloodbath: 8 PM Viewership Cut in Half After Tucker Carlson Firing

This is a short term situation just as it was when Bill O' Reilly who held that time slot before Carlson was let go Bill at that time had the highest rated show in cable news the network survived and thrived. The reactions to Carlson being let go are a great example of what is wrong with the nation today short term knee jerk reactions to everything without ever looking at a situation long term.
This is freedom in motion this is the American people telling the media that they’re sick and tired of their shit. Tucker Carlson is one of the greatest American journalist ever live…, his removal from Fox News is one of the great stories of the 21st-century and showing us how powerful pharmaceutical companies and other companies can completely disregard the will of the American people because of money and power. But we’re seeing that money and power that anti-American is being challenged by the American people.

Wherever Tucker goes millions of Americans will follow. He’s a breath of fresh air how he challenges the vaccines, the lockdowns this absurd support of the Ukraine propaganda machine, calling out Biden and establishment politicians for not giving a darn about Americans getting sick in East Palestine.

Tucker really should explore starting his own network and he will crush CNN and Fox News.

Tucker Carlson is a opposed by anti-Americans, by Warhawks and neoconservatives. The types of people who have destroyed the middle class. So many great things are happening in America with the rise of RFK Junior on the Democrat party, lots of positive things.
Fox lost all of their advertisers for Carlson's show. At the end, all they had was the junkie pillow guy buying ads.

If Fox is smart, and suddenly decides telling their audience the truth is a good idea, they will draw more intelligent viewers and more advertisers.

Or they might decide retards outnumber intelligent people and stick with their current business model.

Time will tell.

Yes! Fox should have been telling Americans Trump told them to drink bleach.
This is a short term situation just as it was when Bill O' Reilly who held that time slot before Carlson was let go Bill at that time had the highest rated show in cable news the network survived and thrived. The reactions to Carlson being let go are a great example of what is wrong with the nation today short term knee jerk reactions to everything without ever looking at a situation long term.
I think Carlson's leaving might have been a behind the scenes agreement with Dominion, after all, they had 'the Fox' by the nuts. Got no proof just speculation.
I think Carlson's leaving might have been a behind the scenes agreement with Dominion, after all, they had 'the Fox' by the nuts. Got no proof just speculation.
It’s possible like you I have no proof either way and it might be something totally unrelated. Host on cable news shows will come and go some last longer than others.
This is pretty big. Advertising rates are pinned to viwership. Much more of this and Fox will not be able to pay the bills.


Tucker was the only honest and trustworthy person left
Now we have zero
All Lilliputians
Fox lost all of their advertisers for Carlson's show. At the end, all they had was the junkie pillow guy buying ads.

If Fox is smart, and suddenly decides telling their audience the truth is a good idea, they will draw more intelligent viewers and more advertisers.

Or they might decide retards outnumber intelligent people and stick with their current business model.

Time will tell.
Fox should just rebroadcast Jean Pierre’s pressers, they don’t need reporters
Fox lost all of their advertisers for Carlson's show. At the end, all they had was the junkie pillow guy buying ads.

If Fox is smart, and suddenly decides telling their audience the truth is a good idea, they will draw more intelligent viewers and more advertisers.

Or they might decide retards outnumber intelligent people and stick with their current business model.

here is the kind of truth that democrats like I never had sex with that woman ....Ms Lewinsky I Just let her lean on my shoulder and then do oral on me
utterly amazing how most Americans trust everything the Govt says
You wonder why this has become a fake country
Actually, less than a third of Americans trust the government.

Fox News has badly hurt the conservative movement
. Most Americans are clueless to the politics of the Tucker situation.
Now they all view conservatives as bad

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