Free College for All?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Bernie Sanders is getting a lot of notice for his advocacy of "free" college for all. Putting it in its most rational expression, nobody who can do college work should be denied that opportunity due to financial constraints. Obviously, this would refer to state colleges only,

One might say that in practice that principle already exists, what with scholarships, grants and whatnot, but the current paradigm has "poor" students having to jump through an assortment of hoops in order to attain this result. Why? Why not just say, if a kid can do college work, then the state should guarantee a slot in the closest state college, lasting as long as s/he remains a student in good standing.

If I were Emperor of the U.S., I would limit this benefit to those who are truly "college material," excluding the ones with mediocre SAT 's or who would require remedial classes. And if this results in exclusion of "minorities" or boys, then they will just have to work a little harder.

Here in Pittsburgh, we have a Thing called "The Pittsburgh Promise," that guarantees tuition coverage for City school students who meet reasonable academic requirements.

Certainly, such a program at the federal level would be unconstitutional, but what about your state? Would you support it? Pay couple bucks more a year in taxes to pay for it?
First, it's tuition-free state university education. Once upon a time state universities were tuition-free. Sanders' proposal is to return to that status, but nationwide, not dependent on state legislators to fiddle the revenue.

Second, it's wise of you to start this here. The other thread is so cluttered with disinformation you enter at your peril.

....... Why not just say, if a kid can do college work, then the state should guarantee a slot in the closest state college, lasting as long as s/he remains a student in good standing......

Why not 'give' everyone who knows how to drive a new car at your expense? Why should they have to take out a car loan or something 'unfair' like that?
Constitutional questions aside, we aspire to be an "equal opportunity" society. Thus, one's success or failure should, as far as possible, be determined by talent and effort. Government cannot eliminate poverty or dictate genetics, but it CAN facilitate personal advancement through a low-cost seat in a state college.

Many people look to Germany as a model for education policy; university education is virtually free, after all. But in Germany only about 15% meet the rigid criteria to avail themselves. Would americans be satisfied with academic Darwinism?
Free everything for all! Let's hand everybody everything! Give me a break.

I worked my way through college and came out owing exactly $0.00. Anybody want to know how I did it?

-I worked my ass off
-I worked smart

It's that simple.
Bernie Sanders is getting a lot of notice for his advocacy of "free" college for all. Putting it in its most rational expression, nobody who can do college work should be denied that opportunity due to financial constraints. Obviously, this would refer to state colleges only,

One might say that in practice that principle already exists, what with scholarships, grants and whatnot, but the current paradigm has "poor" students having to jump through an assortment of hoops in order to attain this result. Why? Why not just say, if a kid can do college work, then the state should guarantee a slot in the closest state college, lasting as long as s/he remains a student in good standing.

If I were Emperor of the U.S., I would limit this benefit to those who are truly "college material," excluding the ones with mediocre SAT 's or who would require remedial classes. And if this results in exclusion of "minorities" or boys, then they will just have to work a little harder.

Here in Pittsburgh, we have a Thing called "The Pittsburgh Promise," that guarantees tuition coverage for City school students who meet reasonable academic requirements.

Certainly, such a program at the federal level would be unconstitutional, but what about your state? Would you support it? Pay couple bucks more a year in taxes to pay for it?

The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.
― Augustine of Hippo

Sure, without reservation on both counts. I see nothing good about denying education to capable individuals who, solely for lack/shortage of money, cannot matriculate to college and/or graduate school. I would, however, require that students who receive the funding you describe take and pass, with a B+ or better grade, the following courses (or their equivalent)/activities:

It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a "dismal science." But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.
― Murray N. Rothbard
....... Why not just say, if a kid can do college work, then the state should guarantee a slot in the closest state college, lasting as long as s/he remains a student in good standing......

Why not 'give' everyone who knows how to drive a new car at your expense? Why should they have to take out a car loan or something 'unfair' like that?

Well for one thing, whereas it is in everyone's best interest for everyone else to be well educated and learned, it is not in everyone's best interest for everyone else to own or drive a car.
....... Why not just say, if a kid can do college work, then the state should guarantee a slot in the closest state college, lasting as long as s/he remains a student in good standing......

Why not 'give' everyone who knows how to drive a new car at your expense? Why should they have to take out a car loan or something 'unfair' like that?

Well for one thing, whereas it is in everyone's best interest for everyone else to be well educated and learned, it is not in everyone's best interest for everyone else to own or drive a car.

Why not? That way everyone can drive to work!

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