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Freedom of Speechin in Two Worlds.

Penny Rich, the only Jewish town council member, said in an email to Chapel Hill News that the town has a responsibility to understand the connection that Jews have with Israel, and that it is necessary to “extend our respect by not accepting political ads that will offend our Jewish citizens.”

North Carolina town removes anti-Israel bus ads after outcry | The Times of Israel

just seems to me we have a bit of a double standard on the exercise of free speech when israel is involved. i really do not recall any jewish posters raising hell when pam geller and her freedom defense initiative peeps were working their magic coast to coast. a lot of yous were screeaming to have the ads and billboards taken down, but what do i know...well...other than marg will wring her hands and sigh "oy vey. the goyim" when she reads this.

Whenever one group of people have the right to curtail the ability of another groups statements regarding political speech then it is definitely a Freedom of Speech/Bill of Rights Issue, In this case we have individuals saying that 6,000 people have the right to decide what 57,000 people can see, sorry but that is just not right. It would not be right if it was 1 person trying to show all the rest what he thought as long as it was not hate speech that was being distributed. The very nature of Freedom of Speech is that it offends some people. I am offended that the KKK has the right to march but I will defend that right as there are things that I wish to march for also.


I hope people have read the accompanying link , the ad itself does not seem to heinous at all, probably no one would have paid attention to it accept for the fact that some people who do not believe in freedom decided to make a fuss about it. LOLOL

Where were you on the Movie? Or when the producer was arrested? Or when Obama and company apologized for our 1st Amendment rights? Or was that different?
Learn to read !!! I never said that the Jews had the ad pulled, what I was talking about was the statement that the town council man made, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM !!!

Really, Princess? Then exactly what did you mean by "In this case we have individuals saying that 6,000 people have the right to decide what 57,000 people can see?"
Either you don't even know the meaning of your own words or you are so dim you believe no one will notice.

Knock off the Princess stuff, I find it offensive.
Learn to think. Did or did not Penny Rich and the leaders of the bus company decide to pull the ads because they thought they were offensive. Those are the individuals that I was talking about.

So the Company made the decision? That is not 1st Amendment. The Compnay has the right to refuse ads for any reason they want.
i always have, and my care extended beyond lip service. i took the time to understand it. i would think that they would teach you sailors a little bit about it.

So now you're denigrating America's sailors, eh Princess?

not at all. my son is in the navy and i bought him three books on the constitution. this guy is a retired sailor. i don't know. i would think that a person who takes and oath to protecct and defend the constitution would learn about it. as i said, i took that same oath and i took it very seriously.

I just don't get it...Why should American Jews have a connection to a foreign power in the political or land sense of the word...Your asking for some special status of all others...

To me, that kind of logic creates two masters. I don't see why you can't be a devout Jew and have no connection with Israel. I mean, God, if one exists has no land in this vast known universe, he can be worshipped anywhere.

And as you very well know, there are Orthodxx Jews that would agree with most of my setiment in this post..

Could someone who writes with the right hand deal with using his left after his strong hand does no longer function? Yes bu it will always feel wrong. You cqn detach any Jew from Israel but he will always feel its somehow wrong

Your answer is good as a Sermon but it has no value in Human Logic...sure you can have spiritual love for a certain place, as I do for my native Sicily. However Citizenship is more than just an allegiance to a country, it’s an allegiance to your neighbors.

If you reside in a country, you live under its laws which protect you, then your undying allegiance is required by law.

Then you should support the Immediate deportation of every Muslim in every non Muslim Country, or is that different?
So now you're denigrating America's sailors, eh Princess?

not at all. my son is in the navy and i bought him three books on the constitution. this guy is a retired sailor. i don't know. i would think that a person who takes and oath to protecct and defend the constitution would learn about it. as i said, i took that same oath and i took it very seriously.


