Fox News Poll: Biden 54% approval. Guy is killing it

Do the scum demonRATS deny supporting the booming economy TRUMP had for AMERICA,
What “booming economy” ? The economy during Trump’s first 3 years was on trend since the expansion phase of the business cycle began in 2009, the numbers don’t show any significant alteration to the trend during his Presidency. He didn’t do anything significant to negatively impact it but he also didn’t do anything to significantly enhance it either.

Why would anyone give him credit for essentially allowing the expansion to continue on auto-pilot? Where he MIGHT have deserved some credit is if his policies had extended the expansion beyond historical norms, however the pandemic ended any possibility of that.
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide
hell obama even said those jobs weren't coming back
or did you forget that?
Who said anything regarding what Obama did? I don’t credit him with much of anything with respect to the expansion phase trend, the fact that he happened to be in office when it began is just coincidental, if anything he did more to mute the up trend than he did to enhance it during his two terms.
jo is killing America like gatorman said
This must kill you..

nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide

Another example of Trump being born on Third Base

I guess you failed to notice the impact of the tax cuts? How about the border control? Wage growths at the lower income levels? Yeah, you missed those small points.

Biden is the guy born on third base. Even that demented old fool can’t keep the economy from booming in the short term as we are coming out of a lockdown. Once his disastrous policies kick in, so will reality.
Yea, he is killing us, , paying worthless fucks to sit on their ass ,flooding the country with illegals, inflation, gas, commodities, guy is a walking wrecking ball.
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win
Infrastructure win? Making an agreement then having his own party blow it up is a win?
His party didn’t blow it up. His lack of discipline staying on message nearly did though. Biden isn’t perfect and I’ll criticize him when he screws up. He screwed up. This will go through.
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win
Infrastructure win? Making an agreement then having his own party blow it up is a win?
Yeah, he did end up looking pretty stupid after House Democrats effectively torpedoe’d his “We’ve reached a deal” announcement shortly after the words came out of his mouth. Apparently Joe doesn’t know what the hell is going on with the members of his own party in the HoR, maybe the army of liaison staffers that he has for the HoR were all on vacation that week?
Do the scum demonRATS deny supporting the booming economy TRUMP had for AMERICA,
What “booming economy” ? The economy during Trump’s first 3 years was on trend since the expansion phase of the business cycle began in 2009, the numbers don’t show any significant alteration to the trend during his Presidency. He didn’t do anything significant to negatively impact it but he also didn’t do anything to significantly enhance it either.

Why would anyone give him credit for essentially allowing the expansion to continue on auto-pilot? Where he MIGHT have deserved some credit is if his policies had extended the expansion beyond historical norms, however the pandemic ended any possibility of that.
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide
hell obama even said those jobs weren't coming back
or did you forget that?
Who said anything regarding what Obama did? I don’t credit him with much of anything with respect to the expansion phase trend, the fact that he happened to be in office when it began is just coincidental, if anything he did more to mute the up trend than he did to enhance it during his two terms.
Therefore giving Trump the ability to make good on Obama's failure's by proving your words correct about Obama. But you don't want to give Trump the grades in which he deserves for delivering on his own promises kept. Why ?? Trump said he would deliver, and he did. It's not rocket science. Everyone remembers.
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide

Another example of Trump being born on Third Base

I guess you failed to notice the impact of the tax cuts? How about the border control? Wage growths at the lower income levels? Yeah, you missed those small points.

Biden is the guy born on third base. Even that demented old fool can’t keep the economy from booming in the short term as we are coming out of a lockdown. Once his disastrous policies kick in, so will reality.
Trump tax cuts gave a momentary bump then the economy adjusted. There was no trickle down.
Trump border policy was a sham. It ignored immigration reform in favor of …..Let’s keep the brown people out

Trump was given an economy that had been growing for seven years…..he continued the trend

Biden was given a collapsed economy and a COVID epidemic
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide

Another example of Trump being born on Third Base

I guess you failed to notice the impact of the tax cuts? How about the border control? Wage growths at the lower income levels? Yeah, you missed those small points.

