Fox News has made a Industry on Old People making fun of College Kids

College kids of today deserve to be made fun of.
Many of the kids I go to school with are working a two jobs and taking 2/3's to a full load, and come to school looking like they have been drug through a knothole. Not drugs or alcohol, but fatigue. And continue doing it until they get a degree.

And people like you denigrate them. Shame.
College kids of today deserve to be made fun of.
Many of the kids I go to school with are working a two jobs and taking 2/3's to a full load, and come to school looking like they have been drug through a knothole. Not drugs or alcohol, but fatigue. And continue doing it until they get a degree.

And people like you denigrate them. Shame.

Yes. They work hard, and learn shit. Whose fault is that?
More and more their stories are about what some college kid did somewhere at some time. They have taken the tried and true...Old people "Whats wrong with today's kids" feelings and turned them into news segments.

But think about it...A bunch of 40 and 50 year olds going on about stuff they dont understand from people half their age. Congrats guys, good job

Well, let's get real. College pukes are stupid as stool. They actually listen to their mad professors.
I suppose you know math better than Euler? Know more about physics than Newton or Einstein? I think you are the one that is a stupid turd.
More and more their stories are about what some college kid did somewhere at some time. They have taken the tried and true...Old people "Whats wrong with today's kids" feelings and turned them into news segments.

But think about it...A bunch of 40 and 50 year olds going on about stuff they dont understand from people half their age. Congrats guys, good job

Well, let's get real. College pukes are stupid as stool. They actually listen to their mad professors.
I suppose you know math better than Euler? Know more about physics than Newton or Einstein? I think you are the one that is a stupid turd.

You do not know what I know, ergo you cannot issue a rational opinion about it.
College kids of today deserve to be made fun of.
Many of the kids I go to school with are working a two jobs and taking 2/3's to a full load, and come to school looking like they have been drug through a knothole. Not drugs or alcohol, but fatigue. And continue doing it until they get a degree.

And people like you denigrate them. Shame.

Yes. They work hard, and learn shit. Whose fault is that?
Like hell. I took Calculus over 40 years ago. Three quarters. Repeated it because you lose what isn't used. And, with the graphing calculators, the courses cover much more ground, and are more difficult. The kids today are getting a lot more knowledge from the courses they take because of modern technology. And having to learn at a much faster rate than when I was their age.
More and more their stories are about what some college kid did somewhere at some time. They have taken the tried and true...Old people "Whats wrong with today's kids" feelings and turned them into news segments.

But think about it...A bunch of 40 and 50 year olds going on about stuff they dont understand from people half their age. Congrats guys, good job

Well, let's get real. College pukes are stupid as stool. They actually listen to their mad professors.
I suppose you know math better than Euler? Know more about physics than Newton or Einstein? I think you are the one that is a stupid turd.

You do not know what I know, ergo you cannot issue a rational opinion about it.
Having seen prior posts from you, I would have to say I see nothing to indicate any particular knowledge in any discipline. And I do see the kids on a daily basis.
College kids of today deserve to be made fun of.
Many of the kids I go to school with are working a two jobs and taking 2/3's to a full load, and come to school looking like they have been drug through a knothole. Not drugs or alcohol, but fatigue. And continue doing it until they get a degree.

And people like you denigrate them. Shame.

Yes. They work hard, and learn shit. Whose fault is that?
Like hell. I took Calculus over 40 years ago. Three quarters. Repeated it because you lose what isn't used. And, with the graphing calculators, the courses cover much more ground, and are more difficult. The kids today are getting a lot more knowledge from the courses they take because of modern technology. And having to learn at a much faster rate than when I was their age.

They are freaking numbskulls. They know nothing of a millennium of societal norms nor human nature.

Knowing calculus (which I also studied) grants no more wisdom of the human condition than does a study of the culinary arts. Grow up.
I really get a kick out of Fox "News" Commentators stating that every unemployed graduate has a degree in Witchcraft.
More and more their stories are about what some college kid did somewhere at some time. They have taken the tried and true...Old people "Whats wrong with today's kids" feelings and turned them into news segments.

But think about it...A bunch of 40 and 50 year olds going on about stuff they dont understand from people half their age. Congrats guys, good job

Well, let's get real. College pukes are stupid as stool. They actually listen to their mad professors.
I suppose you know math better than Euler? Know more about physics than Newton or Einstein? I think you are the one that is a stupid turd.

You do not know what I know, ergo you cannot issue a rational opinion about it.
Having seen prior posts from you, I would have to say I see nothing to indicate any particular knowledge in any discipline. And I do see the kids on a daily basis.