Semper Fi, RGS, and please have a little sympathy for my pet Seal. He believes his service to his country entitles him to be a lying Nazi slug. He;s also big on assuming much, such as your being a sailor, because he actually knows so little.
Could someone who writes with the right hand deal with using his left after his strong hand does no longer function? Yes bu it will always feel wrong. You cqn detach any Jew from Israel but he will always feel its somehow wrong

Your answer is good as a Sermon but it has no value in Human Logic...sure you can have spiritual love for a certain place, as I do for my native Sicily. However Citizenship is more than just an allegiance to a country, it’s an allegiance to your neighbors.

If you reside in a country, you live under its laws which protect you, then your undying allegiance is required by law.

Then you should support the Immediate deportation of every Muslim in every non Muslim Country, or is that different?

There is a choice of living here as a non-citizen resident. I think the moral thing would be to give a clear choice to non citizens or those who renounce their citizenship and no protection that citizenship endows.

One rule for all.
no. i have always defended first amendment rights.

the reason i brought it up is because you were catter-wallowing about free speecch, which is cool and the fool had a right to his vid, but when the shoe was on the other foot, you defended the abridgement of that free speech, and the bus ads are just a small portion of the deal. you have bill boards and legislation banning protest of israel and anti-apartheid weeks.

free speech is free speech. you defend it period. not based upon what you want to hear.

Catter-wallowing? What the hell is that? And where, exactly, did I defend the abridgement of speech? I have no "bill boards and legislation banning protest of israel and anti-apartheid weeks." That is simply you lying about me in a lame attempt to cover your bigotry, exactly as you did when you repeatedly and mendaciously claimed I called you a "baby killer."
It doesn't work, Princess. You are obvious.

you're a liar. you said you weren't going to bring up this "baby killer" thing again.

i served my country in vietnam. i did not kill babies. you called me a baby killer. you went along with it. it wouldn't surprise me if hoss even puts you up to keep mentioning it. i think if he didn't, you wouldn't even keep talking about iyt out of respect for him at least.

a very dear friend of mine had very carefully put on his class As and medals and blew his fucking brains out with a .45 caliber handgun. when his wife and daughter discovered him, his daughter called me because i was on his speed dial. i rushed over. if i had done more, maybe he would have lived.

he didn't kill aany babies either.

you supported the removal of the ads and billboards.
Lay off, Redleg. Hoss doesn't prompt anyone to say anything. And stop fantasizing about this baby killing.I never said you did, never implied it nor did it enter my mind. I told someone once they must be reading your mail after they said something to another person about you. And then you get all bent out of shape with me. Be nice.
that is not the issue that i brought up. i was merely pointing out that a lot of jewish and zionist posters were screaming about freedom of speech regarding the movie but those same jewish and zionist posters supported pamela geller and the freedom defense initiative and other jewish organisations when they tried to get these ads and billboards pulled...

free speech is not only for the rich.

Yeah, you are the great defender of American rights.
You use some anecdotal BS about Jews did this and Jews did that to justify your hate.
Every Nazi slimeball I have ever encountered has hundreds of excuses to justify his hate but you need not feel compelled to justify it, Princess ... just wallow in it.

no. i have always defended first amendment rights.

the reason i brought it up is because you were catter-wallowing about free speecch, which is cool and the fool had a right to his vid, but when the shoe was on the other foot, you defended the abridgement of that free speech, and the bus ads are just a small portion of the deal. you have bill boards and legislation banning protest of israel and anti-apartheid weeks.

free speech is free speech. you defend it period. not based upon what you want to hear.
A question, Seal. Since there are many articles about the Muslim Student Association across this country and Canada shouting down speakers that they don't want heard, how do you think they would react when they have one of their usual anti-Israel protests and members from the different groups such as the Hindus, the Christian Sudanese, the Christian Nigerians, the Assyrians, the Copts, the Ahmadis and all those other groups whose relatives and friends were harmed or killed by Muslims held a counter protest at the same time? Do you think the Muslim Student Association would let them freely protest or would they try and shut down these other groups which have legitimate beefs. By the way, an interesting article..........

