France INcome Tax raised to 100%: Total Marxism

So, you're admitting that you feel entitled to part of the share we earned ourselves?

Because any part of our share belongs to us. Regardless of what you think is fair or not.

Uh, no, guy. Nobody performs 8 figures worth of labor.

Nobody performs 7 figures worth of labor.

I would even go so far to say that no one being paid more than $200,000 is really earning it.

DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYUM, you're STUPID, boy! Plenty of people do work worth 7 (or eight) figures. (Off the top of my head: a surgeon!)

No, they get PAID 7 figures. Their work isn't WORTH 7 figures.

I'm sorry you aren't bright enough to see the difference.

That's your opinion.

And not to belittle you or anything, but from the experiences you've mentioned on here you don't know what it's like to earn $200,000. So to be frank, you're nobody to be saying what someone else should or shouldn't be earning.

Your opinion that nobody's labor should be worth more than $200,000 is based on your own limited understanding. Perhaps if you knew what it took to get there you'd have a different opinion.

Although your point of view is that of the typical jealous socialist. Anybody that earns more than you doesn't deserve it and had to have gotten it by cheating. Your mind can't conceive a way for you to obtain their success, so your first reflex is to try and destroy the success of others.

Quite a sad way to live your life. I honestly do hope you can get over that.

Frankly, guy, I've met people who've made that kind of money, and no, usually, they just take credit for someone else's work.

In fact, I think I have worked for those guys.

I'm amazed about the worship you and your sort have for the wealthy. They just aren't all that interesting.

That is the most fucked up thing I've seen in some time. Their ENTIRE income, gone!

Well, at least we can take solace in knowing that central governments are much more efficient in how they spend money than individuals making voluntary choices...:eusa_whistle:

Now which Statists here will support this kind of crap I wonder???

So why would anyone choose to work?
['s not me supporting a President whose policies are keeping people out of work, genius.

That would be YOU.

Hey, retard, blaming ObamaCare for the evils that corporations do is like blaming a short skirt for a rape.

Of course, I'd have my solution. The minute a company announces it is cutting headcount or hours to cheat employees out of health care-


Hey, you know that love nest for the CEO's mistress that you are paying for out of a company slush fund? Guess where that information is going. Right to his wife and her divorce attorney.

Make a few examples out of people, their behavior WILL improve quickly.

Or do you think that only applies to poor people?
So If Obama says he wants to do this as a "one-shot deal" we shouldn't worry then?

It's a travesty it even happened ONCE

I never said I supported it.

But the fact is there is no permanent tax rate of 100% in France.

I do not recall reading that anyone said it was a permanent deal. In fact, I noted a couple of times that it was a one time shot and I was not alone. Maybe I missed the post(s) you saw that stated it was permanent.

By the way, I like the avatar and hope what it symbolizes some day becomes a reality.


Course it never actually happened, and btw the rich have plenty of deductions over there too. Same reason OUR rich pay 17% effective, and corporations 12%, a disgrace.

OP- Typical fear mongering Pubcrappe, pandering to the bloated rich and squeezing the nonrich as always. The middle class pays 24%, hater dupes...

That is the most fucked up thing I've seen in some time. Their ENTIRE income, gone!

Well, at least we can take solace in knowing that central governments are much more efficient in how they spend money than individuals making voluntary choices...:eusa_whistle:

Now which Statists here will support this kind of crap I wonder???

So why would anyone choose to work?

But under a Marxist economy there was to be no taxes, remember from each....

If you don't want to vote for people who lie and cheat, you're not going to vote for anybody. :lol:

Absolutely going to leave a mark it is. Joey has a problem...I wonder if there are mirrors in his home where he can give himself a talking to?

He puts more trust in politicians than he does with people living their lives as they see fit. (And that includes himself...unless JOEY is ONE of them)?:eusa_shifty:

I think you miss the point.

I trust politicians to do whatever suckup thing they need to do to get re-elected. The ballot box is the ONE PLACE I have as much power as my scumwad ex-boss who cured me or Republican Stupidity.

Businesses will do whatever it takes to make a profit. A mentality that brought us Love Canal, the Ford Pinto, and a thousand other screwups.

You guys trust big corporations that would put Carcinogens in your water, if they thought they could get away with it.
Thank you for perfectly illustrating the far left's irrational hatred for business:

"Big corporations want to kill all their customers, thus maximizing profits!!"

Hey, genius: If all the customers are dead, who's going to buy their products?
Uh, no, guy. Nobody performs 8 figures worth of labor.

Nobody performs 7 figures worth of labor.

I would even go so far to say that no one being paid more than $200,000 is really earning it.

DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYUM, you're STUPID, boy! Plenty of people do work worth 7 (or eight) figures. (Off the top of my head: a surgeon!)

No, they get PAID 7 figures. Their work isn't WORTH 7 figures.

I'm sorry you aren't bright enough to see the difference.
You must get terribly frustrated that no one cares what you think they should make.

Really, dood. No one cares. What they get paid is between them and the person/company paying them.

If your phone doesn't ring, that's the company not calling to see what you think.
Let me get this straight...............................

France has gone BACK IN TIME to tax............................

By a Leader that wasn't in power.....................

Because he didn't get his way.........................

And the Liberals on this board actually try and defend it?????????????

On the last line. It's not a surprise to me as they have been calling for massive taxation on the Rich here forever...................
['s not me supporting a President whose policies are keeping people out of work, genius.

