French,German,Arab Leaders & US Liberals Ignore Darfur Genocide,Per Clinton's Example


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2004
france wants to be the counter power to the US.... well where the fuck are they on darfur? a frenchophone client state (chad) is in danger of being destabilized, what happened to the french empire chirac and his cronies in the past have tried to keep alive? france has decided in this case of genocide in africa, instead of actively arming and protecting the guilty parties like they did for hutu power, they'll just shut up and pretend they never had any intentions on being a great power. and that they're supposedly powerless to stop mass murder! well france, fuck off!

oh but what's that? germany wants to knock the US for being a hyperpower, they want global leadership. germany has some history with genocide, they commited one only about 60 years ago. oh wow, they've also got a top of the line military for a country other than america, britain or china. well, my, what have they done for darfur? not a fucking thing. oh, i thought you guys were a european power, a global force to be respected. but oh yea, you don't want to help america in iraq either, that's the kind of friend you are... well germany, fuck off!

oh, islamic countries (pakistan, algeria, egypt, saudi arabia)... your people moan and complain about the american genocide of iraqis and the israeli genocide of palestinians, both of which are very non-existent, but your own fellow muslims are SLAUGHTERING other muslims because their skin color is dark... do i hear you at the UN moaning and crying? do i hear a word of condemnation pass your lips? well no, okay then, since you obviously really don't care much about this Islam thing (if you did, you'd be berating the Sudanese and threatning intra religious war for pulling this stunt), guess what islamic countries... FUCK OFF!

oh yea one final group... american AND european liberals... hi guys, heard your big checks pass my little check to amnesty and human rights watch every year... funny how these same groups have been sounding the alarm since march about darfur but i haven't heard one word from your lips... you guys have been too busy pursuing the death of respectable politics by demonizing bush at every media chance you get. but oh what's this? now that bush has slipped up a bit (not mentioning darfur prominently at the g-8 summit) and you smell political blood, now you wanna talk about darfur! really, that amazes me, where the fuck were you the past 4 months? and your precious UN, which you care so much about yet won't accept an ounce of reality about, won't do a damn thing about this genocide because it can't. kofi annan shook the hand of the monster who said "no humanitarian crisis is happening, this is all an invention of the media" oh yea, so with the exception of nick kristof, michael igniteff and maybe william raspberry, all the rest of you.... FUCK OFF!!!!!

funny how your patron saint president (Clinton) did exactly what you guys have been doing up until now, back during rwanda, where 800,000 rwandans were slaughtered in 100 days, a rate of speed that would have made hitler jump for joy. HE DID JACK SHIT!

so yea, um mr. annan, mr. chirac, mr. schroder, jesus mr. blair, various arab and muslim leaders, mr. powell.... how many acts of genocide constitute a genocide? ask bill clinton, he knows the answer well. NOT ENOUGH FOR ANY OF US TO RISK IT TO GO IN AND STOP IT!

but hey instead, you'll tack on some travel sanctions on a bunch of raping murderers who sit on camels all day and have probably never left their country, except to attend some hate school in saudi arabia or pakistan.

here's a suggestion... let's go for all out honesty. tell the people of darfur, the survivors, that you just don't give a fuck about them. be honest please. "if it ain't anti-america or anti-israel, we can't speak up at the UN" please, tell them you talk a lot of shit about taking up leadership but have no intentions of starting in darfur. please tell muslims everywhere, don't expect justice if a fellow muslim rapes, tortures and murders you, and tries to exterminate your entire village/tribe/race.... only expect us to bitch if its done by an "infidel"
Good read. What is Darfur exactly? Im lost on that part. I have a general idea though.
:clap: :clap:


That is what the EU, UN leaders do all day... "hmm, someday we will win, yes, pinky, we will.., now get my..."
Originally posted by insein
Good read. What is Darfur exactly? Im lost on that part. I have a general idea though.

I waited for someone to answer, but now I will: Here is a link going back to May

The Sudanese are attacking for conquest, thousands upon thousands. Only the US and UK seem to be hearing. Koffi Annan followed Powell there, in initial meeting he realized the village was wiped out, literally 3-4 k were 'gone'. Later that day, he praised the President of Sudan for addressing the problem.

So was Koffi thanking him for liquidation?
So its a location in Sudan then. Yes i knew it had something to do with Sudan. Wasn't exactly sure what though. Sudan is all the proof you need to see how much the UN cares about innocent people.
Wow nato air, stellar rant, my man! Keep up the good work!

:clap1: :clap1: :clap1:

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