Fred Fleitz Obama blatantly ignored Irans nuclear violations


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Fred Fleitz: Obama 'Blatantly Ignored' Iran's Nuclear Violations
At least one U.S. national-security expert was unfazed by Israeli Prime Minister’s revelations of a treasure trove of intelligence data documenting Iran’s rogue program to develop nuclear weapons.

Well that's nothing new, the SOB has done more than this yet his cultic idiots still want to bend over and lick the shit off his shoes for him. When in reality he sees all of you as his peasants and laughs his ass off at the stupidity of worshipping an asshole.,


And this is part of you deep state, the cancer that keeps spreading.......
What nuclear violations?

1. The Obama administration “caved on the PMD issue in response to last-minute demands by Iran.”

2. During negotiations, “Iran continued to insist that if the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] did not close its file of the PMD [nuclear-weapons] issue, it would pull out of the nuclear agreement.”

3. The Obama administration approved the nuclear deal with Iran, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, despite the fact that many experts accused Iran of trying to hide nuclear-weapons work at its secretive Parchin military complex.

4. The IAEA reported that “extensive activities” had compromised the agency’s ability to conduct effective verification of activities at Parchin. Specifically, five buildings were removed, and extensive ground-scraping and landscaping were performed. Even then, the Obama administration found particles of uranium at the site.

5. Iran went through the motions to answer the IAEA’s questions with misleading or false responses, non-answers, or refusing to answer,
What nuclear violations?

1. The Obama administration “caved on the PMD issue in response to last-minute demands by Iran.”

2. During negotiations, “Iran continued to insist that if the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] did not close its file of the PMD [nuclear-weapons] issue, it would pull out of the nuclear agreement.”

3. The Obama administration approved the nuclear deal with Iran, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, despite the fact that many experts accused Iran of trying to hide nuclear-weapons work at its secretive Parchin military complex.

4. The IAEA reported that “extensive activities” had compromised the agency’s ability to conduct effective verification of activities at Parchin. Specifically, five buildings were removed, and extensive ground-scraping and landscaping were performed. Even then, the Obama administration found particles of uranium at the site.

5. Iran went through the motions to answer the IAEA’s questions with misleading or false responses, non-answers, or refusing to answer,
These are all unsubstantiated rwnj talking points used to criticise the JCPA.
Fred Fleitz: Obama 'Blatantly Ignored' Iran's Nuclear Violations
At least one U.S. national-security expert was unfazed by Israeli Prime Minister’s revelations of a treasure trove of intelligence data documenting Iran’s rogue program to develop nuclear weapons.

Well that's nothing new, the SOB has done more than this yet his cultic idiots still want to bend over and lick the shit off his shoes for him. When in reality he sees all of you as his peasants and laughs his ass off at the stupidity of worshipping an asshole.,

View attachment 192047

And this is part of you deep state, the cancer that keeps spreading.......
You will have to excuse Obama for helping the genocidal maniac Iranian terrorist build nukes because Valerie Jarrett was making all of his decisions for him for 8 years.
According to the IAEA and the other signing countries of the Iran deal, Iran did not violate anything.
Stop believing the Liar in Chief.
"Trump’s comments suggest that Iran is cheating on the deal. But in the time since the nuclear deal, the International Atomic Energy Agency has repeatedly confirmed Iran was complying with the terms. That finding is also shared in the main by U.S. and Israeli intelligence officials, though the Trump administration argues Iran exceeded limits on heavy water production."
AP FACT CHECK: Trump vs. truth on the Iran nuclear deal
Trumps generals, Defense Secretary (Mattis) plus Israeli generals were against Trump pulling out of the Iran deal.
According to the IAEA and the other signing countries of the Iran deal, Iran did not violate anything.
Stop believing the Liar in Chief.
"Trump’s comments suggest that Iran is cheating on the deal. But in the time since the nuclear deal, the International Atomic Energy Agency has repeatedly confirmed Iran was complying with the terms. That finding is also shared in the main by U.S. and Israeli intelligence officials, though the Trump administration argues Iran exceeded limits on heavy water production."
AP FACT CHECK: Trump vs. truth on the Iran nuclear deal
Trumps generals, Defense Secretary (Mattis) plus Israeli generals were against Trump pulling out of the Iran deal.

