Free speech Nazis! Parler removes Lin Wood's posts calling for Mike Pence's assassination

Apple has removed the Parler App.
And thus, Free Speech goes down the drain.
All you gotta do is go to
That is not the point.
Amazon is threatening to remove parler's server access.
Tell me this isn't facism.
Amazon does not control the internet ??
Parler uses their servers and Amazon has indicated they may cut them off and perhaps other services have already stated they will not serve Parler.
We are talking Nazi Germany.
We are talking people like Lin Wood not being given a platform to advocate killing people. And you think that wrong? If anybody is akin to fascism it's you.
I believe in Free Speech and a person's right to be an idiot.
Law Officers step in when someone starts to behave in an unseemly manner.
Read my sig.
Apple has removed the Parler App.
And thus, Free Speech goes down the drain.
All you gotta do is go to
That is not the point.
Amazon is threatening to remove parler's server access.
Tell me this isn't facism.
Amazon does not control the internet ??
Parler uses their servers and Amazon has indicated they may cut them off and perhaps other services have already stated they will not serve Parler.
We are talking Nazi Germany.
We are talking people like Lin Wood not being given a platform to advocate killing people. And you think that wrong? If anybody is akin to fascism it's you.
I believe in Free Speech and a person's right to be an idiot.
Law Officers step in when someone starts to behave in an unseemly manner.
Read my sig.
You lost me.
Apple has removed the Parler App.
And thus, Free Speech goes down the drain.
All you gotta do is go to
That is not the point.
Amazon is threatening to remove parler's server access.
Tell me this isn't facism.
Amazon does not control the internet ??
Parler uses their servers and Amazon has indicated they may cut them off and perhaps other services have already stated they will not serve Parler.
We are talking Nazi Germany.
We are talking people like Lin Wood not being given a platform to advocate killing people. And you think that wrong? If anybody is akin to fascism it's you.
I believe in Free Speech and a person's right to be an idiot.
Law Officers step in when someone starts to behave in an unseemly manner.
Read my sig.
You lost me.
We are speaking of banning words, right? My sig says words have power, the influence to kill. So some speech should be banned.
Apple has removed the Parler App.
And thus, Free Speech goes down the drain.
All you gotta do is go to
That is not the point.
Amazon is threatening to remove parler's server access.
Tell me this isn't facism.
Amazon does not control the internet ??
Parler uses their servers and Amazon has indicated they may cut them off and perhaps other services have already stated they will not serve Parler.
We are talking Nazi Germany.
We are talking people like Lin Wood not being given a platform to advocate killing people. And you think that wrong? If anybody is akin to fascism it's you.
I believe in Free Speech and a person's right to be an idiot.
Law Officers step in when someone starts to behave in an unseemly manner.
Read my sig.
You lost me.
We are speaking of banning words, right? My sig says words have power, the influence to kill. So some speech should be banned.
I've been married 34 years; I am invulnerable to women's criticism.
Patriots, let's go after Parler (aka Twitter Jr. as I call those Marxists now) for stifling free speech:
Following publication, Parler CEO John Matze told Mediaite they had taken action against some of Wood’s “parleys,” including the message about the “firing squads.”

“Yes, some of his parleys that violated our rules were taken down,” Matze told Mediaite. “Including the ones you are talking about.”
Lin Wood Continues To Invoke Violence On Parler (
Even a rightwing hate site such as Parler has it’s limits.

They may find new ones now that Apple is holding them accountable for what they host.
Patriots, let's go after Parler (aka Twitter Jr. as I call those Marxists now) for stifling free speech:
Following publication, Parler CEO John Matze told Mediaite they had taken action against some of Wood’s “parleys,” including the message about the “firing squads.”

“Yes, some of his parleys that violated our rules were taken down,” Matze told Mediaite. “Including the ones you are talking about.”
Lin Wood Continues To Invoke Violence On Parler (

Lin Wood is an idiot, promoting assassination's in the media is irrational, irresponsible.
Apple has removed the Parler App.
And thus, Free Speech goes down the drain.
All you gotta do is go to
That is not the point.
Amazon is threatening to remove parler's server access.
Tell me this isn't facism.
Well, if you guys would quit threatening to kill people and overthrow the government, maybe it wouldn't be a problem. I'm wondering if the other shoe will drop here. Y'all do plenty of it here.


No, just rabid liberals.

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