Freedom of the Press in America falls again.

I am afraid I don’t understand this. How is the Press not free? If Reporters vanished after writing or saying something negative about the President, that would be a problem. If News Rooms were emptied and the network went offline after a critical story on President Trump, hey, I’d agree we have an issue.

But calling the Press out when their Bias interferes with their jobs of reporting? That is not abridging the freedom of the press, that is responding to inaccurate reporting.

I am afraid I just don’t see it. Was Freedom of the Press threatened when Bill Clinton blamed Rush Limbaugh for Oklahoma City? Was Freedom of the Press threatened when the fake National Guard Documents were exposed and reporters were fired? Was Freedom of the Press threatened when Reporters were fired for lying in their reports?

As I said above. I just don’t see it.
Thank you Donal;d Trump & his band of feeble minded followers for putting the USA at 48th place in countries ranked by freedom of the press.

Admit it, Costa deserved to be thrown in the gulag.
Bullshit. Trump lied to the press & you worship him. Costa just wanted a straight answer.

Trump lied to the press

Sounds awful!

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you. I am glad you like it when the government lies to you. Your head is so far up Trtimp's ass, how can you breathe?

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you

That has fuck-all to do with "press freedom", idiot.
Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.

I guess we should swear in the White House people before they address a press conference?

Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.


the right to publish newspapers, magazines, and other printed matter without governmental restriction and subject only to the laws of libel, obscenity, sedition, etc.

the definition of freedom of the press
Thank you Donal;d Trump & his band of feeble minded followers for putting the USA at 48th place in countries ranked by freedom of the press.

2019 World Press Freedom Index | Reporters Without Borders

Freedom of the press is an important aspect to democracy.

Trump hates this. Why? The Mueller report sheds light on just how disgusting the Trump administration actually is. How badly he has duped the Trumpettes.

What kind of fricken moron wants to diminish the freedom of the press?
Thank you Donal;d Trump & his band of feeble minded followers for putting the USA at 48th place in countries ranked by freedom of the press.

2019 World Press Freedom Index | Reporters Without Borders

Freedom of the press is an important aspect to democracy.

Trump hates this. Why? The Mueller report sheds light on just how disgusting the Trump administration actually is. How badly he has duped the Trumpettes.

What kind of fricken moron wants to diminish the freedom of the press?
Freedom of press?! Ha ha ha...what a joke! How about Un-freedom of the press? In a day and age when the media in the US have turned into shills and liars for the Democratic Party. I don't think they should be called "press" any longer. More like agents and spies for the Democratic Party.
Thank you Donal;d Trump & his band of feeble minded followers for putting the USA at 48th place in countries ranked by freedom of the press.

Admit it, Costa deserved to be thrown in the gulag.
Bullshit. Trump lied to the press & you worship him. Costa just wanted a straight answer.

Trump lied to the press

Sounds awful!

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you. I am glad you like it when the government lies to you. Your head is so far up Trtimp's ass, how can you breathe?

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you

That has fuck-all to do with "press freedom", idiot.
Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.

I guess we should swear in the White House people before they address a press conference?
Uh no

Freedom if the press includes no such thing you drooling moron
Thank you Donal;d Trump & his band of feeble minded followers for putting the USA at 48th place in countries ranked by freedom of the press.

Admit it, Costa deserved to be thrown in the gulag.
Bullshit. Trump lied to the press & you worship him. Costa just wanted a straight answer.

Trump lied to the press

Sounds awful!

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you. I am glad you like it when the government lies to you. Your head is so far up Trtimp's ass, how can you breathe?

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you

That has fuck-all to do with "press freedom", idiot.
Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.

I guess we should swear in the White House people before they address a press conference?

No, Freedom of the Press is defined as the ability to write any story.

The Declaration of Human Rights from 1948 has it that freedom is the expression. In other words, you have the right to say anything you want, but that doesn’t mean that someone has to provide you with the information you want. Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Wikipedia

Now, do I wish that the Press would cover other stories? Yes I do. I wish they would discuss the obvious violations of the Right to Privacy that is Stingray, The NSA’s Data Centers, the tapping of International Data Lines, and I could go on, and on, and on.

But we don’t see many stories about that. It doesn’t mean that the Press is not free to write the stories, it just means they don’t.

I’d love to see some stories on the Routine Lies told by the police day in and out. I’d love to see some stories on how the police departments encourage and reward the Blue Wall Of Silence. I’d love to see stories where Prosecutors are asked to defend their complicity in these things. I don’t read many if any stories about it, but that doesn’t mean the Press isn’t free to write them. It just means they’re too lazy.

The Press has written exhaustively about all the imaginary Russian Links that Trump has. None of them vanished in the night, and none of them saw their news offices closed and a big Censored sign slapped on it. In fact, the Press is only hounded by others when they write a story that isn’t critical of Trump. The others they are hounded by are the radical left. Not Government forces.

Today in Washington, there is no shortage of people willing to talk to the Press. Tell them that Trump is going to be indicted, arrested, deported to Mars, whatever. That none of it is true doesn’t mean the Press isn’t free. It just means that the Press is chasing stories, and willing to suspend disbelief to get an outcome they desire.
Thank you Donal;d Trump & his band of feeble minded followers for putting the USA at 48th place in countries ranked by freedom of the press.

2019 World Press Freedom Index | Reporters Without Borders

Freedom of the press is an important aspect to democracy.

Trump hates this. Why? The Mueller report sheds light on just how disgusting the Trump administration actually is. How badly he has duped the Trumpettes.

