Fox News Poll: Biden 54% approval. Guy is killing it

1. Trump's approval got to 49% with a hostile MSM writing 95% negative stories, and aggressive pressers.
2. Xiden is at 54% approval with a fawning press NEVER saying anything negative about Xiden.

So net-net whose "approval" was stronger
Who you trying to convince? Us.. or yourself?
I'm presenting FACTS. Not "alternate facts" nor "fake news". If you aren't convinced by the truth, you're just a partisan hack.
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide

Another example of Trump being born on Third Base
Trump managed the "Trump Organization", which he built from scratch. Xiden sells influence via Hunter Biden, see the diff?
I'm going to say one more thing to you bc it's obvious you don't respond to reason. It does not matter who campaigns if your party continues to become the party of inflation, crime, a porous border and etc. You CANNOT run on "TRUMP SUCKS" forever. I already personally know many suburban moms who voted for Biden and are now thinking what the heck. You are already losing moderate voters.
You may have had a point if Trump had sulked off into obscurity.
But Trump still has your party by the balls and no Republican will risk angering him.

YES, Democrats will run against the Party of Trump
You can count on it
and lose, because the scum demonRATS WON"T be able to cheat in the next election

Keep telling yourself that

We didn’t lose because voters didn’t support our positions….must be we were cheated
Keep telling yourself that
You are already losing moderate voters.

Evidently not

“It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.”
wheres your link to back those lies up?
How about the latest Fox News poll?
56 percent approval from FOX?
a poll of scum demonRAT shit stains....and unlike your bs, mine is a statement, not questions
Do the scum demonRATS deny supporting the booming economy TRUMP had for AMERICA,
What “booming economy” ? The economy during Trump’s first 3 years was on trend since the expansion phase of the business cycle began in 2009, the numbers don’t show any significant alteration to the trend during his Presidency. He didn’t do anything significant to negatively impact it but he also didn’t do anything to significantly enhance it either.

Why would anyone give him credit for essentially allowing the expansion to continue on auto-pilot? Where he MIGHT have deserved some credit is if his policies had extended the expansion beyond historical norms, however the pandemic ended any possibility of that.
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide
hell obama even said those jobs weren't coming back
or did you forget that?
Who said anything regarding what Obama did? I don’t credit him with much of anything with respect to the expansion phase trend, the fact that he happened to be in office when it began is just coincidental, if anything he did more to mute the up trend than he did to enhance it during his two terms.
Therefore giving Trump the ability to make good on Obama's failure's by proving your words correct about Obama. But you don't want to give Trump the grades in which he deserves for delivering on his own promises kept. Why ?? Trump said he would deliver, and he did. It's not rocket science. Everyone remembers.
It’s not that I don’t want to “give Trump the grades”, it’s that the NUMBERS don’t want to “give Trump the grades”. If the numbers indicated he deserved such grades, I’d be the first one to give him accolades for it.

Math doesn’t lie it leaves that up to partisan propaganda.
thats exactly what scum demonRATS say about the wanna be a dr--FAKE-I...this retarded shit stain demonRAT has been lying since day 1...and you retarded, scum demonRATS buy right into it...
How could the stuttering fuck NOT be at 54% with daily performances like this:

There's something about shitting the bed in front of the entire planet and letting us point and laugh at it, on a daily basis, that could be considered endearing?

BTW, aren't you the dumb fucking animals that insist that Faux News is fake?
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

With the Democrat MSM on its knees to demented rapist Biden, his number should be 80%.

54% is pathetic, like demented rapist Biden.
You are already losing moderate voters.

Evidently not

“It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.”
wheres your link to back those lies up?
How about the latest Fox News poll?
56 percent approval from FOX?
a poll of scum demonRAT shit stains....and unlike your bs, mine is a statement, not questions
Did you miss the FoxNews part?
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

With the Democrat MSM on its knees to demented rapist Biden, his number should be 80%.

54% is pathetic, like demented rapist Biden.

Fox News is now Democrat?
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

With the Democrat MSM on its knees to demented rapist Biden, his number should be 80%.

54% is pathetic, like demented rapist Biden.

