Freelance reporter loses bid to revive First Amendment suit


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A freelance reporter arrested while covering an undercover prostitution sting does not have a claim for a violation of his First Amendment rights, a federal appeals court held Monday.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declined to revive the lawsuit William Lund filed against the city of Rockford and three police officers.

Two of the officers followed Lund as he left the scene of the sting and arrested him for riding his motorized bicycle the wrong way on a one-way street.

Lund maintains the officers were not concerned with his purported traffic violation and instead arrested him in retaliation for his news gathering activities and his previous criticisms of the police force.

Oh? How unfortunate.
The arrest likely was in retaliation for his news gathering activities and his previous criticisms of the police force.

But if one violates the law while exercising his First Amendment rights, he's given the state the opportunity to violate his rights with impunity.
I cant complain. I would like to take April with me into May and beyond. I dont see it as anywhere near over but its been a welcome break in the end of the world.
He was driving the wrong way because he knew he was in trouble and wanted to get out of there quick. That aint free speech either. I fail to understand what he was doimg s somehow freedom of speech or press.

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