And it's caterwauling.
Your answer is good as a Sermon but it has no value in Human Logic...sure you can have spiritual love for a certain place, as I do for my native Sicily. However Citizenship is more than just an allegiance to a country, it’s an allegiance to your neighbors.

If you reside in a country, you live under its laws which protect you, then your undying allegiance is required by law.

Then you should support the Immediate deportation of every Muslim in every non Muslim Country, or is that different?

There is a choice of living here as a non-citizen resident. I think the moral thing would be to give a clear choice to non citizens or those who renounce their citizenship and no protection that citizenship endows.

One rule for all.
I think what Pbel is actually trying to insinuate is that there are loads of people here who have dual citizenship with Israel. I doubt the numbers are as large as Pbel wants us to believe because I don't believe most American Jews have applied for citizenship with Israel also.. Perhaps Pbel should check with the Israel embassy or consulate in his area and then check with the other embassies or consulates to see how many dual citizens there are from all the different countries. I really think Pbel will be surprised. Could you report back to us, Pbel, so that we can share in the knowledge that you gained about the number of people who has dual citizenship from the various countries?
Then you should support the Immediate deportation of every Muslim in every non Muslim Country, or is that different?

There is a choice of living here as a non-citizen resident. I think the moral thing would be to give a clear choice to non citizens or those who renounce their citizenship and no protection that citizenship endows.

One rule for all.
I think what Pbel is actually trying to insinuate is that there are loads of people here who have dual citizenship with Israel. I doubt the numbers are as large as Pbel wants us to believe because I don't believe most American Jews have applied for citizenship with Israel also.. Perhaps Pbel should check with the Israel embassy or consulate in his area and then check with the other embassies or consulates to see how many dual citizens there are from all the different countries. I really think Pbel will be surprised. Could you report back to us, Pbel, so that we can share in the knowledge that you gained about the number of people who has dual citizenship from the various countries?

Its not about dual citizenship. It is about Residency and where you live and vote. I don't think America allows more than one Primary residence for voting and tax puposes.

Hoss, you can not serve two masters.
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Catter-wallowing? What the hell is that? And where, exactly, did I defend the abridgement of speech? I have no "bill boards and legislation banning protest of israel and anti-apartheid weeks." That is simply you lying about me in a lame attempt to cover your bigotry, exactly as you did when you repeatedly and mendaciously claimed I called you a "baby killer."
It doesn't work, Princess. You are obvious.

you're a liar. you said you weren't going to bring up this "baby killer" thing again.

i served my country in vietnam. i did not kill babies. you called me a baby killer. you went along with it. it wouldn't surprise me if hoss even puts you up to keep mentioning it. i think if he didn't, you wouldn't even keep talking about iyt out of respect for him at least.

a very dear friend of mine had very carefully put on his class As and medals and blew his fucking brains out with a .45 caliber handgun. when his wife and daughter discovered him, his daughter called me because i was on his speed dial. i rushed over. if i had done more, maybe he would have lived.

he didn't kill aany babies either.

you supported the removal of the ads and billboards.
Lay off, Redleg. Hoss doesn't prompt anyone to say anything. And stop fantasizing about this baby killing.I never said you did, never implied it nor did it enter my mind. I told someone once they must be reading your mail after they said something to another person about you. And then you get all bent out of shape with me. Be nice.

I am a little pissed at you now Hoss, I might even go so far as to call you a prick !!! You and Say-it both called and implied with your silence the words baby killer to his name. You apologized for it don't tarnish your reputation any further. Say-it is a liar and worse he uses lies to justify his lies, you need to only examine this thread to see the truth of that statement. Now if you would only use the balls that I know you have that would go a long way toward setting the record straight. What is this unhealthy relationship that you have with characters like Sat-it and Roudy. I have told you before that all they will do is drag you down into the gutter but now it almost looks as if you are willfully going. You are willing to jump on Seal but for some strange abnormal resason you say nothing to Say-it about his lies. My God, you witnessed it Say-it said he wasnt going to bring up the baby killing thing again but he seems to be doing it almost every day now. Don't you think the honorable thing to do is lay into Say-it about this, otherwise you are just a hypocrite.
There is a choice of living here as a non-citizen resident. I think the moral thing would be to give a clear choice to non citizens or those who renounce their citizenship and no protection that citizenship endows.