That would be YOU.

Hey, retard, blaming ObamaCare for the evils that corporations do is like blaming a short skirt for a rape.

Of course, I'd have my solution. The minute a company announces it is cutting headcount or hours to cheat employees out of health care-


Hey, you know that love nest for the CEO's mistress that you are paying for out of a company slush fund? Guess where that information is going. Right to his wife and her divorce attorney.

Make a few examples out of people, their behavior WILL improve quickly.

Or do you think that only applies to poor people?
Wow, you really DO want an all-powerful totalitarian government.

What an imbecile.
You need to look no further than Detroit to see what happens when the Liberals take Full Control.

They Drive Business out. They tax what is left of them to death. Jobs go away. The people leave, and the City is Bankrupt.

Over half of Detroit has left.

On a State Level. California. The State has taxed and Regulated Business to death. So for DECADES businesses have been leaving to other states or countries to escape being punished for opening a business there. Now California has a Very Large Debt, and so they attack what's left and more leave.

Then they wonder why are they leaving............................

Texas. Conservatively run. No State Taxes. Very Business Friendly, and has a thriving economy.

Reality is a bitch Liberals. YOU ARE WRONG.
Liberals want to take money away from rich people and have it distributed to the masses so they can have more money to spend so that they can buy stuff.

But they are livid still that Reagan lowered the tax rate so people could keep more of the money "they"


NOT ONE SINGLE person from the left has been able to explain this.
Uh, no, guy. Nobody performs 8 figures worth of labor.

Nobody performs 7 figures worth of labor.

I would even go so far to say that no one being paid more than $200,000 is really earning it.

DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYUM, you're STUPID, boy! Plenty of people do work worth 7 (or eight) figures. (Off the top of my head: a surgeon!)

No, they get PAID 7 figures. Their work isn't WORTH 7 figures.

I'm sorry you aren't bright enough to see the difference. Joey-world, what would, say, an expert heart surgeon be paid? How about one of the three or four people in the WORLD able to do, say, pediatric neurosurgery?

DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYUM, you are fucking dumb!
Obviously SOMEONE thinks a surgeons job is worth 7 figures, otherwise they wouldn't get paid that much.

Ever heard of supply and demand?
Thank you for perfectly illustrating the far left's irrational hatred for business:

"Big corporations want to kill all their customers, thus maximizing profits!!"

Hey, genius: If all the customers are dead, who's going to buy their products?

Did say I, "All".

But that was the point with the Ford Pinto.

It would have cost $11.00 per unit to fix the gas tank problem that made the Pinto the "Barbaque that Seats Four".

And someone at Ford ran the numbers, and figured that paying out 100 claims on fatalities was cheaper than recalling 2 million cars. Until the government FORCED them to do a recall, that is.

And don't get me started on the Tobacco Industry, which knew for decades their products caused cancer.

Or the people who manufactured asbestos, who knew as far back as the 1940's that it was a carcinogen, and insisted in putting it in pretty much everything.
Obviously SOMEONE thinks a surgeons job is worth 7 figures, otherwise they wouldn't get paid that much.

Ever heard of supply and demand?

Guy, by that logic, kidnappers deserve seven figure ransoms.

Someone has a gun to your head, you will pay anything they want.

Medical issues, yeah, you will pay everything you have to keep from dying or keeping your loved ones from dying.

Which is why we spend more than any other nation and get the worst results.
[ Joey-world, what would, say, an expert heart surgeon be paid? How about one of the three or four people in the WORLD able to do, say, pediatric neurosurgery?

DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYUM, you are fucking dumb!

That just tells me we don't have enough specialists.

You kind of are making my point. Why should you be held hostage to someone else's greed.

Strikes me, he should be paid for his expertise, but if he could charge what people actually could pay, he wouldn't have any customers.

This is why private insurance is collapsing, because a lot of these medical professionals are as greedy as the insurance CEO's.

NOT ONE SINGLE person from the left has been able to explain this.

No, there really is no Explanation for a guy like Uncle Tom Sowell, who would be riding on the back of the bus if it weren't for liberals he hates so much.

I'm thinking much like Mia Love (whatever happened to her? Oh yeah, who cares!), he's just a self-loathing black person.

Sorry, guy, if you are up in the 7 and 8 figure range of wealth, you aren't earning anything, you are taking the fruits of someone else's labor.

You pay your taxes and don't whinge about it.
You need to look no further than Detroit to see what happens when the Liberals take Full Control.

They Drive Business out. They tax what is left of them to death. Jobs go away. The people leave, and the City is Bankrupt.

Over half of Detroit has left.

On a State Level. California. The State has taxed and Regulated Business to death. So for DECADES businesses have been leaving to other states or countries to escape being punished for opening a business there. Now California has a Very Large Debt, and so they attack what's left and more leave.

Then they wonder why are they leaving............................

Texas. Conservatively run. No State Taxes. Very Business Friendly, and has a thriving economy.

Reality is a bitch Liberals. YOU ARE WRONG.

Guy, you live in your own reality.

Texas is still nearly a third world country, if you spun it off as its own nation. The fact that businesses go there is because it's a nice conduit for all that poorer than shit labor from Mexico.

Liberalism didn't destroy Detroit. Detroit lost to Volkswagon and Toyota. Companies where the workforces are unionized and the unions even have a say in who the CEO is.

And the CEO's of those companies DON'T make 8 figures.

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