Zone1 Antisemitism is what drives the insane condemnation of Israel, and here’s proof

Huh? not an equivalent parallel. I am not lying about a genocide committed by Israel and then ignoring the real genocide. All these anti-Israel protestors are doing just that.
You lying about people supporting terrorists. And…your specific exampLe of Omar kind of fell flat. She has NOT been ignoring real genocide, quite the opposite. Ever since 2017 she has worked keeping it in people’s awareness and advocated for them.

Also, it is normal for a Jew, especially someone like me with Holocaust victims in her family, to be more terrified of the massacre against Jews in Israel - and the Muslim terrorists’ threat to continue them until all the Jews are dead - than the horror in Myanmar. That’s human nature.

Yes, it is. But it also illustrates the one sideness of both those who attack Israel and those who defend it.

If a bunch of white savages launched an attack in a black area of a city, torturing 1400 of them to death, and a black was sickened by it and complained about it, would you say....well, you don’t complain about the Muslims in Myanmar.

How is that comparable? It isn’t genocide. It isn’t war. It is a criminal act within our own country and we have the laws and means to arrest people and make them face justice.

Also you specifically brought up the Rohinga (in an article that was only from yesterday) in order to bitch about people not caring when it’s not Jews. Well you don’t either.

Also, I would thank you for NOT attributing thoughts to me that I don’t have, such as your accusation that I haven‘t brought up the Rohingya because I don’t “give a damn about Muslims.”

The fact is that the news barely covers it. It’s quite telling that the liberal media doesn’t mention it all. I found the article about the beheadings and burnings - 36,000 Muslims were thrown into fire pits, so where is the news coverage on that? - online.

Why is the mainstream media ignoring all that, yet focusing so much on what the Joos are doing? Why haven’t college students held encampments and protests over that, but were quick to express outrage when it involves Jews? Or, why haven’t the college students expressed outrage for the Muslims holding and abusing innocent Jewish hostages?

The focus is entirely on the wrongdoing of Israel - which is both driven by antisemitism and being used to promote antisemitism.
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Also, I would thank you for attributing thoughts to me that I don’t have, such as your accusation that I haven‘t brought up the Rohingya because I don’t “give a damn about Muslims.”
Lisa, be real. Your references to Muslims are consistently…without exception…pretty hateful. Why would I think you would therefore give a damn?

The fact is that the news barely covers it. It’s quite telling that the liberal media doesn’t mention it all. I found the article about the beheadings and burnings - 36,000 Muslims were thrown into fire pits, so where is the news coverage on that? - online.
The fact that the news doesn’t cover it as thoroughly as other conflicts is a sad commentary on where are cultural and national interests are and how brief our attention span is. The atrocities against the Rohinga are every bit as bad as what Hamas did to the Israeli’s but they garner a fraction of the interest and support.

Why is the mainstream media ignoring all that, yet focusing so much on what the Joos are doing?

Why is the rightwing media ignoring all that and focusing only on Hamas?

Why haven’t college students held encampments and protests over that, but were quick to express outrage when it involves Jews? Or, why haven’t the college students expressed outrage for the Muslims holding and abusing innocent Jewish hostages?
Why aren’t the pro-Israeli college protesters expressing outrage of the number of children killed in Gaza?

People focus on the causes that interest them.

Why is it you refer to it as “the Muslims holding Jewish hostages” instead of “Hamas holding Jewish hostages”?

The focus is entirely on the wrongdoing of Israel - which is both driven by antisemitism and being used to promote antisemitism.
I both agree and disagree. People focus on Israel for many reasons….because:

It is a proxy for their feelings about Jews without actually saying so (antisemitism).

They support Israel because they feel a strong connection to it.

It is inextricably intertwined with the Holocaust and there is a cultural need to atone for antisemitism and to make sure it never happens again.

It has a controversial history and a decades long unresolved conflict and many people have rigidly chosen sides.

People support the Palestinian right to self determination and feel the current situation is unjust and wrong.

There is a lot of religion involved.
You would be hateful too if it were Kluxer Lynchings or Nazi Treatment of Gypsies Jews & Homosexuals In WW2 So Lisa is doing the right thing hatin on teh Arab Terrorists
No Lisa, anti semitism is not behind the criticism of what Netanyahu has done.
What Israel has done to the Palestinians in Gaza is vastly less than what Russia has done to the people of Ukraine. Those who condemn Israel without condemning Russia are motivated by anti semitism.
Israel is condemned because Israel murders civilians.
No, Hamas murders civilians. Israeli as well as Gazan. Israel does everything possible to minimize civilian casualties, Hamas does everything it can to maximize civilian casualties. There is no moral equivalency between the two.
Is it unreasonable to demand more of countries we support than of countries we don't support? That being said, do you think U.S. involvement has promoted peace in the Middle East?
Considering US "involvment" walks both sides of the street, would depend which faction you are referring to.

Top Federal Government Partner ANERA Is a Hive of Jew-Hate and Hamas-Support​

Israel is condemned because Israel murders civilians.
I sill say that Hamas terrorists have achieved the result they wanted: They have provoked the Israeli Defense Force to behave in ways that have increased international hatred for Jews and Israel. Hamas has halted Israel's efforts to be recognized by more Arab countries.

Obviously, I regret those results, but I recognize them. Hamas terrorists do not care if they are killed. They doubt they have much to live for. They think 72 virgins are waiting for each of them in Paradise.
^^^ another liberal antisemite who proves the OP.
There are right wing anti-semites too. By attacking liberals with a battle ax you're needlessly alienating potential allies. Be more precise in your attacks on anti-semites. Use a rapier.
Why did you wait all this time to suddenly bring up the Rohinga? Are they a useful enough tool to you now, so you can use them scream “antisemitism” at everyone? You didn’t give a damn when they were being massacred before or the ongoing atrocities they have faced since then, presumably because they are Muslim (some actually claimed they brought it on themselves, another similarity to the Jews.)

