Francis: Catholic OCD - gays, abortion and contraception


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
If Francis is able (he seems willing) to take the Catholic Church back to it's humanitarian roots, will the Republicans lose a big chunk of their base?

Pope Francis: Gays, Abortion Too Much Of Catholic Church's Obsession

Pope Francis faulted the Roman Catholic church for focusing too much on gays, abortion and contraception, saying the church has become "obsessed" with those issues to the detriment of its larger mission to be "home for all," according to an extensive new interview published Thursday.

If Francis is able (he seems willing) to take the Catholic Church back to it's humanitarian roots, will the Republicans lose a big chunk of their base?

Pope Francis: Gays, Abortion Too Much Of Catholic Church's Obsession

Pope Francis faulted the Roman Catholic church for focusing too much on gays, abortion and contraception, saying the church has become "obsessed" with those issues to the detriment of its larger mission to be "home for all," according to an extensive new interview published Thursday.


Home for all?

If Francis is able (he seems willing) to take the Catholic Church back to it's humanitarian roots, will the Republicans lose a big chunk of their base?

It will likely be the other way around: Republicans will abandon the Church.

These days, the GOP is big on loyalty and ideological purity. (See RINO.) Not to say there's zero room in the party for differing ideas, but only if those ideas are only slightly different. Decrease welfare and eliminate welfare, for example, can co-exist in the GOP but not increase welfare. If Catholics take a humanitarian stance and demand more money for welfare, the GOP will decry them as liberals/socialists/communists/fascists/NAZIs/etc. and fight against them, pushing Catholics to the Democratic party.

(Actually, the above depends a lot on abortion. This has evolved into a make/break issue for some people, as in, "Well, I hate most of your positions but you're anti-abortion so I'm with you 100%!")

This is all under a HUGE assumption--that Pope Francis is able to reform the Church. I think he will have a positive impact but won't turn it around.
All churches/faiths should return to their roots of caring for the poor and the sick...get the gummint the fuck out of that business. Food stamps is a good example. Let the gummint give the 58 billion to the churches...encourage businesses to sell at cost to the churches and let the churches do the feeding. No EBT for booze and cigarettes lotto tickets ...see how much money the taxpayer will save.
All churches/faiths should return to their roots of caring for the poor and the sick...get the gummint the fuck out of that business. Food stamps is a good example. Let the gummint give the 58 billion to the churches...encourage businesses to sell at cost to the churches and let the churches do the feeding. No EBT for booze and cigarettes lotto tickets ...see how much money the taxpayer will save.

Completely agree with excluding booze, cigarettes, and lotto from food stamps.

Completely disagree on the government giving 100% of its humanitarian funds to churches--unless you legally compel churches, temples, mosques, etc. to distribute help independent of their beliefs, so a Catholic charity cannot ban gay people from getting help, a Muslim charity cannot ban women from help, etc. That would protect people from being denied help based on beliefs (as opposed to facts), which I would be OK with.
All churches/faiths should return to their roots of caring for the poor and the sick...get the gummint the fuck out of that business. Food stamps is a good example. Let the gummint give the 58 billion to the churches...encourage businesses to sell at cost to the churches and let the churches do the feeding. No EBT for booze and cigarettes lotto tickets ...see how much money the taxpayer will save.

Completely agree with excluding booze, cigarettes, and lotto from food stamps.

Completely disagree on the government giving 100% of its humanitarian funds to churches--unless you legally compel churches, temples, mosques, etc. to distribute help independent of their beliefs, so a Catholic charity cannot ban gay people from getting help, a Muslim charity cannot ban women from help, etc. That would protect people from being denied help based on beliefs (as opposed to facts), which I would be OK with.

I was referring to returning to the pure roots of Jesus/God Himself...virtue....pure virtue where waste and corruption do not abide...where people can be trusted...those who have pledged to devote their lives to doing good...not conniving community organizers who only worship themselves.
If Francis is able (he seems willing) to take the Catholic Church back to it's humanitarian roots, will the Republicans lose a big chunk of their base?

Pope Francis: Gays, Abortion Too Much Of Catholic Church's Obsession

Pope Francis faulted the Roman Catholic church for focusing too much on gays, abortion and contraception, saying the church has become "obsessed" with those issues to the detriment of its larger mission to be "home for all," according to an extensive new interview published Thursday.


Like the progtards don't focus on gays, abortion and contraception? Ygbsm.
I was referring to returning to the pure roots of Jesus/God Himself...virtue....pure virtue where waste and corruption do not abide...where people can be trusted...those who have pledged to devote their lives to doing good...not conniving community organizers who only worship themselves.

Surely you mean to include conniving businessmen or only worship money, right?