Biden is the guy born on third base. Even that demented old fool can’t keep the economy from booming in the short term as we are coming out of a lockdown. Once his disastrous policies kick in, so will reality.
Trump tax cuts gave a momentary bump then the economy adjusted. There was no trickle down.
Trump border policy was a sham. It ignored immigration reform in favor of …..Let’s keep the brown people out

Trump was given an economy that had been growing for seven years…..he continued the trend

Biden was given a collapsed economy and a COVID epidemic

LOL..pure ignorance. Biden was given a vaccine developed under the Trump administration and a boom coming out of a pandemic.
Do the scum demonRATS deny supporting the booming economy TRUMP had for AMERICA,
What “booming economy” ? The economy during Trump’s first 3 years was on trend since the expansion phase of the business cycle began in 2009, the numbers don’t show any significant alteration to the trend during his Presidency. He didn’t do anything significant to negatively impact it but he also didn’t do anything to significantly enhance it either.

Why would anyone give him credit for essentially allowing the expansion to continue on auto-pilot? Where he MIGHT have deserved some credit is if his policies had extended the expansion beyond historical norms, however the pandemic ended any possibility of that.
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide
hell obama even said those jobs weren't coming back
or did you forget that?
Who said anything regarding what Obama did? I don’t credit him with much of anything with respect to the expansion phase trend, the fact that he happened to be in office when it began is just coincidental, if anything he did more to mute the up trend than he did to enhance it during his two terms.
Therefore giving Trump the ability to make good on Obama's failure's by proving your words correct about Obama. But you don't want to give Trump the grades in which he deserves for delivering on his own promises kept. Why ?? Trump said he would deliver, and he did. It's not rocket science. Everyone remembers.
It’s not that I don’t want to “give Trump the grades”, it’s that the NUMBERS don’t want to “give Trump the grades”. If the numbers indicated he deserved such grades, I’d be the first one to give him accolades for it.

Math doesn’t lie it leaves that up to partisan propaganda.
Do the scum demonRATS deny supporting the booming economy TRUMP had for AMERICA,
What “booming economy” ? The economy during Trump’s first 3 years was on trend since the expansion phase of the business cycle began in 2009, the numbers don’t show any significant alteration to the trend during his Presidency. He didn’t do anything significant to negatively impact it but he also didn’t do anything to significantly enhance it either.

Why would anyone give him credit for essentially allowing the expansion to continue on auto-pilot? Where he MIGHT have deserved some credit is if his policies had extended the expansion beyond historical norms, however the pandemic ended any possibility of that.
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide
hell obama even said those jobs weren't coming back
or did you forget that?
Who said anything regarding what Obama did? I don’t credit him with much of anything with respect to the expansion phase trend, the fact that he happened to be in office when it began is just coincidental, if anything he did more to mute the up trend than he did to enhance it during his two terms.
Therefore giving Trump the ability to make good on Obama's failure's by proving your words correct about Obama. But you don't want to give Trump the grades in which he deserves for delivering on his own promises kept. Why ?? Trump said he would deliver, and he did. It's not rocket science. Everyone remembers.
It’s not that I don’t want to “give Trump the grades”, it’s that the NUMBERS don’t want to “give Trump the grades”. If the numbers indicated he deserved such grades, I’d be the first one to give him accolades for it.

Math doesn’t lie it leaves that up to partisan propaganda.
Where are you getting your numbers from ? Could they be skewed or hijacked by those who are somehow tweeking them just like we've experienced in the poll numbers ?
Do the scum demonRATS deny supporting the booming economy TRUMP had for AMERICA,
What “booming economy” ? The economy during Trump’s first 3 years was on trend since the expansion phase of the business cycle began in 2009, the numbers don’t show any significant alteration to the trend during his Presidency. He didn’t do anything significant to negatively impact it but he also didn’t do anything to significantly enhance it either.

