Fox News Reporting: Perry, Newt, Santorum, Huntsman off VA ballot


Economic and BlowBack Ace
Feb 11, 2009
Nice to see the rule of law upheld. Was just watching on Fox News - I will update with Tube when it becomes available. Big News.
That's 49 delegates that Perry, Newt, Santorum, huntman can't even compete for that Paul and Romney can get.

This helps Mitt and gives paul a chance!

Virginia open primary 3 RNC, 33 CD and 13 AL
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That's 49 delegates that Perry, Newt, Santorum, huntman can't even compete for that Paul and Romney can get.

This helps Mitt and gives paul a chance!

I hope we can get the kind of momentum we need by VA.
Good. There's no sneak arounds in this game. Either do this the right way or drop out. They knew the rules in Virginia and they failed to comply... therefore they will miss out on 49 delegates. Absolutely sounds fair to me.

Great news for Romney and Paul. Kudos to them for following the law. I'd suggest Paul get on the ball now and campaign heavily in Virginia, Virginia is a swing state with alot of military voters, alot of independent voters, and alot of evangelical voters. He could be very competitive against Mitt in a two man race.
A federal judge has ruled against four GOP presidential candidates seeking a spot on Virginia's March 6 primary ballot: Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman.

Those four had sued the state's board of elections because they were left off Virginia's ballot.

Virginia requires candidates to obtain 10,000 signatures from registered voters in the state, with at least 400 signatures coming from each of the commonwealth's 11 congressional districts.

Huntsman and Santorum did not file such a petition with the Virginia State Board of Elections. Gingrich and Perry filed petitions that were later rejected by the Republican Party of Virginia for not meeting requirements.

4 GOP candidates won't get on Virginia ballot, judge rules – This Just In - Blogs

Also heard it on MSNBC that they weren't going to let them be on the VA ballot. The judge initially agreed that the rules may be unconstitutional, but, upon review, decided that the candidates had enough time prior to this to get on the ballot.

Gonna be interesting to see how this goes.......
So Newt basically does not have a real chance anymore!!

Happy days are here again!

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