FoxNews does it again- Do they ever check their footage?

I guess, according to rightwinger, a mistake on Fox News is worse then an outright lie that you hear on other news stations. But then again, anything that casts a bad light on Sarah Palin seems to make lots of folks eager to spread the news... Go figure.
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"Trivial mistake"? Twice in two weeks, the same "trivial mistake"? Really? Your brainwashing must be nearly complete, grasshopper. I would assume that most people in Michigan could not afford the book, hence the low turn out of only 1000 people, right?

I would rather a news org that makes mistakes with footage than those that decide what news you should know about and what news you should not know about.

But that is me.

What one does not chose what to show and what not to show?

NBC...back over the summer...that Meredith chick...(paraphrased)

"we at NBC do not feel it appropriate to report on the Bill Ayers issue as it is not what is important to the American People. We believe it best to use the time to address the issues developing with our national economy."

and then, I swear, in her next breath...

"coming up after the break, an update on Madonna's pending divorce"
Give me a break...did you see the clip?

Actually, I haven't seen the Sarah clip yet, just read about it (I don't have sound on this computer) and actually, what are you talking about... we're in agreement about these "accidents" right? The last sentence was actually sarcasm directed at Fox's "trivial mistake" defense.

OH! You were deducing that I have whatever derangemnent thingie you were talking about. Not so, I just don't believe that such a starkly partisan leaning news show should be referring to themselves as a "fair and balanced" news source.
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How does someone commit a "production error" and accidentally introduce footage from over a year ago? Its not like it was two clips from the same day that you mixed up. Someone has to go in and search archived footage from a year ago.

FoxNews has once again used archived footage to try to misrepresent news footage.

Fair and balanced?
How does someone commit a "production error" and accidentally introduce footage from over a year ago? Its not like it was two clips from the same day that you mixed up. Someone has to go in and search archived footage from a year ago.

FoxNews has once again used archived footage to try to misrepresent news footage.

Fair and balanced?

So news footage that shows about 20 faces is used instead of news footage that shows about 20 faces....all in an effort to make it look like there were more people than there really were.
Got it.
How does someone commit a "production error" and accidentally introduce footage from over a year ago? Its not like it was two clips from the same day that you mixed up. Someone has to go in and search archived footage from a year ago.

FoxNews has once again used archived footage to try to misrepresent news footage.

Fair and balanced?

Again, what did they misrepresent?

Did they show more people in the clip than attended the actual event?


So what was misrepresented?

Use some common sense!
How does someone commit a "production error" and accidentally introduce footage from over a year ago? Its not like it was two clips from the same day that you mixed up. Someone has to go in and search archived footage from a year ago.

FoxNews has once again used archived footage to try to misrepresent news footage.

Fair and balanced?

Again, what did they misrepresent?

Did they show more people in the clip than attended the actual event?


So what was misrepresented?

Use some common sense!

Like I said...a clip that shows about 20 faces was used to replace a clip that shows about 20 faces...all in an effort to make it look like more people attended than really did.

Now THAT is spinning the news!
I love how they said

"This was a production error in which the copy editor changed a script and didn't alert the control room to update the video,'' Michael Clemente, senior vice president of news at FOX, sad this evening. "There will be an on-air explanation during Happening Now on Thursday."

Whaaa? Changed the script on a months old video and didn't update the image? Why would you do that anyway? That makes no sense whatsoever. This is NEW footage needing NEW commentary. I call double bullshit. Why would your control room even HAVE a copy of the teabagger's little pow wow at hand?
If the so called, “Liberal media” made this “mistake” with Obama, then it would be "proof" that Obama is a Fascist/Communist/Socialist/Elitist/Big Brother and gun sales would increase 400% in red states and Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity would both have coronaries on the same night.

Yeah, probably so...but would it actually be enough proof to make a difference? Not hardly.

But you have NOTHING to fear, because The Daily Show doesn't do any really hard investigating of any other news channel but Fox News. So it's probably not ever gonna be pointed out when the other networks pull any hanky panky. MSNBC was also involved in some twisting. You have to wonder how often it happens. Surely this isn't an isolated issue for one network.
I love how they said

"This was a production error in which the copy editor changed a script and didn't alert the control room to update the video,'' Michael Clemente, senior vice president of news at FOX, sad this evening. "There will be an on-air explanation during Happening Now on Thursday."

Whaaa? Changed the script on a months old video and didn't updated the image? Why would you do that anyway? That makes no sense whatsoever. This is NEW footage needing NEW commentary. I call double bullshit. Why would your control room even HAVE a copy of the teabagger's little pow wow at hand?

So now the production crew of FOx news knows so little about their operation, their lies dont make sense.

Of course YOU know more about how they operate than they do.

You are looking silly with your posts.
Well, I get my news from BBC, PBS News Hour / World Report and NPR, you know, those boring news outfits that don't spin or opine and just report the news as is? You don't see many of them doctoring footage, do you?

To be honest, I NEVER watch the BBC or PBS. I like a little more than a strictly liberal focus in my news coverage if you don't mind.
I love how they said

"This was a production error in which the copy editor changed a script and didn't alert the control room to update the video,'' Michael Clemente, senior vice president of news at FOX, sad this evening. "There will be an on-air explanation during Happening Now on Thursday."

Whaaa? Changed the script on a months old video and didn't updated the image? Why would you do that anyway? That makes no sense whatsoever. This is NEW footage needing NEW commentary. I call double bullshit. Why would your control room even HAVE a copy of the teabagger's little pow wow at hand?

So now the production crew of FOx news knows so little about their operation, their lies dont make sense.

Of course YOU know more about how they operate than they do.

You are looking silly with your posts.

They got their training at the Dan Rather School of Journalism
I guess, according to rightwinger, a mistake on Fox News is worse then an outright lie that you hear on other news stations. But then again, anything that casts a bad light on Sarah Palin seems to make lots of folks eager to spread the news... Go figure.

If you do something once it is a mistake. However, FoxNews is repeatedly misrepresenting crowd numbers to meet its stated political agenda and give the impression that more people support its rightwing agenda than actually do. They stated 1.7 million were at the Beck rally, they misrepresented footage of the Bachman rally (oops "news conference"), they misrepresent footage of the Palin appearance.

If other news stations are making outright lies, you are free to start a thread on it and post your proof
Fox even alters photos:



Notice the yellowed teeth. The lowered hairline. Circles under the eyes. Nose enlarge, forehead stretched.
You gotta wonder how many others have they done this to?
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[Of course YOU know more about how they operate than they do.

I know a thing or two about video/television production, and this is not a valid excuse, thank you very much.
To be honest, I NEVER watch the BBC or PBS. I like a little more than a strictly liberal focus in my news coverage if you don't mind.

It is obvious that you never watch them, as there is no bias to their reporting whatsoever. Just straight up news. Plus, they report on important things going on in the world that no one else in the US cares to. Listen to them and prove to me a bias. I triple dog dare you.
Fox even alters photos:



Notice the yellowed teeth. The lowered hairline. Circles under the eyes. Nose enlarge, forehead stretched.
You gotta wonder how many others have they done this to?

There was a Grade B movie decades ago with Lee Majors about an ad agency that does that kind of subliminal stuff to political ads. I can't remember the name of it tho.

"The Agency" is the name of movie.
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Why would a British news station care one whit about being partisan one way or another, anyway? Good grief. You guys have been spoon-fed spin for so long, I doubt you would know what real, objective news sounds like?

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