Fox News has made a Industry on Old People making fun of College Kids

More and more their stories are about what some college kid did somewhere at some time. They have taken the tried and true...Old people "Whats wrong with today's kids" feelings and turned them into news segments.

But think about it...A bunch of 40 and 50 year olds going on about stuff they dont understand from people half their age. Congrats guys, good job
That's a pretty vague post and topic. Do you have info backing up your opinion?

Yeah, the Television. What other info would back it up for you?
You're not being very specific. Give examples of the divide you allege.
More and more their stories are about what some college kid did somewhere at some time. They have taken the tried and true...Old people "Whats wrong with today's kids" feelings and turned them into news segments.

But think about it...A bunch of 40 and 50 year olds going on about stuff they dont understand from people half their age. Congrats guys, good job
That's a pretty vague post and topic. Do you have info backing up your opinion?

Yeah, the Television. What other info would back it up for you?
You're not being very specific. Give examples of the divide you allege.

Ok, I'll ask again...Such as?
More and more their stories are about what some college kid did somewhere at some time. They have taken the tried and true...Old people "Whats wrong with today's kids" feelings and turned them into news segments.

But think about it...A bunch of 40 and 50 year olds going on about stuff they dont understand from people half their age. Congrats guys, good job
That's a pretty vague post and topic. Do you have info backing up your opinion?

Yeah, the Television. What other info would back it up for you?
You're not being very specific. Give examples of the divide you allege.

Ok, I'll ask again...Such as?
You're wasting my time.
More and more their stories are about what some college kid did somewhere at some time. They have taken the tried and true...Old people "Whats wrong with today's kids" feelings and turned them into news segments.

But think about it...A bunch of 40 and 50 year olds going on about stuff they dont understand from people half their age. Congrats guys, good job
That's a pretty vague post and topic. Do you have info backing up your opinion?

Yeah, the Television. What other info would back it up for you?
You're not being very specific. Give examples of the divide you allege.

Ok, I'll ask again...Such as?
You're wasting my time.

Sorry questions on what you were asking for is too taxing
The Fox segments focus on college students who are sensitive to racist or bigoted language: Fox makes fun of their safe zones and openly ridicules them as spoilt babies who will never survive in the real world. It is all part of their war against political correctness. Now, I will admit that some colleges are letting things go too far--being afraid of "Trump 2016" chalked on the sidewalk makes some students fear for their safety? Really?--but we have to remember, these kids DON'T have our experience and maturity, yet. That's why they call them kids.
I for one will be glad to see our society full of people sensitive to racism and bigotry. Maybe that will be what it takes for this country to stop embarrassing itself over things like Who Pees Where.

The sensitivity isn't the issue, its that they consider anything they disagree with to be an "ist" to be suppressed.
Not a good thing, imo. But those incidents are as overblown as the kids scared of Trump.

No, they are scared of Chalk. I don't like Trump one bit, but his name on a sidewalk does not set off fits of rage and angst in me.

College Students today don't want to hear anything that shatters their worldview. I went to a Catholic College in the 90's, and a gay guy with HIV was invited to talk on the prevention of spreading AIDS. Some of the more Religious Students didn't like it, but there were no protests, no screaming idiots inside the talk, and the group that invited him wasn't harassed by the administration at all.

THAT is the open exchange of ideas, not what we are seeing now.

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