Fox refuses to Air Symposium Ad for Lindell

Spreading such false information is why Fox was sued for $1.6 billion. As I said before, if they continue to allow such disinformation to be aired on their network, it only reinforces dominions lawsuit against them.
Who says it is false? The symposium gives people a chance to prove it is false. What is the problem? If it is debunked don't you want people to know?
He's butthurt I calked him an old troll yesterday.

Fox is worthless, Lindell is interesting but going nowhere
Still looking for relevant content from you

You keep using the term “Troll”
I don’t think you know what it means

I am posting content relevant to the subject. You, on the other hand provide insults and snarky comments

Makes you the troll
Who says it is false? The symposium gives people a chance to prove it is false. What is the problem? If it is debunked don't you want people to know?
Fox has been living off of the defense…..we are not responsible for what people say

However, their repeated broadcasting of damaging misinformation they know is not supported is catching up with them.

Lindell has doubled down on his lunacy, Fox is starting to hedge their bets
Ratings are not worth the legal ramifications
It is not a lie and free speech is not spreading anything but a different viable opinion.

You said "opinion", not fact.

Opinion is not protected speech.

It's no different than someone saying that it's his opinion that Ford motor company employs forced child labor.

That's a slander, that can only be defended by it being true. Not that it was an opinion.
You said "opinion", not fact.

Opinion is not protected speech.

It's no different than someone saying that it's his opinion that Ford motor company employs forced child labor.

That's a slander, that can only be defended by it being true. Not that it was an opinion.
It's obvious you don't watch CNN and MSLSD.
It is not a lie and free speech is not spreading anything but a different viable opinion. The American people need to be informed. That is what news outlets are supposed to do. The symposium is a fact, it is going to happen. No conspiracy here, just evidence.

There was all kinds of fraud. To deny it is futile.
70+ court cases, multiple recounts and audits, all 50 states election officials, even the handpicked AG said there was no evidence of massive voter fraud. It didn't happen. No matter how much you want a national audience for that crackpot Lindell to spread his manure. All he would be dealing would be fabricated "evidence", lies and conspiracy theories. That's not the way things work in this country. Fox would get their asses sued to the nines. I'll bet even OAN and Newsmax won't touch that steamy turd.
Still looking for relevant content from you

You keep using the term “Troll”
I don’t think you know what it means

I am posting content relevant to the subject. You, on the other hand provide insults and snarky comments

Makes you the troll

Troll ,= you.

Again, troll I posted relevant info. YOU ignore it and slide in with personal attacks because you're a butt hurt old fck.

Fck Fox and Lindell is an annoyance.

See, troll..... relevant information.

Now fck off you idiot
I guess some in Fox News hope to salvage what little credibility they have left after becoming the go-to network for Covid disinformation and Trumpist lies of election fraud.

But you know what they say, why you lie with dogs you get fleas.

There ain't enough flea bomb in the world to get rid of all those Trumpist fleas.
I guess some in Fox News hope to salvage what little credibility they have left after becoming the go-to network for Covid disinformation and Trumpist lies of election fraud.

But you know what they say, why you lie with dogs you get fleas.

There ain't enough flea bomb in the world to get rid of all those Trumpist fleas.

Not enough Hartz flea collars for MSNBC, CNN, WAPO, NY Slimes....etc hounds.

See how that works,?
Distrust of government and officials is at the highest it's ever been.
Instead of addressing the well earned distrust, those same lifetime career crooks choose to demonize half the country's citizens. Only to further cement that distrust.
Why? If there was no fraud why can't Lindell advertise that his evidence of fraud will be on display? How will people know how easily it can be debunked? Right? :auiqs.jpg: They won't, because it can't be, and FOX seems to know that. Cowardly, and it will cost them more viewers.

Many believe there was fraud. Whether it is true or not, Americans should be aware that this is going on. It is news and it should be covered. Why are they afraid to air these ads?
I watched Lindells video where he supposedly presents all the "evidence" of fraud. It was a joke. I watched the whole thing. Its unverified propaganda and none of the numbers he presents are sourced or backed up. Fox can't promote that or they will get sued again. Lindells shit has already been debunked... months ago. Only wing nuts like you are still holding onto hope. But I know you know its over and you're just trying to save face. You put all your eggs in this crap basket and now you are stuck. Best move for you is to just admit you were wrong and these people like Lindell are just leaching money from suckers who buy into their crap.

Fox is very friendly to Lindell. His MyPillow ads are all over the place. They can't legally air his conspiracies without expecting to spend the next year in court.
Why? If there was no fraud why can't Lindell advertise that his evidence of fraud will be on display? How will people know how easily it can be debunked? Right? :auiqs.jpg: They won't, because it can't be, and FOX seems to know that. Cowardly, and it will cost them more viewers.

Many believe there was fraud. Whether it is true or not, Americans should be aware that this is going on. It is news and it should be covered. Why are they afraid to air these ads?
FOX News doesn't feel like getting sued for a billion like Looney Lindell..
Distrust of government and officials is at the highest it's ever been.
Instead of addressing the well earned distrust, those same lifetime career crooks choose to demonize half the country's citizens. Only to further cement that distrust.
Right, they cemented that distrust with audits and investigations that found nothing wrong but you want to believe the guy that has no evidence and has never been able to prove what he claims(stupid is as stupid does)...
Is it true? What are the details? The story is based on about a dozen words allegedly overheard by somebody named J.D. Rucker in the "Green Room" of the Fox network. Remind me to think twice before I believe anything from "Liberty Daily".

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