I am an instructor of martial art, among other things. I see kids often, and their parents, and discuss many things.
Now, I will admit that some colleges are letting things go too far--being afraid of "Trump 2016" chalked on the sidewalk makes some students fear for their safety? Really?-

No not really because they are kids who say a lot of dumb shit. If you believe they are actually scared for their safety then you're part of the problem that seeks to make everything no matter how silly valid.

This is like when Isis says they want to rule the world and people go OMG did you hear that?
So you think the college kids are being dumb or are being paid by Soros to shut down all Trump supporters on campus?
Now, I will admit that some colleges are letting things go too far--being afraid of "Trump 2016" chalked on the sidewalk makes some students fear for their safety? Really?-

No not really because they are kids who say a lot of dumb shit. If you believe they are actually scared for their safety then you're part of the problem that seeks to make everything no matter how silly valid.

This is like when Isis says they want to rule the world and people go OMG did you hear that?
So you think the college kids are being dumb or are being paid by Soros to shut down all Trump supporters on campus?

Neither, they are just reacting to Trump the fool. Republicans try to set it every disagreement as being a pretend disagreement or a paid to disagree disagreement.

In their world no one could REALLY disagree with them on the issues because...they are right, period.
The Fox segments focus on college students who are sensitive to racist or bigoted language: Fox makes fun of their safe zones and openly ridicules them as spoilt babies who will never survive in the real world. It is all part of their war against political correctness. Now, I will admit that some colleges are letting things go too far--being afraid of "Trump 2016" chalked on the sidewalk makes some students fear for their safety? Really?--but we have to remember, these kids DON'T have our experience and maturity, yet. That's why they call them kids.
I for one will be glad to see our society full of people sensitive to racism and bigotry. Maybe that will be what it takes for this country to stop embarrassing itself over things like Who Pees Where.

The sensitivity isn't the issue, its that they consider anything they disagree with to be an "ist" to be suppressed.
The Fox segments focus on college students who are sensitive to racist or bigoted language: Fox makes fun of their safe zones and openly ridicules them as spoilt babies who will never survive in the real world. It is all part of their war against political correctness. Now, I will admit that some colleges are letting things go too far--being afraid of "Trump 2016" chalked on the sidewalk makes some students fear for their safety? Really?--but we have to remember, these kids DON'T have our experience and maturity, yet. That's why they call them kids.
I for one will be glad to see our society full of people sensitive to racism and bigotry. Maybe that will be what it takes for this country to stop embarrassing itself over things like Who Pees Where.

The sensitivity isn't the issue, its that they consider anything they disagree with to be an "ist" to be suppressed.
Not a good thing, imo. But those incidents are as overblown as the kids scared of Trump.
More and more their stories are about what some college kid did somewhere at some time. They have taken the tried and true...Old people "Whats wrong with today's kids" feelings and turned them into news segments.

But think about it...A bunch of 40 and 50 year olds going on about stuff they dont understand from people half their age. Congrats guys, good job

Older Americans have done this for centuries.

Old news, nothing to see here.

Move along.

More and more their stories are about what some college kid did somewhere at some time. They have taken the tried and true...Old people "Whats wrong with today's kids" feelings and turned them into news segments.

But think about it...A bunch of 40 and 50 year olds going on about stuff they dont understand from people half their age. Congrats guys, good job
More and more their stories are about what some college kid did somewhere at some time. They have taken the tried and true...Old people "Whats wrong with today's kids" feelings and turned them into news segments.

But think about it...A bunch of 40 and 50 year olds going on about stuff they dont understand from people half their age. Congrats guys, good job

Older Americans have done this for centuries.

Old news, nothing to see here.

Move along.


Yeah but Fox has managed to turn Bingo conversations into most of their news programming
There is a lot of stuff to mock on a college campus I find it rather sad so many of these kids seem to lack basic common sense.
More and more their stories are about what some college kid did somewhere at some time. They have taken the tried and true...Old people "Whats wrong with today's kids" feelings and turned them into news segments.

But think about it...A bunch of 40 and 50 year olds going on about stuff they dont understand from people half their age. Congrats guys, good job
That's a pretty vague post and topic. Do you have info backing up your opinion?
More and more their stories are about what some college kid did somewhere at some time. They have taken the tried and true...Old people "Whats wrong with today's kids" feelings and turned them into news segments.

But think about it...A bunch of 40 and 50 year olds going on about stuff they dont understand from people half their age. Congrats guys, good job
That's a pretty vague post and topic. Do you have info backing up your opinion?

Yeah, the Television. What other info would back it up for you?

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