Freddie Mac and its Biden regulator want to guarantee second mortgages. What could possibly go wrong?

The ole Hindy always reminded me of a gigantic rubber. Every time when I see it burst into flame I always think of a joke I was told decades ago.

An 87 year old man walked up the stairs & knocked on the door @ the top of the stairs. The Madame looked out the peep hole in the door & asked him if she could help him. He said to the Madame "I'm in need of a woman". She said "it's fifteen dollars for fifteen minutes". He agreed & the Madame showed him in. Madame lined the girls up & then said "Take your pick". The elderly gent picked out one of the gals & then paid the Madame. He then said to the Madame "I need nose plugs & & ear plugs." Confused, the Madame said "nose plug & ear plugs what for?" He answered her back saying "There's two things I just can't stand, the smell of burning rubber & the sound of a screaming woman!"

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