Fox News Poll: Biden 54% approval. Guy is killing it

See ya at the Midterms

Is Trump going to be campaigning for Republicans?
You are doomed

I'm going to say one more thing to you bc it's obvious you don't respond to reason. It does not matter who campaigns if your party continues to become the party of inflation, crime, a porous border and etc. You CANNOT run on "TRUMP SUCKS" forever. I already personally know many suburban moms who voted for Biden and are now thinking what the heck. You are already losing moderate voters.

You PERSONALLY know Biden voters who are super-unhappy and wish they'd voted for the Rumpster Dumpster?
Thank you for this tried and true anecdotal evidence! :laughing0301:
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide

Another example of Trump being born on Third Base

I guess you failed to notice the impact of the tax cuts? How about the border control? Wage growths at the lower income levels? Yeah, you missed those small points.

Biden is the guy born on third base. Even that demented old fool can’t keep the economy from booming in the short term as we are coming out of a lockdown. Once his disastrous policies kick in, so will reality.
Trump tax cuts gave a momentary bump then the economy adjusted. There was no trickle down.
Trump border policy was a sham. It ignored immigration reform in favor of …..Let’s keep the brown people out

Trump was given an economy that had been growing for seven years…..he continued the trend

Biden was given a collapsed economy and a COVID epidemic

LOL..pure ignorance. Biden was given a vaccine developed under the Trump administration and a boom coming out of a pandemic.

Hey, I'll give Trumpy Bear some credit for Warp Speed and picking the right candidates in Pfizer and Moderna to run with.
But he had NO plan on logistics for distribution and actually getting shots in arms.
Biden did
Five months on the job, and Mitch has declared that Biden(we) we will not get our intrastate fixed because the fixing has been suggested by Democrats. This two teams only one winner is fine for sports, not so good for or country.
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide

Another example of Trump being born on Third Base
Trump managed the "Trump Organization", which he built from scratch. Xiden sells influence via Hunter Biden, see the diff?
View attachment 505771
Fred Trump set him up in business with an unlimited line of credit.
He also funneled his personal wealth to Crooked Donnie.

That is Third Base
FXN, Fair and Balanced as always. I'm not surprised.
The poll seems weird in that they have an "approves of him somewhat", WTF does that mean? Weak approval?
Anyway, 54% approval is barely over 50%. Not "killing it".
5 months down and only 43 months to go, what can go wrong with Xiden in the WH?

Then again, 54% approval with the MSM fawning over and babying him. What is your favorite ice cream flavor Joe?
Its early yet...
Trump's approval never got that high. He never reached 50%.
1. Trump's approval got to 49% with a hostile MSM writing 95% negative stories.
2. Xiden is at 54% approval with a fawning press NEVER saying anything negative about Xiden.

So net-net whose "approval" was stronger?
If trump didn't like negative stories, he shouldn't have done such stupid things.

The negative stories were biased. That is the problem, the MSM isn't fair to both parties.
View attachment 505697
So you are one of those that think everyone should get a trophy, no matter if they earned it or not, right? It doesn't matter to you if he only does what is good for a few, you think he should get just as many good articles as those that work for everybody.
FXN, Fair and Balanced as always. I'm not surprised.
The poll seems weird in that they have an "approves of him somewhat", WTF does that mean? Weak approval?
Anyway, 54% approval is barely over 50%. Not "killing it".
5 months down and only 43 months to go, what can go wrong with Xiden in the WH?

Then again, 54% approval with the MSM fawning over and babying him. What is your favorite ice cream flavor Joe?
Its early yet...
Trump's approval never got that high. He never reached 50%.
1. Trump's approval got to 49% with a hostile MSM writing 95% negative stories.
2. Xiden is at 54% approval with a fawning press NEVER saying anything negative about Xiden.

So net-net whose "approval" was stronger?

These people can and do lie about EVERY-THING. We have a CDC who told us masks made out of grandma's curtain materials would protect us from an airborne virus.

Let that sink in.

So yea, fudging numbers about a presidential poll? That's nothing. That's a game of Candy Land to these creeps.
Are fox and the CDC the same thing?

Do you realize the American media is the least trusted in all the world?

I wonder what trust in the CDC is right about now? But my point is, Fox is little trusted either. NONE of our institutions are trusted. Great job, Democrats. Working out great for you, amirite?
It makes it easy for you to say anything you don't agree with is fake news. isn't it? It removes the chore of thinking for you.
FXN, Fair and Balanced as always. I'm not surprised.
The poll seems weird in that they have an "approves of him somewhat", WTF does that mean? Weak approval?
Anyway, 54% approval is barely over 50%. Not "killing it".
5 months down and only 43 months to go, what can go wrong with Xiden in the WH?

Then again, 54% approval with the MSM fawning over and babying him. What is your favorite ice cream flavor Joe?
Its early yet...
Trump's approval never got that high. He never reached 50%.
1. Trump's approval got to 49% with a hostile MSM writing 95% negative stories.
2. Xiden is at 54% approval with a fawning press NEVER saying anything negative about Xiden.

So net-net whose "approval" was stronger?
If trump didn't like negative stories, he shouldn't have done such stupid things.

The negative stories were biased. That is the problem, the MSM isn't fair to both parties.
View attachment 505697

That is like complaining that the class bully gets detention more than the honor student
The issue is media bias and fairness. Shouldn't the class bully be treated fairly?
It's fair to say a bully is a bully. It wouldn't be fair to praise him just as much as one who did everything right.
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide

Another example of Trump being born on Third Base
Trump managed the "Trump Organization", which he built from scratch. Xiden sells influence via Hunter Biden, see the diff?
View attachment 505771
Fred Trump set him up in business with an unlimited line of credit.
He also funneled his personal wealth to Crooked Donnie.

