Fox News Poll: Biden 54% approval. Guy is killing it

The only thing I see Biden killing is our country.
Serious question: When you see non-stop 50%-and-above polling for Biden, does it give you even a moment's worth of pause? Do you wonder for just a second if some of what you're being told may not be true?

This isn't an attack. I'm just curious.
I see what I see. The border is a disaster, Biden seems lost. Inflation is bad now but it will be much worse when people have to heat their houses this winter with the energy shortages Biden's policies have caused. I worry about our national debt. I worry about vaccine mandates for children. I see Democrats suggesting that people should turn in family members or friends that they feel could be radicalized. I see rule changes being pushed that will end the balance of power (getting rid of the electoral college and the filibuster. stacking the SC, making DC a state, defunding or abolishing the police and codifying election fraud with H1-S1.) I see a loss of respect. I see decisions being made solely based on the fact that they defy Trump's position. Now if more than 50% of Americans approve of that, which I seriously doubt, then our problems are far worse than anyone thinks.

Americans see this. The polls are a lie. Biden is a disaster and his policies are a disaster. They can barely take him out anymore, so worried are they of what he will do or say.

As I said before, if inflation continues Trump won't matter one whit to Americans. If their little income is being eaten away by rising gas, grocery and living prices they will come to all but hate Biden. And he has no redeeming personal qualities to help him now, if he ever did.

Could get really ugly. We shall see.
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

Proof the MSM still has enormous power to deceive millions of Americans.
See ya at the Midterms

Is Trump going to be campaigning for Republicans?
You are doomed

I'm going to say one more thing to you bc it's obvious you don't respond to reason. It does not matter who campaigns if your party continues to become the party of inflation, crime, a porous border and etc. You CANNOT run on "TRUMP SUCKS" forever. I already personally know many suburban moms who voted for Biden and are now thinking what the heck. You are already losing moderate voters.
Biden still tracking very high approvals in a divided electorate - and this is before his Infrastructure win. Majority of independents approve of his performance which is the best indication of his performance. Biden is on a runaway train!

It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.

As he reverts back to using Trump's proven policies and agenda's, well of course he's stealing the lightening just like he's done with the many alledgedly plagiarized speeches and etc he's been involved with in the past. That's who the man is, and it has been shown countless times on the talk shows and documentaries attributed to his political career over the years.

Attempting to whitewash his record is hilarious.
No. Trump was a failure. He never even hit 50%. Most hated president of all time. But nice troll by
barrag-o...worst president, most hated president, and biggest racist in AMERICA
I'm going to say one more thing to you bc it's obvious you don't respond to reason. It does not matter who campaigns if your party continues to become the party of inflation, crime, a porous border and etc. You CANNOT run on "TRUMP SUCKS" forever. I already personally know many suburban moms who voted for Biden and are now thinking what the heck. You are already losing moderate voters.
You may have had a point if Trump had sulked off into obscurity.
But Trump still has your party by the balls and no Republican will risk angering him.

YES, Democrats will run against the Party of Trump
You can count on it
FXN, Fair and Balanced as always. I'm not surprised.
The poll seems weird in that they have an "approves of him somewhat", WTF does that mean? Weak approval?
Anyway, 54% approval is barely over 50%. Not "killing it".
5 months down and only 43 months to go, what can go wrong with Xiden in the WH?

Then again, 54% approval with the MSM fawning over and babying him. What is your favorite ice cream flavor Joe?
Its early yet...
Trump's approval never got that high. He never reached 50%.
1. Trump's approval got to 49% with a hostile MSM writing 95% negative stories.
2. Xiden is at 54% approval with a fawning press NEVER saying anything negative about Xiden.

So net-net whose "approval" was stronger?
If trump didn't like negative stories, he shouldn't have done such stupid things.

The negative stories were biased. That is the problem, the MSM isn't fair to both parties.
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That is like complaining that the class bully gets detention more than the honor student
The issue is media bias and fairness. Shouldn't the class bully be treated fairly?
The class bully is criticized for his behavior more than the honor roll student

Same goes for Trump
So bias is okay, since one is a bully and one isn't? Got it. Bias is okay.
That's not a real number, RW. Really. It's not. Just like in 2016.

How about this number?
Biden 306
Trump 232

Biden getting 8 million more votes than Trump

Numbers so bad that Republicans had to tell their voters that they are not real

See you at the Midterms RW. Let's see how far that Orange Man Bad can take you with President Loves Little Girls in office
thats nice....i suppose it would be lower if they asked republicans to partake in this.....that number sux no matter how you look at it
That's not a real number, RW. Really. It's not. Just like in 2016.

How about this number?
Biden 306
Trump 232

Biden getting 8 million more votes than Trump

Numbers so bad that Republicans had to tell their voters that they are not real

See you at the Midterms RW. Let's see how far that Orange Man Bad can take you with President Loves Little Girls in office

Every Democrat will pin down their opponent on supporting Trump
Do they deny supporting his wild claims and theories and risk facing the wrath of Trump?

Yes, looking forward to facing you in 2022 and more so in 2024
I'm going to say one more thing to you bc it's obvious you don't respond to reason. It does not matter who campaigns if your party continues to become the party of inflation, crime, a porous border and etc. You CANNOT run on "TRUMP SUCKS" forever. I already personally know many suburban moms who voted for Biden and are now thinking what the heck. You are already losing moderate voters.
You may have had a point if Trump had sulked off into obscurity.
But Trump still has your party by the balls and no Republican will risk angering him.