Fox News is now Democrat?
You didn’t know that? Yeah Fox News went full bore D, when they figured out that sexually harassing Democrat leaning women was a lot more fun than doing it to Republican leaning ones. :p
You are already losing moderate voters.

Evidently not

“It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.”
wheres your link to back those lies up?
How about the latest Fox News poll?
56 percent approval from FOX?
a poll of scum demonRAT shit stains....and unlike your bs, mine is a statement, not questions
Did you miss the FoxNews part?
Did you miss the LINK part?
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

Biden is at 54% with the press adoring and worshipping him

Trump was in the 40s with the press constantly attacking and demonizing him.

Trump was a whole lot more impressive.

54% with the press doing nothing but saying how wonderful he is, asking what his favorite kind of ice cream is and never criticizing him? That's terrible
nothing obama did made the great economy president trump helped to provide

Another example of Trump being born on Third Base

I guess you failed to notice the impact of the tax cuts? How about the border control? Wage growths at the lower income levels? Yeah, you missed those small points.

Biden is the guy born on third base. Even that demented old fool can’t keep the economy from booming in the short term as we are coming out of a lockdown. Once his disastrous policies kick in, so will reality.
Trump tax cuts gave a momentary bump then the economy adjusted. There was no trickle down.
Trump border policy was a sham. It ignored immigration reform in favor of …..Let’s keep the brown people out

Trump was given an economy that had been growing for seven years…..he continued the trend

Biden was given a collapsed economy and a COVID epidemic
people got raises when Trump was president jobs came back to America causing people to get raises
The collapsing economy was caused by democrats shutting down the economy
Yep, poor Donnie never touched 50. And Uncle Joe's POLICIES poll in the 60-70% range. Trumpism is dead. It was buried with The Kracken and the adults are back in charge! :cool-45:
Yep, poor Donnie never touched 50. And Uncle Joe's POLICIES poll in the 60-70% range. Trumpism is dead. It was buried with The Kracken and the adults are back in charge! :cool-45:
dimocrat controlled media is your poll stupid fucker
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

Polls are bullshit......

Translation: Polls are bullshit - EXCEPT for the Rasmussen polls I love bigly! :lol:
Yep, poor Donnie never touched 50. And Uncle Joe's POLICIES poll in the 60-70% range. Trumpism is dead. It was buried with The Kracken and the adults are back in charge! :cool-45:
dimocrat controlled media is your poll stupid fucker

Get bent - You Trumpublicans don't look at legit mainstream news anyway. Breitbart, OAN, Newsmax, Fox, DailyCaller and Gateway Pundit have your eyeballs 24/7. ;)
FXN, Fair and Balanced as always. I'm not surprised.
The poll seems weird in that they have an "approves of him somewhat", WTF does that mean? Weak approval?
Anyway, 54% approval is barely over 50%. Not "killing it".
5 months down and only 43 months to go, what can go wrong with Xiden in the WH?

Then again, 54% approval with the MSM fawning over and babying him. What is your favorite ice cream flavor Joe?
Its early yet...
Trump's approval never got that high. He never reached 50%.
1. Trump's approval got to 49% with a hostile MSM writing 95% negative stories.
2. Xiden is at 54% approval with a fawning press NEVER saying anything negative about Xiden.

So net-net whose "approval" was stronger?

These people can and do lie about EVERY-THING. We have a CDC who told us masks made out of grandma's curtain materials would protect us from an airborne virus.

Let that sink in.

So yea, fudging numbers about a presidential poll? That's nothing. That's a game of Candy Land to these creeps.
Are fox and the CDC the same thing?

Do you realize the American media is the least trusted in all the world?

I wonder what trust in the CDC is right about now? But my point is, Fox is little trusted either. NONE of our institutions are trusted. Great job, Democrats. Working out great for you, amirite?

You mean YOU and your ilk don't trust any of our institutions.
Us normals are busy restoring them to a position of trust after Dearest Leader trashed them 24/7 for four excruciating years.
Oh - Did you have a link to the American media being the least trusted in all the world.
FETCH!! :lol:

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