That is Third Base

The Dotard inherited nearly half a billion in today's dollars from Daddy.
He proceeded to BLOW through that money and bankrupt umpteen companies even with Daddy's further bailouts.
Poor guy built NOTHING from scratch - He was pretty good at ONE thing ... self-promotion and branding.
Third base could be an understatement ;)

FXN, Fair and Balanced as always. I'm not surprised.
The poll seems weird in that they have an "approves of him somewhat", WTF does that mean? Weak approval?
Anyway, 54% approval is barely over 50%. Not "killing it".
5 months down and only 43 months to go, what can go wrong with Xiden in the WH?

Then again, 54% approval with the MSM fawning over and babying him. What is your favorite ice cream flavor Joe?
Its early yet...
Trump's approval never got that high. He never reached 50%.
1. Trump's approval got to 49% with a hostile MSM writing 95% negative stories.
2. Xiden is at 54% approval with a fawning press NEVER saying anything negative about Xiden.

So net-net whose "approval" was stronger?
If trump didn't like negative stories, he shouldn't have done such stupid things.

The negative stories were biased. That is the problem, the MSM isn't fair to both parties.
View attachment 505697

That is like complaining that the class bully gets detention more than the honor student

Wait, is the party that actually put Whispering Joe Biden in office supposed to be the "honor student" in this scenario?

Holy goodness people here done lost their minds
Yes, on both answers. Biden isn't a narcissistic crook, and trump supporters have lost their minds.
FXN, Fair and Balanced as always. I'm not surprised.
The poll seems weird in that they have an "approves of him somewhat", WTF does that mean? Weak approval?
Anyway, 54% approval is barely over 50%. Not "killing it".
5 months down and only 43 months to go, what can go wrong with Xiden in the WH?

Then again, 54% approval with the MSM fawning over and babying him. What is your favorite ice cream flavor Joe?
Its early yet...
Trump's approval never got that high. He never reached 50%.
1. Trump's approval got to 49% with a hostile MSM writing 95% negative stories.
2. Xiden is at 54% approval with a fawning press NEVER saying anything negative about Xiden.

So net-net whose "approval" was stronger?
If trump didn't like negative stories, he shouldn't have done such stupid things.

The negative stories were biased. That is the problem, the MSM isn't fair to both parties.
View attachment 505697

That is like complaining that the class bully gets detention more than the honor student
The issue is media bias and fairness. Shouldn't the class bully be treated fairly?
The class bully is criticized for his behavior more than the honor roll student

Same goes for Trump
So bias is okay, since one is a bully and one isn't? Got it. Bias is okay.
Saying a bully is a bully is not bias. It is honest reporting.
1. Trump's approval got to 49% with a hostile MSM writing 95% negative stories, and aggressive pressers.
2. Xiden is at 54% approval with a fawning press NEVER saying anything negative about Xiden.

So net-net whose "approval" was stronger
Who you trying to convince? Us.. or yourself?
I'm presenting FACTS. Not "alternate facts" nor "fake news". If you aren't convinced by the truth, you're just a partisan hack.
Nope. You’re basically changing the goalposts. Those are the facts. Polls reflect a deeply unpopular Trump and a fairly popular Biden. That’s factual. Claiming Trump needs to be handicapped because the news reports his dumb antics is moving goalposts.
FXN, Fair and Balanced as always. I'm not surprised.
The poll seems weird in that they have an "approves of him somewhat", WTF does that mean? Weak approval?
Anyway, 54% approval is barely over 50%. Not "killing it".
5 months down and only 43 months to go, what can go wrong with Xiden in the WH?

Then again, 54% approval with the MSM fawning over and babying him. What is your favorite ice cream flavor Joe?
Its early yet...
Trump's approval never got that high. He never reached 50%.
1. Trump's approval got to 49% with a hostile MSM writing 95% negative stories.
2. Xiden is at 54% approval with a fawning press NEVER saying anything negative about Xiden.

So net-net whose "approval" was stronger?

These people can and do lie about EVERY-THING. We have a CDC who told us masks made out of grandma's curtain materials would protect us from an airborne virus.

Let that sink in.

So yea, fudging numbers about a presidential poll? That's nothing. That's a game of Candy Land to these creeps.
Are fox and the CDC the same thing?

Do you realize the American media is the least trusted in all the world?

I wonder what trust in the CDC is right about now? But my point is, Fox is little trusted either. NONE of our institutions are trusted. Great job, Democrats. Working out great for you, amirite?
That’s a result of right wing disinformation. After not liking the truth for years those guys
just made it up.
No policy differences from dumb Don, but old Joe has a much higher approval rating. Somethings amiss. LOL.
Old Joe isn't stealing children from their parents with no intention of them ever being reunited.
With the Democrat MSM on its knees to demented rapist Biden, his number should be 80%.

54% is pathetic, like demented rapist Biden
Those grapes sure are sour. Good thing your Donald can’t reach 54%.
After the last five years I have little faith in the accuracy of the polls. Like our news the polls are just propagand.

No faith in polls no faith in elections. Only the will of the chosen people count I guess. There is a party for that view.
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

So after inviting migrants in and then closing the door, down grading national security by ending our energy independence and after months of not condemning riots as he campaigned he still has a 54% approval rating? Who the hell do they poll? That will change when the economic fallout kicks in and people go from a years worth of well paid unemployment to job loss from too much green too quick.

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