France's Socialist war on Buisness- 75% taxrate; Obamanomics

From the article:

President Francois Hollande's Socialist government unveiled sharp tax hikes on business and the rich on Friday in a 2013 budget aimed at showing France has the fiscal rigor to remain at the core of the euro zone.

Amazing just how STOOPID entire nations are.. America had better wake the hell up.. this is coming under the LEFTIST agenda.
from 1936 to 1963 the top tax rate here was 75% to 90%.

remember when we had the best schools in the world and did things like go to the Moon?
LMAO here's the kicker:

Together, those two measures are predicted to bring in around half a billion euros. Higher tax rates on dividends and other investments, plus cuts to existing tax breaks are seen bringing in several billion more.

A half a billion Euros.. NOT shit to solve the dependency debt Socialist France has.. Taking 75% of income won't do shit but depress business you fucking morons.
dear idiot we ourselves had the top tax rate at 90% in the past

Yes, and the only people it affected were named Macys, Rockerfeller, Carnagie, and a few others.

Did you ever notice they never tell you how many people actually PAID the 90% top rate?
Obama's cut taxes on mid-sized businesses..

And hasn't raised taxes.

Even Romney said that.

Romney: Obama ‘Did Not’ Raise Taxes - ABC News

Sallow, we've all heard for the entire 3 and a half years about raising taxes on the rich and businesses.. Banks, Businesses are all holding back treasure.. THEY DON'T TRUST OBAMA.. NO ONE does but the braindead Obamabots and with good reason.. SOCIALISM doesn't fucking work!! Get it through your thick skulls.
those years that the tax rate was so high did not look like you claim they would look did they?

You people are just liars
The people of France put the Socialists back in power so whatever happens is on them.

Socialism works great till you run out of other peoples money.

Can't say I feel any sympathy for France.

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