Freedom wins...big government loses...Boeing Bill passes

Ok so have you ever thought of where this road is going. Not just with Boeing.

You think a company will pay more for blue collar workers? Why would they? Experience? Where are you going to get experience especially with jobs being contracted out and by contracted I mean the kind that you pick up at a 7-11 and they jump on the truck.

Where is this going? Because I see it being more for business and less for the employees any way you slice it. Take the unions out of the equation.
We need to live within our means, close the Borders, send home who we can, and relearn how to compete in a Free Market, playing by the rules. Start your own Business, Sub Contract, do what it takes. Failed Policies have brought down wages by flooding Markets with goods and services, while selectively protecting Monopolies. Why? To what end?

The Government has no Right to tell Boeing in what States it is allowed to build Plants. Grow up.
In other words, when it is percieved by the NLRB (without benefit of court proceedings or outside input), as it is in this case, that a company has broken the law, this Federal agency should have the authority to close down the business. And you think this is OK?

Outragious. Now instead of being innocent until proven guilty, there must only be a perception by the government that you may have broken the law in order to exact instant judgement and execution of the law.

Guess what dip shit, that's kind of how are justice system works. If you were accused of being a pedophile, do you think the cops would let you go back to your day job at the pre-school before there was a hearing? Nope. They wouldn't. You seem to think that's "outragious" though!


We have a winner!!
Congratulations goes out to "Don't Be Stupid"...for a post that is the exact opposite of a users profile name. "DBS" shows incredible ingenuity for attempting to make a connection between Boeing and child molesters. Let's face it folks, it takes a lot of brain synapses to come up with a post like this.

To note....this is the first time we have had a winner other than TruthMatters in over a month.
How 'bout letting the courts do their job, stop grandstanding and electioneering- passing BS bills for the dupes, and passing some GD jobs bills? Pub dupes!!

Hey, Dimocrat dupe...

Republicans Remind Obama: Democrats Are Blocking House-Passed Jobs Bills |

Bills Passed by the House of Representatives that Have Not Been Considered by the Democrat-Controlled Senate

The Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act (H.R. 872), which would halt duplicative federal regulations on farmers and small business owners that are impeding job creation.

The Energy Tax Prevention Act (H.R. 910), which would stop the federal bureaucracy from imposing a job-destroying national energy tax.

The Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act (H.R. 2018), which would restrict the federal government’s ability to second-guess or delay a state’s permitting and water quality certification decisions under the Clean Water Act once the EPA has already approved a state’s program, preventing approval process delays that cost jobs and leave businesses hampered by uncertainty.

The Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act (H.R. 1315), which would increase consumer protection and government accountability by eliminating the ability of Dodd-Frank’s unelected Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director to unilaterally carry out regulations that hurt job growth.

The Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act (H.R. 1230), which would help to address high gas prices and support the creation of new American jobs by increasing offshore energy production.

The Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act (H.R. 1229) and the Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act (H.R. 1231), which would help to put thousands of Americans back to work by ending the de facto moratorium on American energy production in the Gulf of Mexico in a safe, responsible and transparent manner by setting firm timelines for considering permits to drill.

The Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011 (H.R. 2021), which would streamline the permit process for American energy production to help lower prices and create tens of thousands of new jobs.

The North American-Made Energy Security Act (H.R. 1938), which would require the federal government to make a determination by a date certain on whether or not it will allow the Keystone XL pipeline expansion, which is projected to directly create 20,000 jobs and support the creation of thousands more, to move forward.

A Budget for Fiscal Year 2012 (H.Con.Res. 34). With Washington’s failure to control spending hurting job creation in America, the House has passed its budget, while the Senate has not yet considered a budget of its own.
So... I re-read this thread and unless I missed something, NO ONE has stated what the penalty would be for a company that breaks the law. Do any of you even know? Or are you honestly saying that no company will ever break the law, never, never, never?

It depends on the law they broke. Boeing broke no laws.
He sponsors a bill that will weaken the enforcement powers of a board that has national reach, all so he can get jobs for his state ... and you don't find that self-serving?

Who gives a crap? The NLRB shouldn't even exist. It's sole purpose is to violate the rights of employers.
The law you all have been crying over this entire thread!

It is illegal for a company to retaliate against a union for past strikes. That is the law. If this bill passes, what then is the penalty to a business that does that?

Absolutely none of you know, yet you are cheering this bill.

Nothing. It should be against the law. However, Boeing did not break any laws.

Jesus, are you all that short sighted? All you care about is the Boeing ruling? You don't give a rat's ass about any long term implications?

You have ZERO idea what the new penalty would be, if any. You don't care. All you care about is Boeing and some 1100 jobs in South Carolina.

No wonder this country is going down hill.

New penalty for what? If it's not about Boeing, then what's it about?
In other words, when it is percieved by the NLRB (without benefit of court proceedings or outside input), as it is in this case, that a company has broken the law, this Federal agency should have the authority to close down the business. And you think this is OK?

Outragious. Now instead of being innocent until proven guilty, there must only be a perception by the government that you may have broken the law in order to exact instant judgement and execution of the law.

The NLRB shouldn't even exist. It was created to force private corporations to concede to union extortion. It's nothing more than the union's leg breaker.
Guess what dip shit, that's kind of how are justice system works. If you were accused of being a pedophile, do you think the cops would let you go back to your day job at the pre-school before there was a hearing? Nope. They wouldn't. You seem to think that's "outragious" though!

That's how the injustice system works. The Constitution mandates that you are innocent until proven guilty.
You really overestimate the power of employees. Even people with talents as rare as superstar athletes don't have a large degree of negotiating power. You think some guy doing welding does?

Yes, of course he does. Employers have to compete for the best employees. I negotiate my pay all the time, and I make plenty.
Yeah, the GM and Chrysler bankruptcies proved how unions are such a greet boon for workers. I suppose they are if they can get the government to shake down the taxpayers for them.

So it's the workers' fault that GM and Chrysler were ran by morons?

It's the union's fault that GM and Chrysler were forced by the government to agree to outrageous contract that no sane company would agree to voluntarily.

And don't tell me it was voluntary.
Who is taking money out of who's pockets?

That's the entire premise of "right to work" laws. Non-union members get to take money out of the pockets of union members. I wonder why people wouldn't join unions in those states...

ROFL! Sorry, but union thugs are not entitled to any money from private corporations other than what the later have agreed to voluntarily. Nothing has been taken from them.
I understand stopping companies from Closing up shop and moving away from Union Areas, But that is not what Boeing is doing here.

Why should that be against the law? It seems to me, that's the whole point of our federal system of government: If you don't like the laws in one state, then move to another. Why should any private firm be forced to kow-tow to union thugs?
He doesn't. And his employer's best interest is to pay him the lowest possible wage.

Karl Marx's economic theories were discredited long ago, but it appears they are alive and well in the labor movement
apples and pears.

Not at all. I could sit here all night listing ideas for laws that don't officially do something while doing it in practice. The point is "right-to-work" laws make it impossible to form a union, even if it would make workers better off, without them making an active choice to harm themselves.

Maybe if unions can only exist if they can Compel people to Join, they shouldn't exist.

All the SC right to work says is you can not require someone to join a union, in order to get a Job. It does not make it impossible for People to Unionize, it just means they have to actually convince new Hires to Join the Union, and can not just compel them to and start taking dues from them, Even if they don't want to have anything to do with the Union.

You really, really don't understand what "right-to-work" laws do. The thing you think they do (prevent closed shops) is already not allowed by a federal law.

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