What kind of fricken moron wants to diminish the freedom of the press?
OP acknowledges this subject is pure unadulterated hogwash and requests the thread be deleted.
Thank you Donal;d Trump & his band of feeble minded followers for putting the USA at 48th place in countries ranked by freedom of the press.

2019 World Press Freedom Index | Reporters Without Borders

Freedom of the press is an important aspect to democracy.

Trump hates this. Why? The Mueller report sheds light on just how disgusting the Trump administration actually is. How badly he has duped the Trumpettes.

What kind of fricken moron wants to diminish the freedom of the press?
Name one thing Trump has done to limit freedom of the press.
Didn;t the UK outlaw memes yet they rank higher than us. That should give you an idea about the credibility of this ranking
Bullshit. Trump lied to the press & you worship him. Costa just wanted a straight answer.

Trump lied to the press

Sounds awful!

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you. I am glad you like it when the government lies to you. Your head is so far up Trtimp's ass, how can you breathe?

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you

That has fuck-all to do with "press freedom", idiot.
Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.

I guess we should swear in the White House people before they address a press conference?

No, Freedom of the Press is defined as the ability to write any story.

The Declaration of Human Rights from 1948 has it that freedom is the expression. In other words, you have the right to say anything you want, but that doesn’t mean that someone has to provide you with the information you want. Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Wikipedia

Now, do I wish that the Press would cover other stories? Yes I do. I wish they would discuss the obvious violations of the Right to Privacy that is Stingray, The NSA’s Data Centers, the tapping of International Data Lines, and I could go on, and on, and on.

But we don’t see many stories about that. It doesn’t mean that the Press is not free to write the stories, it just means they don’t.

I’d love to see some stories on the Routine Lies told by the police day in and out. I’d love to see some stories on how the police departments encourage and reward the Blue Wall Of Silence. I’d love to see stories where Prosecutors are asked to defend their complicity in these things. I don’t read many if any stories about it, but that doesn’t mean the Press isn’t free to write them. It just means they’re too lazy.

The Press has written exhaustively about all the imaginary Russian Links that Trump has. None of them vanished in the night, and none of them saw their news offices closed and a big Censored sign slapped on it. In fact, the Press is only hounded by others when they write a story that isn’t critical of Trump. The others they are hounded by are the radical left. Not Government forces.

Today in Washington, there is no shortage of people willing to talk to the Press. Tell them that Trump is going to be indicted, arrested, deported to Mars, whatever. That none of it is true doesn’t mean the Press isn’t free. It just means that the Press is chasing stories, and willing to suspend disbelief to get an outcome they desire.

So, the Russians arte known to interfere in Trump's favor. Trump lied about his campaign's Russian contacts. Trump lied about his business in Russia, Trump campaign advisor got caught in Russia wire tap, an investigation is launched & the press is not supposed to report on it.

I get it.
Thank you Donal;d Trump & his band of feeble minded followers for putting the USA at 48th place in countries ranked by freedom of the press.

2019 World Press Freedom Index | Reporters Without Borders

Freedom of the press is an important aspect to democracy.

Trump hates this. Why? The Mueller report sheds light on just how disgusting the Trump administration actually is. How badly he has duped the Trumpettes.

What kind of fricken moron wants to diminish the freedom of the press?
Name one thing Trump has done to limit freedom of the press.
Convince yeahoos that the press is fake news. Drive by media.

Tried to limit CNN.
Thank you Donal;d Trump & his band of feeble minded followers for putting the USA at 48th place in countries ranked by freedom of the press.

2019 World Press Freedom Index | Reporters Without Borders

Freedom of the press is an important aspect to democracy.

Trump hates this. Why? The Mueller report sheds light on just how disgusting the Trump administration actually is. How badly he has duped the Trumpettes.

What kind of fricken moron wants to diminish the freedom of the press?
Freedom of press?! Ha ha ha...what a joke! How about Un-freedom of the press? In a day and age when the media in the US have turned into shills and liars for the Democratic Party. I don't think they should be called "press" any longer. More like agents and spies for the Democratic Party.
Proof Trump's efforts worked.
Bullshit. Trump lied to the press & you worship him. Costa just wanted a straight answer.

Trump lied to the press

Sounds awful!

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you. I am glad you like it when the government lies to you. Your head is so far up Trtimp's ass, how can you breathe?

When Trump lies to the press he lies to you

That has fuck-all to do with "press freedom", idiot.
Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.

I guess we should swear in the White House people before they address a press conference?

Freedom of the press includes the press having access to the truth from our government officials.


the right to publish newspapers, magazines, and other printed matter without governmental restriction and subject only to the laws of libel, obscenity, sedition, etc.

the definition of freedom of the press
By the government lying to the press that are restricting access.
Thank you Donal;d Trump & his band of feeble minded followers for putting the USA at 48th place in countries ranked by freedom of the press.

2019 World Press Freedom Index | Reporters Without Borders

Freedom of the press is an important aspect to democracy.

Trump hates this. Why? The Mueller report sheds light on just how disgusting the Trump administration actually is. How badly he has duped the Trumpettes.

What kind of fricken moron wants to diminish the freedom of the press?

The US doesn't have a "Press" your point is moot.
What we have is a propaganda politburo which fully supports the fall of freedom,.... and the rise of Marxism / Fascism.
You and your source are all in for that.

That you actually believe that is not well known here reflects on you.
Most here, other than your fascist friends, probably consider you a "troll".
More proof.

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