Freedom wins...big government loses...Boeing Bill passes

The employees did. They're free to decide to sign a contract in which they have no negotiating power. That's not free in any meaningful sense of the word.

Good employees always have negotiating power. What your talking about is the power to extort money from private firms. You're talking about a license to steal, not freedom.

You really overestimate the power of employees. Even people with talents as rare as superstar athletes don't have a large degree of negotiating power. You think some guy doing welding does?
Damned straight he does! And it's in his employer's best interest to reward excellent employees. It's damned tough to hold onto your best talent when a union forces you to pay the least talented the same wage.
With a union, skill has less to do with your paycheck that the length of time you've managed to avoid getting fired.
For the most part, I've avoided union shops like the plague. I have a work ethic that makes me want to give my best on the job. I resent the shit out of people who have been on the job twice as long and do half the work.
A union wage fairly compensates the average worker. It overpays the underachievers and cheats excellence.
Well at least on this issue we can remain a free republic.

The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would undermine the government's case accusing Boeing Co. of retaliating against union workers.

The measure, approved on a 238-186 vote, would limit the National Labor Relations Board's enforcement power by prohibiting the agency from ordering any employer to shut down plants or relocate work, even after a company had violated labor laws.

Republicans and their allies in the business community have criticized the National Labor Relations Board for more than a year as the agency issued a spate of union-friendly decisions and rules.

Read more: House Passes Bill To Limit Labor Relations Board Authority | Fox News

It will never get past Reid in the Senate. He'll sit on it like he has every GOP jobs proposal since 2008.

2012 is coming. The way things are going, the Democrat party couldn't beat the Wooden Indian Party.

Soon Reid will be the Minority Leader and then he can sit on whatever he pleases.
does not equal banned.

Right, just like "grandfather clauses" didn't actively ban African-Americans from voting, but that was the impact.

apples and pears.

Not at all. I could sit here all night listing ideas for laws that don't officially do something while doing it in practice. The point is "right-to-work" laws make it impossible to form a union, even if it would make workers better off, without them making an active choice to harm themselves.
Well at least on this issue we can remain a free republic.

The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would undermine the government's case accusing Boeing Co. of retaliating against union workers.

The measure, approved on a 238-186 vote, would limit the National Labor Relations Board's enforcement power by prohibiting the agency from ordering any employer to shut down plants or relocate work, even after a company had violated labor laws.

Republicans and their allies in the business community have criticized the National Labor Relations Board for more than a year as the agency issued a spate of union-friendly decisions and rules.

Read more: House Passes Bill To Limit Labor Relations Board Authority | Fox News

To bad the Senate will not even consider it, let alone pass it.

I understand stopping companies from Closing up shop and moving away from Union Areas, But that is not what Boeing is doing here.

They wanted to create 1000 New Jobs in SC, and arrogant fucking Liberal Union assholes think they have the right to tell them just because some of their Plants are in Union areas, they are not allowed to Open new Plants anywhere but Union areas.

How fucking unamerican,

If I were Boeing I would have said straight up, Either we build in SC, or Mexico, You choose. Because the law prevents them from Closing up show and moving to non union states, but it can not stop them from moving to Mexico, and in this case they were not closing anything, No Union worker is going to lose a job with this deal, they simply are not getting the 1000 new Jobs, Boeing wants to bring to SC.

You people wonder why we say sometimes Unions get out of hand, this shit is why. Who the hell are Union workers to say that People in SC can not benefit when Boeing decides to open a whole new Production line. I mean what a bunch of Selfish arrogant assholes.

I have heard them calling Boeing and anyone who is for this deal SCABS. What utter nonsense. A scab is someone who crosses a picket line, and takes jobs away from Striking workers who are just right out side the door. A scab is not someone getting a Job from Boeing in SC, that does not cost a single Union worker their Job.
Good employees always have negotiating power. What your talking about is the power to extort money from private firms. You're talking about a license to steal, not freedom.

You really overestimate the power of employees. Even people with talents as rare as superstar athletes don't have a large degree of negotiating power. You think some guy doing welding does?
Damned straight he does! And it's in his employer's best interest to reward excellent employees. It's damned tough to hold onto your best talent when a union forces you to pay the least talented the same wage.
With a union, skill has less to do with your paycheck that the length of time you've managed to avoid getting fired.
For the most part, I've avoided union shops like the plague. I have a work ethic that makes me want to give my best on the job. I resent the shit out of people who have been on the job twice as long and do half the work.
A union wage fairly compensates the average worker. It overpays the underachievers and cheats excellence.