But, I do agree with you on this: it is a sad fact that when it doesn’t involves Jews (either to defend or condemn) it generates very little attention (including from you.)

Actually, the sad fact no one cares that much about atrocities in that part of the world, or in Africa, like the Congo…try starting a thread, ( a genuine thread) on those atrocities and it will die for lack of interest.

And you are wrong about Omar:

Why do you think it is ok to call people who simply support Palestinian rights “Hamas supporters” but outraged when people call pro-Israel supporters Pro-genocide? Both are false.
Yeah, if you start a thread about the Congo, you'll get a bunch of factless nonsense and one sided arguments about Africans.
Lisa, be real. Your references to Muslims are consistently…without exception…pretty hateful. Why would I think you would therefore give a damn?

The fact that the news doesn’t cover it as thoroughly as other conflicts is a sad commentary on where are cultural and national interests are and how brief our attention span is. The atrocities against the Rohinga are every bit as bad as what Hamas did to the Israeli’s but they garner a fraction of the interest and support.

Why is the rightwing media ignoring all that and focusing only on Hamas?

Why aren’t the pro-Israeli college protesters expressing outrage of the number of children killed in Gaza?

People focus on the causes that interest them.

Why is it you refer to it as “the Muslims holding Jewish hostages” instead of “Hamas holding Jewish hostages”?

I both agree and disagree. People focus on Israel for many reasons….because:

It is a proxy for their feelings about Jews without actually saying so (antisemitism).

They support Israel because they feel a strong connection to it.

It is inextricably intertwined with the Holocaust and there is a cultural need to atone for antisemitism and to make sure it never happens again.

It has a controversial history and a decades long unresolved conflict and many people have rigidly chosen sides.

People support the Palestinian right to self determination and feel the current situation is unjust and wrong.

There is a lot of religion involved.
People can and will change allegiances if the rhetoric pushed is constant. We are in a transition now. Civility between different groups is thin in many ways. People who complain about Jewish influences are called antisemites. And many still support Jews. that will not last.
There are right wing anti-semites too. By attacking liberals with a battle ax you're needlessly alienating potential allies. Be more precise in your attacks on anti-semites. Use a rapier.
You’ve said that previously, and I’ve pointed out the differences:

1) There are now substantially more leftists who are antisemitic. The thousands of people on campus - many of whom are not even college students - bullying, assaulting, blocking the entry of Jews, yelling Hitler-era slogans, etc. - are not on the right.

2) But even worse, we have officials who are enabling the vicious antisemitism - and they are all on the left. Look at how all those college presidents refused to condemn the call to genocide the Jews. Look at how the Vice-principals of that middle school in leftist California took their 6th-graders out of class to March over to the Jewish Community Center to scream “Death to Jews!” at the Jewish children.

The problem is that the Left has been bought and paid for by radical, Jew-hating Muslims. You see this predominately at the university level, and to a lesser extent at the high school level in liberal areas, where rich Arab money has bought influence.

So don’t give me that liberal “both sides” argument. The danger to Jews is coming from Democrats. The Jews who continue to vote Democrat are ruled by their liberalism, which supersedes their identification with their Judiasm.
People can and will change allegiances if the rhetoric pushed is constant. We are in a transition now. Civility between different groups is thin in many ways. People who complain about Jewish influences are called antisemites. And many still support Jews. that will not last.
Yes. Tragically, the Arabs have bought their way into the universities - and that is why the students have been so brainwashed against Israel and Jews, which are intertwined. That is why NYU wouldn’t let a Jew supporting Israel run for the Student Body. That is why Berkeley set up “No Jew Zones” where Jews were not allowed to speak. That is why liberal universities have tons of anti-Israel clubs.

The younger generation has been brainwashed against Israel, which is driven and paid for by Arabs’ antisemitism. They are using the liberal universities as their training ground. And in 10 years, these 22-year olds will be running for local offices, and even Congress. In 15 years, they will be running for the Senate. And even the presidency.

And as you can see ALREADY with Biden, the Democrats will placate the antisemitic Muslims in order to win votes. Jews will pay a heavy price.
Civilians are always killed in wars. We killed a lot during World Ware II and the War in Vietnam.

Palestinian terrorists target civilians.

Unless they just stepped out of a cave, nobody denies that Hamas kills civilians. Israel was well within their rights to get rough with Hamas and I think some civilian deaths were inevitable, but that doesn't free Israel from its duty to keep casualties to a minimum, which it is most certainly not.

I get that people want revenge and when people are in a vengeance state of mind, it's easy to fantasize about teaching the Palestinians a lesson, and yes, there's certainly a precedent for indiscriminate warfare. But we live in a different world than we did in 1965 or 1945. There are no more Secret Wars. We live in the age of TikTok, X, and Telegram. These images get shared and it just fuels outrage and sows the seeds of potential unrest.

There are (potentially) serious diplomatic consequences if Israel continues on this path of wholesale destruction, and there are consequences for the U.S. if we continue to support Israel when the world sees what they're doing. I know diplomacy might seem like a soft subject, but keep in mind the US competes with other world powers like China and Russia for diplomatic respect.

Beyond that, Israel is, as I see it, creating a much more complicated security situation for itself. It pushed all the way down South to Rafah and now Hamas fighters are popping up again elsewhere. It's playing a game of whack-a-mole.

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