French Leader predicts Global Chaos in 500 days!

Said what, specifically?

Anyone who can parse simple English knows the French guy did not say climate chaos arrives in 500 days. If someone is claiming the French guy said climate chaos arrives in 500 days, that person is either lying, stupid, or simply failed to read what the guy said, and is blindly taking someone else's word for it. Are you making such a claim?

"“We have 500 days to avoid climate chaos,”

That's not a statement that chaos begins in 500 days. That's a statement that action has to be taken in 500 days, otherwise chaos will occur at some unstated future time.

Do you understand, or do I have to dumb it down some more?
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Said what, specifically?

Anyone who can parse simple English knows the French guy did not say climate chaos arrives in 500 days. If someone is claiming the French guy said climate chaos arrives in 500 days, that person is either lying, stupid, or simply failed to read what the guy said, and is blindly taking someone else's word for it. Are you making such a claim?

"“We have 500 days to avoid climate chaos,”

That's not a statement that chaos begins in 500 days. That's a statement that action has to be taken in 500 days, otherwise chaos will occur at some unstated future time.

Do you understand, or do I have to dumb it down some more?

Only 493 days now.
Said what, specifically?

Anyone who can parse simple English knows the French guy did not say climate chaos arrives in 500 days. If someone is claiming the French guy said climate chaos arrives in 500 days, that person is either lying, stupid, or simply failed to read what the guy said, and is blindly taking someone else's word for it. Are you making such a claim?

"“We have 500 days to avoid climate chaos,”

That's not a statement that chaos begins in 500 days. That's a statement that action has to be taken in 500 days, otherwise chaos will occur at some unstated future time.

Do you understand, or do I have to dumb it down some more?
oh come on!! that is BS with two capital Bs.
Fascinating, how the denier cult has come up with its own speshul PC way of interpreting standard English.

I guess every doomsday cult needs its special language tricks. That encourages the feeling of belonging among the cultists.
Fascinating, how the denier cult has come up with its own speshul PC way of interpreting standard English.

I guess every doomsday cult needs its special language tricks. That encourages the feeling of belonging among the cultists.
The french dude said it and we're the cultest? again you make me laugh.

So you're saying all he meant was he'll revisit this in 500 days, and what, say again 500 days? Yep and we were all supposed to die on December 21, 2012. Oh and what about the year 2000 and what about all of the other worthless predictions.

Suck it up bub, Your side said it so it is yours that is the doomsdayers.
Did you realize that your command of English is declining with each post?

It's your cult. It's destroying your brain. Bail out, while you can still feed yourself.
Fascinating, how the denier cult has come up with its own speshul PC way of interpreting standard English.

I guess every doomsday cult needs its special language tricks. That encourages the feeling of belonging among the cultists.

Speaking of melting brains, yours is almost gone. We are not the doomsday cult. You guys are making the dire predictions.
Did you realize that your command of English is declining with each post?

It's your cult. It's destroying your brain. Bail out, while you can still feed yourself.
My command of the english language is just fine. I understand when dumb is dumber. And this is....well...... dumber!
So Predfan is still predicting global chaos in 500 days?

I guess everyone needs a hobby. Screaming like Chicken Little is his.

Curious if anyone reads your posts from your side and wonders, leave it alone dude.

You're funny though. a man flying around looking for something, but not quite sure what it is, so hangs around like someone actually cares.

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