Fracking As A Political/Military Issue

[MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] what is a TLP?

Liberals know as much about agriculture as they do the hydrocarbon industries... which is jack shit.

Yet, they ignore agriculture and focus on hydrocarbons.

While agriculture is the one true fucker of world environment, which by coincidence depends upon... hydrocarbons.

Agricultural farmers are the world's enemy, not hydrocarbon farmers.

You mother fuckers got the twist goin'.
Less than 40% of oil is imported now, lowest since 1990.
How come the 60% that we drill here still costs so much?
Called supply and demand on a GLOBAL market.
Something Republicans should and do understand.
We could drill 100% of our oil in country and it would have little IF ANY effect on the price.
Only a dumbass would sell their oil for LESS than what the GLOBAL market demand price for it is.


You don’t have to know much or anything at all about the oil market to understand that having the majority of the oil in the world controlled by a small cabal of dictatorships causes massive problems.

If we truly were independent then we could challenge that monopoly and that could very well lead to good things for the world concerning oil markets. The less we rely on such a volatile and brutal area of the world, the better.
The environmental movement has been called the "Watermelon Movement, ' green on the outside, red on the inside.

Opposition to fracking is one of the best examples of how they'd like to cripple America.

The Sierra Club, a member of Soros' Shadow Party, attempts to confound the issue:

1. No single source of criticism of hydraulic fracturing is more pronounced than the claim that it pollutes groundwater. “Fracking,” according to the Sierra Club, is “known to contaminate drinking water.” Food & Water Watch says hydraulic fracturing “threatens the air we breathe, the water we drink, the communities we love and the climate on which we all depend.” The Center for Biological Diversity begins its litany of criticisms of hydraulic fracturing with: “Contaminated water.” In his FAQ page, Gasland director Josh Fox says water contamination from fracking is “very serious.”

But when these same critics are asked to prove the claim, the evidence is far more elusive than their statements would suggest. At a major Senate hearing earlier this year, representatives from both the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council, when pressed by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), could not name a single confirmed case of hydraulic fracturing contaminating groundwater.

Experts and regulators, meanwhile, have stated time and again that there is little to no evidence of “fracking” ever contaminating groundwater:

• Ernest Moniz, Secretary of U.S. Dept. of Energy: “To my knowledge, I still have not seen any evidence of fracking per se contaminating groundwater.” (Aug. 2013)

• U.S. Geological Survey: “This new study is important in terms of finding no significant effects on groundwater quality from shale gas development within the area of sampling.” (January 2013)

• U.S. Govt. Accountability Office (GAO): “[R]egulatory officials we met with from eight states – Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Texas – told us that, based on state investigations, the hydraulic fracturing process has not been identified as a cause of groundwater contamination within their states.” (September 2012)
How Anti-Fracking Activists Deny Science: Water Contamination
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Since fracking is regulated on a state-by-state basis still, do tell.

For now, anyway.

Should Fracking Be Regulated by the Feds or the States? -

In Illinois' case, it is the environmentalists who ultimately will regulate it.

Existing Rules, known as the Oil and Gas Act and in force for decades, already contained adequate language for dealing with the process. But that wasn't good enough. The big-roller environmental groups descended on Springfield and proceeded to strong-arm the legislature into crafting their version of rules.

The result is an onerous and duplicative piece of legislation that threatens to enact a de-facto ban on the practice. Layers of bureaucracy, hefty fees, and redundant regulations appear to be driving the players away. After spending tens of millions of dollars acquiring drilling rights, they are ready to say "fuck it" and leave.

I have over 200K invested in speculative oil drilling ventures in country of many varieties.
We have a hell of a lot more influence with politicians with our millions backed up by the oil companies than the influence of environmental groups.
Our experience has been that it has been both Republican and Democratic legislators that have favored the increases in fees and bureaucracy. You have more interest you have more of that no matter what.
LOL, the allure of selling our oil at over $100 a barrel is what drives this market and always will. Sure, we need to do more as a nation to encourage investment and this administration has done a terrible job in ALL capital investing areas except their pet green areas BUT the money going into this is massive and to suggest that the environmentalists have more influence than investment dollars is hog wash.
Our experience has been that most environmentalist groups favor and support centralized management of resources, a terrible idea. However, the public does not support that socialist/communist approach and regulations can favor the investor if they are not changing like the wind and are enforced uniformly. That way we know what our path is.
This is all about investment capital and the push from this administration to kill coal and oil and push those dollars into green.
May be a good idea long term but terrible short term as demand is for oil and if we do not provide it some dude with a towel on his head will and they just have to turn on the spicket.
Accordingly, a well regulated industry is not always a bad thing as that provides a road map.
Where are the "scientific" Liberals here? High volume high pressure horizontal hydraulic fracturing is a very scientific and highly engineering-intensive process.