He doesn't. And his employer's best interest is to pay him the lowest possible wage.
Right, just like "grandfather clauses" didn't actively ban African-Americans from voting, but that was the impact.

apples and pears.

Not at all. I could sit here all night listing ideas for laws that don't officially do something while doing it in practice. The point is "right-to-work" laws make it impossible to form a union, even if it would make workers better off, without them making an active choice to harm themselves.

Maybe if unions can only exist if they can Compel people to Join, they shouldn't exist.

All the SC right to work says is you can not require someone to join a union, in order to get a Job. It does not make it impossible for People to Unionize, it just means they have to actually convince new Hires to Join the Union, and can not just compel them to and start taking dues from them, Even if they don't want to have anything to do with the Union.
You really overestimate the power of employees. Even people with talents as rare as superstar athletes don't have a large degree of negotiating power. You think some guy doing welding does?
Damned straight he does! And it's in his employer's best interest to reward excellent employees. It's damned tough to hold onto your best talent when a union forces you to pay the least talented the same wage.
With a union, skill has less to do with your paycheck that the length of time you've managed to avoid getting fired.
For the most part, I've avoided union shops like the plague. I have a work ethic that makes me want to give my best on the job. I resent the shit out of people who have been on the job twice as long and do half the work.
A union wage fairly compensates the average worker. It overpays the underachievers and cheats excellence.

He doesn't. And his employer's best interest is to pay him the lowest possible wage.

Wrong, In an truly free market, Employers have to compete for Employees, and can not just pay hardly Nothing, If they want to retain workers and be able to hire more. Of course this only works when there are the same number, or More workers than Jobs.
It will never get past Reid in the Senate. He'll sit on it like he has every GOP jobs proposal since 2008.

2012 is coming. The way things are going, the Democrat party couldn't beat the Wooden Indian Party.

Soon Reid will be the Minority Leader and then he can sit on whatever he pleases.


I forgot... liberals only hate the filibuster when Republicans threaten it.
Went out for dinner, actually. Steak, rice, veggies. Good stuff.

glad you enjoyed it. Now, about that link I asked for proving that there is at least 1 state that bans unions???

Read close. I never said any state banned unions. I said states "effectively ban" unions.

effectively - Definition of effectively at Dictionary and Thesaurus (define effectively)
EFFECTIVELY: in actuality or reality or fact

Ban | Define Ban at
BAN: to prohibit, forbid, or bar

'effectively ban' - to ban in actuality or reality or fact
That's not true. States haven't given people the freedom of choice (they've had that all along). They've given people the right to take money out of the pockets of others.

Who is taking money out of who's pockets?

That's the entire premise of "right to work" laws. Non-union members get to take money out of the pockets of union members. I wonder why people wouldn't join unions in those states...

Why do union members have a greater right to work than non-union members?
How 'bout letting the courts do their job, stop grandstanding and electioneering- passing BS bills for the dupes, and passing some GD jobs bills? Pub dupes!!
Did you dupes notice "austerity" and disfunction is KILLING the world economy? Oh right, it's all Obama's fault! Course he hasn't passed a bill since 1/2010. You're fegging brainwashed drones. tyvm...LOL!
Did you dupes notice "austerity" and disfunction is KILLING the world economy? Oh right, it's all Obama's fault! Course he hasn't passed a bill since 1/2010. You're fegging brainwashed drones. tyvm...LOL!

Did you notice that unsustainable entitlement economies are killing Europe?

No, you didn't, because you're a fucking idiot.
Did you notice you have the same BS answers for everything, no matter what the facts are. The Pub great Depression and corruption caused all this, Europe IS weak, only the USA can get us out of this, and "the greatest danger to the world economy is fanatic RWers in congress" (UK CONSERVATIVE budget Director). Great job, and the dupes are distracted by irrelevant union busting BS and debt fear mongering and electioneering. Brilliant!! Making the world fail for pure greed.
Did you dupes notice "austerity" and disfunction is KILLING the world economy? Oh right, it's all Obama's fault! Course he hasn't passed a bill since 1/2010. You're fegging brainwashed drones. tyvm...LOL!

Spending $1.6 trillion more than you take in is "austerity?"

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