Fox News Poll: Biden 54% approval. Guy is killing it

Only 32% of Americans think we are going in the right direction....and remember FOX news pollsters are Trump hating liberals...they have always been way left of FOX news channel....
RCP has him at 53% there two most recent polls one has him plus 13 which I think any honest person would admit is to high the other has plus 4 which sounds about right given this I would guess his polling number is somewhere between 50 and 53 percent. He is plus 7 on the economy plus 3 on foreign policy minus 7 on immigration and minus 11 on direction of the country
The most hated president of all time gets more popular votes then Obama, how is that possible?
Maybe because 30 million more people voted
Statistically and historically impossible
The numbers are what they are
That's what I always heard in Chicago...
Nice deflection but you can’t deny the massive voter turnout in 2020

If it makes you feel better, Trump had 85 million vote against him in 2020. Most in history for a sitting President
Obama only had 61 million vote against him in 2012
The most hated president of all time gets more popular votes then Obama, how is that possible?
Maybe because 30 million more people voted
Statistically and historically impossible
The numbers are what they are
That's what I always heard in Chicago...
Nice deflection but you can’t deny the massive voter turnout in 2020

If it makes you feel better, Trump had 85 million vote against him in 2020. Most in history for a sitting President
Obama only had 61 million vote against him in 2012
85 million for a career old white guy?

Proving my point of voter fraud
Heard a great line today, demofks want revenge because they were born
The most hated president of all time gets more popular votes then Obama, how is that possible?
Maybe because 30 million more people voted
Statistically and historically impossible
The numbers are what they are
That's what I always heard in Chicago...
Nice deflection but you can’t deny the massive voter turnout in 2020

If it makes you feel better, Trump had 85 million vote against him in 2020. Most in history for a sitting President
Obama only had 61 million vote against him in 2012
85 million for a career old white guy?

Proving my point of voter fraud
47 years of bubkis
I'm not really surprised to be honest.

The folk who voted for him didn't vote for him because he's compos mentis, intelligent, a true leader, patriot and someone who's going to turn around the fortunes of the USA - they voted for him because he's not Trump.

They also seem to want to go through this sort of cleansing spell of self-flagellation where they want to hand over everything to the minorities and let all the SJW projects consume the country and take over.

Why would the approval rating be any different when they've got exactly what they wanted out of it?

I'm not saying this applies to all Democrat voters but I've a strong feeling there's a high percentage of them that even if the country was like 1940's Germany where the economy is ruined, stripped of it's assets, no industry and the citizens are queing up for 2 miles around the block with a wheel barrow full of dollars to buy a block of cheese and a carton of milk out of the shop then they'd still be happy because it's not Donal Trump in charge.
More people
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

As he reverts back to using Trump's proven policies and agenda's, well of course he's stealing the lightening just like he's done with the many alledgedly plagiarized speeches and etc he's been involved with in the past. That's who the man is, and it has been shown countless times on the talk shows and documentaries attributed to his political career over the years.

Attempting to whitewash his record is hilarious.
No. Trump was a failure. He never even hit 50%. Most hated president of all time. But nice troll by
The most hated president of all time gets more popular votes then Obama, how is that possible?
Because more people voted. He drummed up the angry white vote, but drummed up more votes against than for himself. He lost bigly. 7 million votes.
The folk who voted for him didn't vote for him because he's compos mentis, intelligent, a true leader, patriot and someone who's going to turn around the fortunes of the USA - they voted for him because he's not Trump.
Uh...those are exactly the things that make him "not Trump". That, and a vocabulary above a 4th grade level. You forgot that one.
Face it Trump Humpers...Biden is far more popular and far more competent than Trump ever was
Biden represents a return to normalcy

The world let out a sigh of relief
What has he done that was competent? He killed the pipeline and wants to take fracking down which ends energy independence which tends to lead to war and terrorism which is why I think it is treason and cannot believe anyone supports it. Now he wants to give people money just because they are parents ( otherwise known as a vote buy) and spend trillions that ( and I can't stress this enough, WE DO NOT HAVE) on pretty much anything and everything which is a sin against our grandchildren which is why I can't believe anyone supports it.
To recap damaging National Security and saddling our grandchildren with six figure debt the minute they are born is not my definition of competent.

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