One rule for all.
I think what Pbel is actually trying to insinuate is that there are loads of people here who have dual citizenship with Israel. I doubt the numbers are as large as Pbel wants us to believe because I don't believe most American Jews have applied for citizenship with Israel also.. Perhaps Pbel should check with the Israel embassy or consulate in his area and then check with the other embassies or consulates to see how many dual citizens there are from all the different countries. I really think Pbel will be surprised. Could you report back to us, Pbel, so that we can share in the knowledge that you gained about the number of people who has dual citizenship from the various countries?

Its not about dual citizenship. It is about Residency and you live and vote. I don't think America allows more than one Primary residence for voting and tax puposes.

Hoss, you can not serve two masters.
I don't know the rules. I'm an Appalachian-American. From West by god Virginia.
Lay off, Redleg. Hoss doesn't prompt anyone to say anything. And stop fantasizing about this baby killing.I never said you did, never implied it nor did it enter my mind. I told someone once they must be reading your mail after they said something to another person about you. And then you get all bent out of shape with me. Be nice.

I am a little pissed at you now Hoss, I might even go so far as to call you a prick !!! You and Say-it both called and implied with your silence the words baby killer to his name. You apologized for it don't tarnish your reputation any further. Say-it is a liar and worse he uses lies to justify his lies, you need to only examine this thread to see the truth of that statement. Now if you would only use the balls that I know you have that would go a long way toward setting the record straight. What is this unhealthy relationship that you have with characters like Sat-it and Roudy. I have told you before that all they will do is drag you down into the gutter but now it almost looks as if you are willfully going. You are willing to jump on Seal but for some strange abnormal resason you say nothing to Say-it about his lies. My God, you witnessed it Say-it said he wasnt going to bring up the baby killing thing again but he seems to be doing it almost every day now. Don't you think the honorable thing to do is lay into Say-it about this, otherwise you are just a hypocrite.
I don't know WTF you're talking about. What others say is not my responsibility. I show my approval or disapproval by either agreeing with the former or not posting agreement on the latter. No more on this subject. I won't answer. Let it alone.
I think what Pbel is actually trying to insinuate is that there are loads of people here who have dual citizenship with Israel. I doubt the numbers are as large as Pbel wants us to believe because I don't believe most American Jews have applied for citizenship with Israel also.. Perhaps Pbel should check with the Israel embassy or consulate in his area and then check with the other embassies or consulates to see how many dual citizens there are from all the different countries. I really think Pbel will be surprised. Could you report back to us, Pbel, so that we can share in the knowledge that you gained about the number of people who has dual citizenship from the various countries?

Its not about dual citizenship. It is about Residency and you live and vote. I don't think America allows more than one Primary residence for voting and tax puposes.

Hoss, you can not serve two masters.
I don't know the rules. I'm an Appalachian-American. From West by god Virginia.

I understand the predicament...My daughter was out there building outhouses for Houses For Humanity.

Thank God for the Internet, climing down the moutain musta been a bitch! lol
Its not about dual citizenship. It is about Residency and you live and vote. I don't think America allows more than one Primary residence for voting and tax puposes.

Hoss, you can not serve two masters.
I don't know the rules. I'm an Appalachian-American. From West by god Virginia.

I understand the predicament...My daughter was out there building outhouses for Houses For Humanity.

Thank God for the Internet, climing down the moutain musta been a bitch! lol
Don't knock it, bud. Can't get anymore economical than an outhouse and a Sears catalogue.
Its not about dual citizenship. It is about Residency and you live and vote. I don't think America allows more than one Primary residence for voting and tax puposes.

