France: Muslim Bus Drivers Refuse to Use Bus After it Has Been Driven by a Woman

So why did this guy move to France? he should have stayed in whatever shit hole he was in.
I'm going to move to an Islamic country and demand pork chops, malt liquor and strippers with fat saggy tits, lets see how they like that.
And no doubt some cheese-eating spineless jellyfish of a French politician will work vigoriously to accomodate these Turd World Muslims on buses.
Liberals all your work is going to be flushed down the fucking toilet if you keep letting muslims in. What the fuck are you going to do?
Liberals all your work is going to be flushed down the fucking toilet if you keep letting muslims in. What the fuck are you going to do?

Europeans have their own ethnic conflicts even before they go as far as thinking about muslims. In fact, it is a good thing that the muslims go to Europe and wear down the liberal infrastructure, because that is the one that went so far as creating those ethnic conflicts. For example the idea of public education is from the French revolution and its purpose is to assimilate by shaming children for their language ... the de-christianization of France starting in the 19th century.
Cheradenine Zakalwe is a fictional anti-hero

Bus company backs driver who refused Palestinian passengers on board
An Israeli bus driver refused to take Palestinian passengers on board, was ordered to do so by police, and took his revenge by forcing them off the bus at the entrance to a settlement. The bus company: “The driver acted exactly as expected of him.”

Tel Aviv Central Bus Station, Thursday, two weeks ago: a bus driver on the 286 line that goes to the settlement of Ariel refused to allow a group of Palestinian workers on board who wanted to get back home to the West Bank. After a short argument the driver called the police, asking for the Palestinians to be escorted away from the door of the bus. A policewoman who arrived shortly after talked to the would-be passengers, and then told the driver the Palestinians all had valid permits to be in Israel, all went through security checks at the entrance to the station, and that he therefore must allow them on the bus.
Bus company backs driver who refused Palestinian passengers on board | +972 Magazine
Israeli woman refuses ultra-Orthodox dictate to move to back of bus
A woman passenger on a public bus from Ashdod to Jerusalem Friday was told by an ultra-Orthodox male passenger to move to the back of the bus. The man held the door of the bus open and would not allow it to move for approximately 30 minutes.

When other passengers began to complain about the delay, the driver called the police. The policeman who arrived on the scene spoke with the man and then also asked the woman, Tanya Rosenblit, to move to the back of the bus. When she refused, the man who had been holding the door alighted and the bus continued on its way.

Rosenblit, who said she was dressed modestly, was traveling on Egged bus 451 to get to work in Jerusalem. She said a Haredi man, who boarded two stops after she did, refused to allow the driver to close the door after he saw Rosenblit. Rosenblit said the man called her a derogatory word for a non-Jewish woman, and told the driver it was his right to have her sit in the back and that he had paid to be able to do so.
Israeli woman refuses ultra-Orthodox dictate to move to back of bus Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

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