I'm all for a return to virtue, but I've also seen too many people use "virtue" to mean only their particular brand of Christianity. A quest for virtue can include a lot of hate and injustice by redefining what is included in virtue. For example, slavery and misogyny were once supported by "virtue".
I was referring to returning to the pure roots of Jesus/God Himself...virtue....pure virtue where waste and corruption do not abide...where people can be trusted...those who have pledged to devote their lives to doing good...not conniving community organizers who only worship themselves.

Surely you mean to include conniving businessmen or only worship money, right?

I'm all for a return to virtue, but I've also seen too many people use "virtue" to mean only their particular brand of Christianity. A quest for virtue can include a lot of hate and injustice by redefining what is included in virtue. For example, slavery and misogyny were once supported by "virtue".

I am fully convinced that this extraordinary and incidental cause is the close connection of politics and religion. The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more.

Although Alexis de Tocqueville was writing that about Europe in 1835, it is true for America today.
If Francis is able (he seems willing) to take the Catholic Church back to it's humanitarian roots, will the Republicans lose a big chunk of their base?

Pope Francis: Gays, Abortion Too Much Of Catholic Church's Obsession

Pope Francis faulted the Roman Catholic church for focusing too much on gays, abortion and contraception, saying the church has become "obsessed" with those issues to the detriment of its larger mission to be "home for all," according to an extensive new interview published Thursday.


Like the progtards don't focus on gays, abortion and contraception? Ygbsm.

A very-very Catholic part of my wife's family (a couple times removed but still connected) own 9 pharmacies in a uber-red, small population state. The theme of their advertising is "A Family First Pharmacy" - code for, don't even think about buying birth control pills here.

I'm wondering - do you think Pope Francis' statement about people like my wife's family's OCD about (gays, contraception, abortion) sex will cause them to change their ways?

BTW, we used to say "the sphincter's tightening" - sorta meaning they won't be firing any shit our way.
Is that the best the radical left could come up with since analyzing every single word the Pontiff has uttered since he was elected? It shows how desperate the radical left is to camouflage the failure of the Obama administration.
Catholicism has always been the "blue collar" democratic Christianity. The right wingers tend to be the evangelical nutjobs so this would only help things.
If Francis is able (he seems willing) to take the Catholic Church back to it's humanitarian roots, will the Republicans lose a big chunk of their base?

Pope Francis: Gays, Abortion Too Much Of Catholic Church's Obsession

Pope Francis faulted the Roman Catholic church for focusing too much on gays, abortion and contraception, saying the church has become "obsessed" with those issues to the detriment of its larger mission to be "home for all," according to an extensive new interview published Thursday.



In the US there is no longer the ‘Catholic vote,’ 2012 is proof of that.

In fact, for decades now, American Catholics have been voting for candidates who advocate privacy and equal protection rights; indeed, for decades Catholics themselves have been using contraception, there are openly gay Catholics and even Catholics who’ve had abortions.

Although the official Church dogma has been hostile to privacy rights and homosexuals, that dogma was never accepted nor practiced by a large majority of the Catholic laity.
If Francis is able (he seems willing) to take the Catholic Church back to it's humanitarian roots, will the Republicans lose a big chunk of their base?

Pope Francis: Gays, Abortion Too Much Of Catholic Church's Obsession

Pope Francis faulted the Roman Catholic church for focusing too much on gays, abortion and contraception, saying the church has become "obsessed" with those issues to the detriment of its larger mission to be "home for all," according to an extensive new interview published Thursday.



In the US there is no longer the ‘Catholic vote,’ 2012 is proof of that.

In fact, for decades now, American Catholics have been voting for candidates who advocate privacy and equal protection rights; indeed, for decades Catholics themselves have been using contraception, there are openly gay Catholics and even Catholics who’ve had abortions.

Although the official Church dogma has been hostile to privacy rights and homosexuals, that dogma was never accepted nor practiced by a large majority of the Catholic laity.

It'll be interesting to see how the Bishops respond to Francis' message to Catholics to stop sweating the small stuff.

New York’s Archbishop (formerly?) anti-gay Archbishop Cardinal Timothy Dolan seems to be on
board with Francis and-----and my question is, if the Bishops take the same position as the Democratic party i.e. peoples private lives are private, will a higher percentage of Catholics begin voting for Democrats and-----and will Francis' message affect the way some Protestants vote?

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) – New York’s Archbishop Cardinal Timothy Dolan said sometimes the church “needs a good shock” and praised Pope Francis’ comments that the Catholic Church had become obsessed by “small-minded rules.”

The pope’s remarkably blunt message six months into his papacy was sure to reverberate in the U.S. and around the globe as bishops who have focused much of their preaching on such hot-button issues are asked to act more as pastors of wounded souls.

“This man is batting a thousand,” Dolan told CBS’s Kathryn Brown on Friday. “We wanted a man who had a heart, we wanted a man who could teach like Jesus, we wanted a man who could get us back to the essentials of the church.”



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