Why would anyone give him credit for essentially allowing the expansion to continue on auto-pilot? Where he MIGHT have deserved some credit is if his policies had extended the expansion beyond historical norms, however the pandemic ended any possibility of that.
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide
hell obama even said those jobs weren't coming back
or did you forget that?
Who said anything regarding what Obama did? I don’t credit him with much of anything with respect to the expansion phase trend, the fact that he happened to be in office when it began is just coincidental, if anything he did more to mute the up trend than he did to enhance it during his two terms.
Therefore giving Trump the ability to make good on Obama's failure's by proving your words correct about Obama. But you don't want to give Trump the grades in which he deserves for delivering on his own promises kept. Why ?? Trump said he would deliver, and he did. It's not rocket science. Everyone remembers.
It’s not that I don’t want to “give Trump the grades”, it’s that the NUMBERS don’t want to “give Trump the grades”. If the numbers indicated he deserved such grades, I’d be the first one to give him accolades for it.

Math doesn’t lie it leaves that up to partisan propaganda.
Where are you getting your numbers from ? Could they be skewed or hijacked by those who are somehow tweeking them just like we've experienced in the poll numbers ?
The Federal Reserve among other credible (non-partisan) sources for raw Economic data, none of whom have any motive to manipulate the numbers based on partisanship, not to mention that fact that if they attempted to do it would be something that would be easily discredited by any number of other sources.
Do the scum demonRATS deny supporting the booming economy TRUMP had for AMERICA,
What “booming economy” ? The economy during Trump’s first 3 years was on trend since the expansion phase of the business cycle began in 2009, the numbers don’t show any significant alteration to the trend during his Presidency. He didn’t do anything significant to negatively impact it but he also didn’t do anything to significantly enhance it either.

Why would anyone give him credit for essentially allowing the expansion to continue on auto-pilot? Where he MIGHT have deserved some credit is if his policies had extended the expansion beyond historical norms, however the pandemic ended any possibility of that.
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide
hell obama even said those jobs weren't coming back
or did you forget that?
Who said anything regarding what Obama did? I don’t credit him with much of anything with respect to the expansion phase trend, the fact that he happened to be in office when it began is just coincidental, if anything he did more to mute the up trend than he did to enhance it during his two terms.
Therefore giving Trump the ability to make good on Obama's failure's by proving your words correct about Obama. But you don't want to give Trump the grades in which he deserves for delivering on his own promises kept. Why ?? Trump said he would deliver, and he did. It's not rocket science. Everyone remembers.
It’s not that I don’t want to “give Trump the grades”, it’s that the NUMBERS don’t want to “give Trump the grades”. If the numbers indicated he deserved such grades, I’d be the first one to give him accolades for it.

Math doesn’t lie it leaves that up to partisan propaganda.
Where are you getting your numbers from ? Could they be skewed or hijacked by those who are somehow tweeking them just like we've experienced in the poll numbers ?
The Federal Reserve among other credible (non-partisan) sources for raw Economic data, none of whom have any motive to manipulate the numbers based on partisanship, not to mention that fact that if they attempted to do it would be something that would be easily discredited by any number of other sources.
Numbers are coupled with previous actions and decisions made, so you're attempting to use numbers without reference ?? Do you trust the government to give you correct references or correlations that helped create the numbers ??
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

As he reverts back to using Trump's proven policies and agenda's, well of course he's stealing the lightening just like he's done with the many alledgedly plagiarized speeches and etc he's been involved with in the past. That's who the man is, and it has been shown countless times on the talk shows and documentaries attributed to his political career over the years.

Attempting to whitewash his record is hilarious.
No. Trump was a failure. He never even hit 50%. Most hated president of all time. But nice troll by
Survival is going to come down to protecting your own. You should have paid attention to the sell out media over the years.
Do the scum demonRATS deny supporting the booming economy TRUMP had for AMERICA,
What “booming economy” ? The economy during Trump’s first 3 years was on trend since the expansion phase of the business cycle began in 2009, the numbers don’t show any significant alteration to the trend during his Presidency. He didn’t do anything significant to negatively impact it but he also didn’t do anything to significantly enhance it either.