Is this the only science that Liberals deny? What is it that they refuse to acknowledge?

If Liberals have the "science" market cornered, then why do they come up totally dumb-fucked when it comes to fracturing?

Liberals... the true "deniers".

THIS is the shit that reveals your true colors. Ignorant and pathetic morons.

I don't think I have a problem with most fracking. Hell, it's a technique that's been used for decades. I think we should know what chemical compounds they are pumping into the wells. But then again I don't oppose the Keystone Pipeline either.
Where are the "scientific" Liberals here? High volume high pressure horizontal hydraulic fracturing is a very scientific and highly engineering-intensive process.

Is this the only science that Liberals deny? What is it that they refuse to acknowledge?

If Liberals have the "science" market cornered, then why do they come up totally dumb-fucked when it comes to fracturing?

Liberals... the true "deniers".

THIS is the shit that reveals your true colors. Ignorant and pathetic morons.

I don't think I have a problem with most fracking. Hell, it's a technique that's been used for decades. I think we should know what chemical compounds they are pumping into the wells. But then again I don't oppose the Keystone Pipeline either.

The liquids used for fracturing are proprietary. Fracturing methods vary based on the crystalline structure of each mineral and compound present within the formation.
Where are the "scientific" Liberals here? High volume high pressure horizontal hydraulic fracturing is a very scientific and highly engineering-intensive process.

Is this the only science that Liberals deny? What is it that they refuse to acknowledge?

If Liberals have the "science" market cornered, then why do they come up totally dumb-fucked when it comes to fracturing?

Liberals... the true "deniers".

THIS is the shit that reveals your true colors. Ignorant and pathetic morons.

I don't think I have a problem with most fracking. Hell, it's a technique that's been used for decades. I think we should know what chemical compounds they are pumping into the wells. But then again I don't oppose the Keystone Pipeline either.

The liquids used for fracturing are proprietary. Fracturing methods vary based on the crystalline structure of each mineral and compound present within the formation.

Aren't they a mixture of chemicals? IMO we don't necessarily need to know the proportions.

Like the formula for Coke.
Less than 40% of oil is imported now, lowest since 1990.
How come the 60% that we drill here still costs so much?
Called supply and demand on a GLOBAL market.
Something Republicans should and do understand.
We could drill 100% of our oil in country and it would have little IF ANY effect on the price.
Only a dumbass would sell their oil for LESS than what the GLOBAL market demand price for it is.


You don’t have to know much or anything at all about the oil market to understand that having the majority of the oil in the world controlled by a small cabal of dictatorships causes massive problems.

If we truly were independent then we could challenge that monopoly and that could very well lead to good things for the world concerning oil markets. The less we rely on such a volatile and brutal area of the world, the better.

How many businesses do you own and how much capital do you have at risk?
If you put money into oil and gas right now and the investment hits, what do you sell it for?
Who do you sell it to?
If you are smart, and that is subject to debate from your previous uninformed posts, you sell it at the highest price THE MARKET demands.
And the market is heavily controlled by the towel heads but guess why?
They do not have anywhere near the capital costs we have in the companies I own shares in because in most instances when they sell oil what do they do?
They turn the spicket on.
Global demand is the problem as India and China and other emerging markets now compete with everyone else for the spot market price of oil BEFORE it is refined into gasoline.
And what country burns more REFINED oil than any other country on earth?
Oil is now ridiculously at 35% of the world's energy by power source.
Bottom line to investors, capital, the life blood of our economic system; ya know-PROFIT is that oil sells at a very high price because DEMAND drives the market.
There is no shortage of it. Those that speculate in it here which is what drives the future of less dependency on imports WANT HIGH PRICES.
Why else would we risk hundreds of thousands of dollars?
This is called CAPITALISM my man. This is how we do things here.
Obama's leftist allies against fracking

MoveOn Announces Effort to Slow Fracking Boom

Fracking propelling country toward domestically produced energy abundance

Leading left-wing advocacy group announced a new effort on Thursday to oppose innovations that are propelling the country towards a new abundance of domestically produced energy.

MoveOn bemoaned in an email to supporters the “troubling trend” of increased energy production, which is reducing the U.S. trade deficit, creating well-paying jobs, stabilizing global energy prices, and undermining the economic engine behind some of the world’s most repressive regimes.

MoveOn announced the creation of a new effort called “#FrackingFighter,” which “seeks to slow down the fracking boom that is anticipated to occur across the United States in 2014 and beyond.”

MoveOn Announces Effort to Slow Fracking Boom | Washington Free Beacon

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