Hoss, you can not serve two masters.
I don't know the rules. I'm an Appalachian-American. From West by god Virginia.

I understand the predicament...My daughter was out there building outhouses for Houses For Humanity.

Thank God for the Internet, climing down the moutain musta been a bitch! lol
That's very nice about your daughter. I think though that you should have done a little research about dual citizenship because there is plenty about it on the Internet.. It seems that in many cases you can vote in both countries.
Lay off, Redleg. Hoss doesn't prompt anyone to say anything. And stop fantasizing about this baby killing.I never said you did, never implied it nor did it enter my mind. I told someone once they must be reading your mail after they said something to another person about you. And then you get all bent out of shape with me. Be nice.

I am a little pissed at you now Hoss, I might even go so far as to call you a prick !!! You and Say-it both called and implied with your silence the words baby killer to his name. You apologized for it don't tarnish your reputation any further. Say-it is a liar and worse he uses lies to justify his lies, you need to only examine this thread to see the truth of that statement. Now if you would only use the balls that I know you have that would go a long way toward setting the record straight. What is this unhealthy relationship that you have with characters like Sat-it and Roudy. I have told you before that all they will do is drag you down into the gutter but now it almost looks as if you are willfully going. You are willing to jump on Seal but for some strange abnormal resason you say nothing to Say-it about his lies. My God, you witnessed it Say-it said he wasnt going to bring up the baby killing thing again but he seems to be doing it almost every day now. Don't you think the honorable thing to do is lay into Say-it about this, otherwise you are just a hypocrite.

Of course neither you nor Seal ever seem to manage to repost any lies of mine yet I have no trouble reposting yours. Why do you suppose that is, Patty? In fact, you lied in your post (in bold). Can it be that both you and Seal must lie because you are so lame that the truth just doesn't fully serve your hate? :lol::lol::lol:
I don't know the rules. I'm an Appalachian-American. From West by god Virginia.

I understand the predicament...My daughter was out there building outhouses for Houses For Humanity.

Thank God for the Internet, climing down the moutain musta been a bitch! lol
That's very nice about your daughter. I think though that you should have done a little research about dual citizenship because there is plenty about it on the Internet.. It seems that in many cases you can vote in both countries.

Research? PBrains? He don't need no stinkin' facts.
So now you're denigrating America's sailors, eh Princess?

not at all. my son is in the navy and i bought him three books on the constitution. this guy is a retired sailor. i don't know. i would think that a person who takes and oath to protecct and defend the constitution would learn about it. as i said, i took that same oath and i took it very seriously.


sailor...marine...same diff...

I am a little pissed at you now Hoss, I might even go so far as to call you a prick !!! You and Say-it both called and implied with your silence the words baby killer to his name. You apologized for it don't tarnish your reputation any further. Say-it is a liar and worse he uses lies to justify his lies, you need to only examine this thread to see the truth of that statement. Now if you would only use the balls that I know you have that would go a long way toward setting the record straight. What is this unhealthy relationship that you have with characters like Sat-it and Roudy. I have told you before that all they will do is drag you down into the gutter but now it almost looks as if you are willfully going. You are willing to jump on Seal but for some strange abnormal resason you say nothing to Say-it about his lies. My God, you witnessed it Say-it said he wasnt going to bring up the baby killing thing again but he seems to be doing it almost every day now. Don't you think the honorable thing to do is lay into Say-it about this, otherwise you are just a hypocrite.
I don't know WTF you're talking about. What others say is not my responsibility. I show my approval or disapproval by either agreeing with the former or not posting agreement on the latter. No more on this subject. I won't answer. Let it alone.

You Know about a week, week and a half ago someone started to bring up Viet Nam in a negative manner to you. Who was it jumped right in and told the person to knock it off. Oh yeah that was Seal, seems he does the right thing just because it is the right thing doesn't need any other reason. That Seal is a class act.

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