Why would anyone give him credit for essentially allowing the expansion to continue on auto-pilot? Where he MIGHT have deserved some credit is if his policies had extended the expansion beyond historical norms, however the pandemic ended any possibility of that.
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide
hell obama even said those jobs weren't coming back
or did you forget that?
Who said anything regarding what Obama did? I don’t credit him with much of anything with respect to the expansion phase trend, the fact that he happened to be in office when it began is just coincidental, if anything he did more to mute the up trend than he did to enhance it during his two terms.
Therefore giving Trump the ability to make good on Obama's failure's by proving your words correct about Obama. But you don't want to give Trump the grades in which he deserves for delivering on his own promises kept. Why ?? Trump said he would deliver, and he did. It's not rocket science. Everyone remembers.
It’s not that I don’t want to “give Trump the grades”, it’s that the NUMBERS don’t want to “give Trump the grades”. If the numbers indicated he deserved such grades, I’d be the first one to give him accolades for it.

Math doesn’t lie it leaves that up to partisan propaganda.
Where are you getting your numbers from ? Could they be skewed or hijacked by those who are somehow tweeking them just like we've experienced in the poll numbers ?
The Federal Reserve among other credible (non-partisan) sources for raw Economic data, none of whom have any motive to manipulate the numbers based on partisanship, not to mention that fact that if they attempted to do it would be something that would be easily discredited by any number of other sources.
Numbers are coupled with previous actions and decisions made, so you're attempting to use numbers without reference ?? Do you trust the government to give you correct references or correlations that helped create the numbers ??
They can tell us how many federal reserve notes are in active use over our Gross National Product. But they will not. All that is hidden. All that is digitalized.
It looks like maybe Shitty Hator should not vote for candidates with conservative ideology.
Do the scum demonRATS deny supporting the booming economy TRUMP had for AMERICA,
What “booming economy” ? The economy during Trump’s first 3 years was on trend since the expansion phase of the business cycle began in 2009, the numbers don’t show any significant alteration to the trend during his Presidency. He didn’t do anything significant to negatively impact it but he also didn’t do anything to significantly enhance it either.

Why would anyone give him credit for essentially allowing the expansion to continue on auto-pilot? Where he MIGHT have deserved some credit is if his policies had extended the expansion beyond historical norms, however the pandemic ended any possibility of that.
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide
hell obama even said those jobs weren't coming back
or did you forget that?
Who said anything regarding what Obama did? I don’t credit him with much of anything with respect to the expansion phase trend, the fact that he happened to be in office when it began is just coincidental, if anything he did more to mute the up trend than he did to enhance it during his two terms.
Therefore giving Trump the ability to make good on Obama's failure's by proving your words correct about Obama. But you don't want to give Trump the grades in which he deserves for delivering on his own promises kept. Why ?? Trump said he would deliver, and he did. It's not rocket science. Everyone remembers.
It’s not that I don’t want to “give Trump the grades”, it’s that the NUMBERS don’t want to “give Trump the grades”. If the numbers indicated he deserved such grades, I’d be the first one to give him accolades for it.

Math doesn’t lie it leaves that up to partisan propaganda.
Where are you getting your numbers from ? Could they be skewed or hijacked by those who are somehow tweeking them just like we've experienced in the poll numbers ?
The Federal Reserve among other credible (non-partisan) sources for raw Economic data, none of whom have any motive to manipulate the numbers based on partisanship, not to mention that fact that if they attempted to do it would be something that would be easily discredited by any number of other sources.
Numbers are coupled with previous actions and decisions made, so you're attempting to use numbers without reference ??
Er umm..see my initial reference to TREND, I’m not drawing my conclusions based on data points in isolation.
Do you trust the government to give you correct references or correlations that helped create the numbers ??
I’m not about to get into that patch of dirt here, if you have what you believe are credible, unbiased sources of raw economic data PRESENT THEM but issuing blanket attempts to discredit mine ISN’T going to work except on people that don’t know any better.

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