Free speech ended in NYC

What rights are being 'taken away'?

Did you bother reading my OP?

Come on now, Leavin is notorious for lying through his teeth and presenting Strawmen wrapped in Red Herrings and then claiming he's the only human that has ever lived that understands the Constitution. A mountain of claptrap.

No one is going to be prosecuted for saying sir or anyone of the other nonsense. Jesus stop with the arm flailing, the world isn't ending.

LOL mountain of claptrap and world ending. What bull shit.
This is classic radical Left's argument to anyone who questions what the Liberal elite is doing.

View attachment 84423

"Conservative elite" plays the same game. Government has become a tool to bully other people.
So you think I hate freedom, but just don't know it? That settles it. You're high. Nobody is really that dumb.
Do you support a law that makes if clear, that if I don't use a pronoun that I am told to use, I can be fined?

if you do, you are against freedom
if not, you are still a leftist and are most likely still against it as there is no free thought on the left.

It's a recent decision, but I wouldn't have a problem with any law that keeps you whining like a baby with a stinking diaper. You're funny when you get all puffed up.
so you think it's funny to have your rights taken away.

I think it's funny that you think your rights are being taken away.
I don't think it's funny that you don't know your rights are being taken away.

I'm shocked that as dumb as you are you can remember to breath.

Right. I'll put that in the same stack as death panels and Walmart tunnels.
“Free speech ended in NYC”

The thread premise is ridiculous hyperbole, as much a lie as it is ignorant and wrong.

No court has ruled on the Constitutionality of the policy, and until a court makes such a ruling, there are no ‘violations’ of ‘free speech.’
Hell, it's a no-brainer. Keep it simple and just call them Citizen or Comrade and refuse to call them anything else. Eventually this PC bullshit is gonna get a lot of he-she-its killed and maimed.
And the hammer of the law brought down on the lawbreakers' heads, leading to shattered families as their loved ones rot in prison or get enforced dirt naps.

If this election is at heart the right to be an asshole in public whenever one wants, Trump will lose in a massive landslide.
Stop masturbating to your murder fantasies.
Isn't he that little bald whiny guy that says all the dumb stuff? Like "monarchy and feudalism were based on equality" ?
Stupid Mark Levin quote of the day
so it's ok to take away our Constitutional rights b/c of any reason your leaders can give you b/c people you don't like stand up to them.
You do not have a constitutional right act like an asshole in public, Two Thumbs. Show me in the Constitution where you do.
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia oh and, stop acting like an asshole on this site or I'll call the NYPD on your ass. does that sound ignorant? well that's what you leftist sound like when you tell me I'll get fined for not using 'ze'
This is a private site, so free speech here does not exist. You get to be an asshole because it is permitted here. Try this on the streets of NYC or in business relationships and the COTUS does not protect.
yes it does moron.

well you have no grasp of freedom or the Constitution and don't understand what free speech is.

you can stop pretending you're a republican now, your level of ignorance and hate for freedom put you to the far left with the socialists

Fakey, on the off chance he is a human being and not a spambot, is more of a fascist. He openly supports having those that disagree with him locked up or killed.

He has wet dreams of being Stalin.
“Free speech ended in NYC”

The thread premise is ridiculous hyperbole, as much a lie as it is ignorant and wrong.

No court has ruled on the Constitutionality of the policy, and until a court makes such a ruling, there are no ‘violations’ of ‘free speech.’

Thank you Sergeant Schultz
No examples yet. What a surprise, you'd think by the 'sky is falling' rhetoric there would be a long list.

Do you support a law that makes if clear, that if I don't use a pronoun that I am told to use, I can be fined?

if you do, you are against freedom
if not, you are still a leftist and are most likely still against it as there is no free thought on the left.

It's a recent decision, but I wouldn't have a problem with any law that keeps you whining like a baby with a stinking diaper. You're funny when you get all puffed up.
so you think it's funny to have your rights taken away.

I think it's funny that you think your rights are being taken away.
I don't think it's funny that you don't know your rights are being taken away.

I'm shocked that as dumb as you are you can remember to breath.

What rights are being 'taken away'?
It's a recent decision, but I wouldn't have a problem with any law that keeps you whining like a baby with a stinking diaper. You're funny when you get all puffed up.
so you think it's funny to have your rights taken away.

I think it's funny that you think your rights are being taken away.
I don't think it's funny that you don't know your rights are being taken away.

I'm shocked that as dumb as you are you can remember to breath.

What rights are being 'taken away'?

What laws has HRC passed that have taken away any arms?
If the radical Left isn't outright lying their faces off, changing the definitions of words, indulging in straw man arguments, they're sticking their heads up their asses and whining about not seeing anything.

What a bunch of frickin' losers.
so you think it's funny to have your rights taken away.

I think it's funny that you think your rights are being taken away.
I don't think it's funny that you don't know your rights are being taken away.

I'm shocked that as dumb as you are you can remember to breath.

What rights are being 'taken away'?

What laws has HRC passed that have taken away any arms?
list any anti-arms law she didn't or doesn't support.

I can't name one she doesn't.

Dems HATE the 2nd, so please oh please stop lying about it.
  • FactCheck: 33,000 gun deaths includes suicides & accidents. (Jan 2016)
  • I support Brady Bill and closing the Charleston loophole. (Dec 2015)
  • Arming more people is not appropriate response to terrorism. (Dec 2015)
  • Reverse gun manufacturer immunity; let them get sued. (Nov 2015)
  • Don't shield gun manufacturers from lawsuits:I vote that way. (Oct 2015)
  • Gun control advocates see Clinton as an ally. (Jun 2015)
  • Rein in idea that anybody can have a gun anywhere, anytime. (May 2014)
  • 2000: advocate for national gun registry; 2008: backed off. (May 2014)
  • Balance lawful gun ownership & keeping guns from criminals. (Apr 2008)
  • Give local police access to federal gun tracking info. (Apr 2008)
  • Let states & cities determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008)
  • Against illegal guns, crack down on illegal gun dealers. (Jan 2008)
  • Backed off a national licensing registration plan on guns. (Jan 2008)
  • Get assault weapons & guns off the street. (Jul 2007)
  • Background check system could prevent Virginia Tech massacre. (Apr 2007)
  • FactCheck: VA Tech shooter not declared a danger to others. (Apr 2007)
  • Congress’ failure at Littleton response inspired Senate run. (Nov 2003)
  • Keep guns away from people who shouldn’t have them. (Sep 2000)
  • Limit access to weapons; look for early warning signs. (Sep 2000)
  • License and register all handgun sales. (Jun 2000)
  • Tough gun control keeps guns out of wrong hands. (Jul 1999)
  • Gun control protects our children. (Jul 1999)
  • Don’t water down sensible gun control legislation. (Jul 1999)
  • Lock up guns; store ammo separately. (Jun 1999)
  • Ban kids’ unsupervised access to guns. (Jun 1999)
  • Get weapons off the streets; zero tolerance for weapons. (Sep 1996)
  • Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)
  • Voted NO on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence. (Mar 2004)
  • Prevent unauthorized firearm use with "smart gun" technology. (Aug 2000)
Gun Control: 2016 contenders' views

a list of the dumbest things dumb people support

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