Free APP for gun background checks? A Poll and your thoughts?

Free phone App for gun purchases

  • Good idea with safeguards

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • I want gun registration

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bad idea

    Votes: 6 85.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
There are calls by anti-2nd amendment extremists for universal background checks for gun purchases. The lack of knowledge on this topic from these individuals is typical of the anti-2nd Amendment movement. They want gun registration and they want to use universal background checks to get gun registration.

my idea?

A phone free phone APP. You take a gun buyers name, birthday and social security number and punch it in. It would use the police and federal criminal record data bases to find any criminal record or mental health hold. It could be designed so it is free and does not keep a record.

"Punch it in " to whom? Personally I would rather trust the State Police with my DOB and S.S. number than some app.
"Punch it in " to whom? Personally I would rather trust the State Police with my DOB and S.S. number than some app.

yeah…. The truth is that the anti- gunners dont care about universal background checks anyway…..since they obviously dont care if actual criminals are released over amd over again. They just know that UBCs will get them what they really want, gun registrarion
"Punch it in " to whom? Personally I would rather trust the State Police with my DOB and S.S. number than some app.

I notice none of the usual gun grabbers are commenting on this.
There are calls by anti-2nd amendment extremists for universal background checks for gun purchases. The lack of knowledge on this topic from these individuals is typical of the anti-2nd Amendment movement. They want gun registration and they want to use universal background checks to get gun registration.

my idea?

A phone free phone APP. You take a gun buyers name, birthday and social security number and punch it in. It would use the police and federal criminal record data bases to find any criminal record or mental health hold. It could be designed so it is free and does not keep a record.


Nope. Nope. Nope.

First off, my experience has taught me that something you get for free is usually worth exactly what you paid for it.

Second, I'm not giving my SSN to anyone. They don't need it. And the whole "does not keep a record" bit doesn't fly with me. Once you enter it, it's out there, and it's out there for good. And who's phone is this information being "punched in" on? Do they have a key-stroke tracker? Do you know?

Anti-gun lunatics always say they want more laws so that we can be safer. Well, see, here's the thing: registering a gun doesn't make anyone safer. It doesn't magically keep a gun from being raised to someone's temple. It doesn't do anything in the name of safety, yet the anti-gun morons would love you to believe it does. Ask one, though, how exactly it does that, and they look like a deer in headlights.

Our current laws are adequate. They need to be enforced. And, instead of new laws, we need new punishments. If you want to have a positive impact on gun violence in this country, make the punishments border on the medieval...

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