"Freedom Watch" calls the President a criminal for killing Bin Laden

Vast LWC

Aug 4, 2009
Here's the specific clip, for people who don't don't have much time:

Fox Business' Napolitano: Bin Laden "Killed On The Illegal Whim Of The President" | Media Matters for America

(And yes, its from "Media Matters", but it's just video of the intro of the show).

and here's the full show:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaywNka8HFA&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Freedom Watch - Killing The Rule Of Law 5/2/2011[/ame]

"Freedom Watch" starts about 50 Seconds into the video.

Judge Napolitano specifically states that Osama Bin Laden was assassinated "on the illegal whim of the president".
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So have a variety of international law professors around the world. So?

I really could care less how he died. He deserved death and got it. A trial would have been a farce. Fuck anyone that whines about it.

I agree. I support the President 100% on this. We did the right thing, absolutely. But... was it legal under international law? Probably not.

There truly is no such thing as International Law. A country, any Country, can only enforce its legal views on another Country if the second Country agrees or loses to them in a war. Osama tried to place himself on the same level as a Country. We had every right to kill him in his self declared war. Further there is no compelling evidence to prove that the Seal Team lied when they said they offered to let him surrender.
So have a variety of international law professors around the world. So?

Yep, and if they said it on national television, and were on the payroll of a major media outlet, I would say they need to fired too.

Why? If the action was, indeed, illegal under international law, why should anyone be fired for saying so?

Surely, you are not so afraid of international law that you want to silence those who raise the legality of it?

Isn't the left the ones who kept shrieking about the illegality of the Iraq war etc etc etc? So, international law was fine and dandy then.... but now that it's your guy, it's suddenly not ok?

Fucking hypocrites.
So have a variety of international law professors around the world. So?

Yep, and if they said it on national television, and were on the payroll of a major media outlet, I would say they need to fired too.

Why? If the action was, indeed, illegal under international law, why should anyone be fired for saying so?

Surely, you are not so afraid of international law that you want to silence those who raise the legality of it?

Isn't the left the ones who kept shrieking about the illegality of the Iraq war etc etc etc? So, international law was fine and dandy then.... but now that it's your guy, it's suddenly not ok?

Fucking hypocrites.

Once again I do not give one good rats ass how, who or why Osama Bin Lade4n was killed. I don't care about any claims of illegality. He declared war on us. he got killed in his war.

There is no such thing as International law. There are treaties between Countries and even those can be ignored if a Country so wishes. The only "foreign" law enforceable on a Sovereign nation is that law that is agreed to by said Country or enforced after losing a war.
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Here's the specific clip, for people who don't don't have much time:

Fox Business' Napolitano: Bin Laden "Killed On The Illegal Whim Of The President" | Media Matters for America

(And yes, its from "Media Matters", but it's just video of the intro of the show).

and here's the full show:

YouTube - Freedom Watch - Killing The Rule Of Law 5/2/2011

"Freedom Watch" starts about 50 Seconds into the video.

Judge Napolitano specifically states that Osama Bin Laden was assassinated "on the illegal whim of the president".

Napolitano is an idiot.

no surprises.
Why are people claiming it was illegal under international law? Which law, specifically. Or agreement, or whatever you wish to call it.
Why? Because he dared question the legality of the hit? He's not the only one.

He didn't "Question the legality".

He didn't ask "Was the assassination of Bin Laden legal?"

He made a statement.

That statement was that the "assassination of Osama Bin Laden was an illegal killing on the whim of the president".

Why should he not say that?

Hate free speech?

because he's a hack. and he's a liar because their is nothing illegal about the operation. theoretically, based on our agreements and the vast sum of money we've dumped into pakistan, they should have told us where he was and LET us do it. and napolitano is claiming some sort of legal expertise. he has no right to use that to put forth a FALSE opinion. it is irresponsible.

napolitano, he has the freedom to be as much of an imbecile as he wants to be. and fauxnews should fire him. because that's THEIR right.

and i'm betting if a leftie said what he did, chica, you'd be calling them unamerican idiots who should be publicly humiliated.
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Why are people claiming it was illegal under international law? Which law, specifically. Or agreement, or whatever you wish to call it.

None. The claim I believe is that he was unarmed and tried to surrender and was shot anyway. If that happened? Guess what? I don't care.
Yep, and if they said it on national television, and were on the payroll of a major media outlet, I would say they need to fired too.

Why? If the action was, indeed, illegal under international law, why should anyone be fired for saying so?

Surely, you are not so afraid of international law that you want to silence those who raise the legality of it?

Isn't the left the ones who kept shrieking about the illegality of the Iraq war etc etc etc? So, international law was fine and dandy then.... but now that it's your guy, it's suddenly not ok?

Fucking hypocrites.

Once again I do not give one good rats ass how, who or why Osama Bin Lade4n was killed. I don't care about any claims of illegality. He declared war on us. he got killed in his war.

There is no such thing as International law. There are treaties between Countries and even those can be ignored if a Country so wishes. The only "foreign" law enforceable on a Sovereign nation is that law that is agreed to by said Country or enforced after losing a war.

There certainly is such a thing as international law. They govern the interaction between countries. And, what we (and I say we because Obama, as President, acts on behalf of We, the People) did was, possibly, illegal under international law. Do I care that we may have broken international law? Nope. But commentators are perfectly entitled to call it illegal, just like they did when the US invaded Iraq.

Napalitano is an ass. But I see no reason why he should be fired for this.
Why are people claiming it was illegal under international law? Which law, specifically. Or agreement, or whatever you wish to call it.

None. The claim I believe is that he was unarmed and tried to surrender and was shot anyway. If that happened? Guess what? I don't care.
I don't care either.

But I don't think that is the "law" they are claiming was broken. Something to do with us not being able to carry out missions in a foreign country without permission I think is their point. But we already have permission to carry out missions in Pakistan and in fact have been doing it for a while.
He didn't "Question the legality".

He didn't ask "Was the assassination of Bin Laden legal?"

He made a statement.

That statement was that the "assassination of Osama Bin Laden was an illegal killing on the whim of the president".

Why should he not say that?

Hate free speech?

because he's a hack. and he's a liar because their is nothing illegal about the operation. theoretically, based on our agreements and the vast sum of money we've dumped into pakistan, they should have told us where he was and LET us do it. and napolitano is claiming some sort of legal expertise. he has no right to use that to put forth a FALSE opinion. it is irresponsible.

napolitano, he has the freedom to be as much of an imbecile as he wants to be. and fauxnews should fire him. because that's THEIR right.

and i'm betting if a leftie said what he did, chica, you'd be calling them unamerican idiots who should be publicly humiliated.

Then you would lose that bet, mo chara. I would never call for any commentator to be fired because I don't like what they say. I don't like what Napalitano said but he has the right to say it.

And, technically speaking, sending US troops into kill or capture someone on foreign soil, without notifying that government of our intention is - potentially - illegal. A whole bunch of international law experts around the world have said so.

Did we break international law? Maybe.

Do I care? Nope.

Again, I absolutely support Obama in making this call, international law be damned.

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