The Iranian regime released a statement Thursday threatening to start up “industrial-scale enrichment” of uranium unless other parties to the nuclear deal agree to remain after the U.S. withdrawal. Iran’s Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, published a letter containing the threat on Twitter this morning:

The letter states, “the President of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran has been tasked with taking all necessary steps in preparation for Iran to pursue industrial-scale enrichment without any restrictions, using the results of the latest research and development of Iran’s brave nuclear scientists.” Not mentioned in the letter is why Iran would need industrial-scale enrichment of uranium for its supposedly peaceful nuclear program. The letter also explicitly rejects any changes to the timeframes spelled out in the JCPOA or to any restrictions on its development of ballistic missiles:

None of the provisions or timeframes within the JCPOA, which were the subject of twelve years of negotiations, are negotiable in any manner….The U.S. and its allies…are in no position to impose restrictions on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s lawful means of defense, including defensive ballistic missiles which have been designed to carry conventional weapons based on the bitter experiences of the war with the regime of Saddam Hussein.

This last part is the repetition of a lie which Iran has been telling for more than a decade. In 2005 an unnamed Member State turned over thousands of pages of documents on Iran’s weapons research to the IAEA. An investigation by the IAEA concluded the research carried out by Iran could only have been intended for the creation of nuclear warheads. Here’s the relevant section of that report:

The Agency, in conjunction with experts from Member States other than those which had provided the information in question, carried out an assessment of the possible nature of the new payload. As a result of that assessment, it was concluded that any payload option other than nuclear which could also be expected to have an airburst option (such as chemical weapons) could be ruled out. Iran was asked to comment on this assessment and agreed in the course of a meeting with the Agency which took place in Tehran in May 2008 that, if the information upon which it was based were true, it would constitute a programme for the development of a nuclear weapon. Attachment 2 to this Annex reproduces the results of the Agency’s assessment as it was presented by the Secretariat to the Member States in the technical briefing which took place in February 2008.

And here is the chart created based on input from experts:


That Iran was engaged in nuclear missile research was further verified last month when Israel revealed the contents of tons of nuclear research material it had covertly removed from Iran (Netanyahu’s presentation is below). Iran appears to be making a not very subtle threat that if Europe doesn’t remain in the JCPOA, it will ramp up its nuclear enrichment and, regardless of what else happens, plans to continue its missile research.

Iran: We're preparing for 'industrial-scale enrichment' of uranium
"Iran has not provided information, as requested by the Agency (IAEA) in its letter of 18 August 2010, in connection with its announcement on 7 February 2010 that it possessed laser enrichment technology. As a result of Iran’s lack of cooperation on those issues, the Agency is unable to verify and report fully on these matters."
"Iran has not provided information, as requested by the Agency (IAEA) in its letter of 18 August 2010, in connection with its announcement on 7 February 2010 that it possessed laser enrichment technology. As a result of Iran’s lack of cooperation on those issues, the Agency is unable to verify and report fully on these matters."

Trump walked away from the Iranian deal, because he made an ignorant campaign promise. Trump was completely clueless about the entire agreement and the IAEA's work.
When Trump gave his speech on the US's withdrawal, he lied his ass off. Naturally, Trump loyalist like yourself, who are in total denial of the truth, are the same supporters who's stick with him, even if he shot someone on a Manhattan street.
As I stated earlier, Defense Secretary General Mattis, Trump's own generals, Israeli generals and ME experts, all were against Trump's ignorant decision.
Would you like to explain that? I know you'll never, ever admit Trump is wrong.
Your just another uninformed tool.

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