YES, Democrats will run against the Party of Trump
You can count on it
and lose, because the scum demonRATS WON"T be able to cheat in the next election
He has to revert back, because he quickly saw the devastation coming from his handler's action's, and he knew to the best of his cognitive declining ability that something was wrong. It's amazing that he can still function to some degree, but he's fading fast. Even if he improves by reverting to a moderate, time is unfortunately catching up with him quickly.
Just because you finally admit Biden isn’t a proponent of “open borders” like no Democrats are didn’t mean he switched. It means you stopped lying about his position.
FXN, Fair and Balanced as always. I'm not surprised.
The poll seems weird in that they have an "approves of him somewhat", WTF does that mean? Weak approval?
Anyway, 54% approval is barely over 50%. Not "killing it".
5 months down and only 43 months to go, what can go wrong with Xiden in the WH?

Then again, 54% approval with the MSM fawning over and babying him. What is your favorite ice cream flavor Joe?
Its early yet...
Trump's approval never got that high. He never reached 50%.
1. Trump's approval got to 49% with a hostile MSM writing 95% negative stories.
2. Xiden is at 54% approval with a fawning press NEVER saying anything negative about Xiden.

So net-net whose "approval" was stronger?
If trump didn't like negative stories, he shouldn't have done such stupid things.

The negative stories were biased. That is the problem, the MSM isn't fair to both parties.
View attachment 505697

That is like complaining that the class bully gets detention more than the honor student
The issue is media bias and fairness. Shouldn't the class bully be treated fairly?
The class bully is criticized for his behavior more than the honor roll student

Same goes for Trump
So bias is okay, since one is a bully and one isn't? Got it. Bias is okay.
Accusing a bully of bad behavior is not bias, it is reality

That is Trump
I'm going to say one more thing to you bc it's obvious you don't respond to reason. It does not matter who campaigns if your party continues to become the party of inflation, crime, a porous border and etc. You CANNOT run on "TRUMP SUCKS" forever. I already personally know many suburban moms who voted for Biden and are now thinking what the heck. You are already losing moderate voters.
You may have had a point if Trump had sulked off into obscurity.
But Trump still has your party by the balls and no Republican will risk angering him.

YES, Democrats will run against the Party of Trump
You can count on it
and lose, because the scum demonRATS WON"T be able to cheat in the next election

Keep telling yourself that

We didn’t lose because voters didn’t support our positions….must be we were cheated
FXN, Fair and Balanced as always. I'm not surprised.
The poll seems weird in that they have an "approves of him somewhat", WTF does that mean? Weak approval?
Anyway, 54% approval is barely over 50%. Not "killing it".
5 months down and only 43 months to go, what can go wrong with Xiden in the WH?

Then again, 54% approval with the MSM fawning over and babying him. What is your favorite ice cream flavor Joe?
Its early yet...
Trump's approval never got that high. He never reached 50%.
1. Trump's approval got to 49% with a hostile MSM writing 95% negative stories.
2. Xiden is at 54% approval with a fawning press NEVER saying anything negative about Xiden.

So net-net whose "approval" was stronger?

These people can and do lie about EVERY-THING. We have a CDC who told us masks made out of grandma's curtain materials would protect us from an airborne virus.

Let that sink in.

So yea, fudging numbers about a presidential poll? That's nothing. That's a game of Candy Land to these creeps.
Are fox and the CDC the same thing?

Do you realize the American media is the least trusted in all the world?

I wonder what trust in the CDC is right about now? But my point is, Fox is little trusted either. NONE of our institutions are trusted. Great job, Democrats. Working out great for you, amirite?
That’s a result of right wing disinformation. After not liking the truth for years those guys
just made it up.
FXN, Fair and Balanced as always. I'm not surprised.
The poll seems weird in that they have an "approves of him somewhat", WTF does that mean? Weak approval?
Anyway, 54% approval is barely over 50%. Not "killing it".
5 months down and only 43 months to go, what can go wrong with Xiden in the WH?

Then again, 54% approval with the MSM fawning over and babying him. What is your favorite ice cream flavor Joe?
Its early yet...
Trump's approval never got that high. He never reached 50%.
1. Trump's approval got to 49% with a hostile MSM writing 95% negative stories.
2. Xiden is at 54% approval with a fawning press NEVER saying anything negative about Xiden.

So net-net whose "approval" was stronger?

These people can and do lie about EVERY-THING. We have a CDC who told us masks made out of grandma's curtain materials would protect us from an airborne virus.

Let that sink in.

So yea, fudging numbers about a presidential poll? That's nothing. That's a game of Candy Land to these creeps.
Are fox and the CDC the same thing?

Do you realize the American media is the least trusted in all the world?

I wonder what trust in the CDC is right about now? But my point is, Fox is little trusted either. NONE of our institutions are trusted. Great job, Democrats. Working out great for you, amirite?
That’s a result of right wing disinformation. After not liking the truth for years those guys
just made it up.
No policy differences from dumb Don, but old Joe has a much higher approval rating. Somethings amiss. LOL.
That’s a result of right wing disinformation. After not liking the truth for years those guys
just made it up.

That is the thrust of today’s Conservatives
Everyone lies, facts are negotiable, trust us

They have their base mistrusting

The vote
The media
Any story they disagree with
The weather service
Last edited:
You are already losing moderate voters.

Evidently not

“It’s largely a function of three things. The first is overwhelming support from Democrats, 60 percent of whom approve of him strongly and more than 9-in-10 who approve at least somewhat. The second is that a majority of independents at least somewhat approve of his performance. The third, and perhaps most unexpected, is that a fifth of Republicans say they at least somewhat approve — including 13 percent of those who also say they voted for former president Donald Trump last year.”

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